Basic format of yaml file for k8s and underlying load balancing implementation principle
This article is only a summary of your own, if you need detailed information, please go around.
Note: yaml files require strict indentation. By default, two spaces are indented at different levels.
1. Create a Deployment resource object using httpd mirroring
[root@master ~]# vim lvjianzhao.yaml #Write yaml file
kind: Deployment ...
Posted by rastem on Thu, 07 Nov 2019 04:17:01 -0800
Mysql Series II: CentOS 7.4 installation of mysql5.7.28 source code
This article is the blog Mysql Series II: CentOS 7.4 install Mysql 5.7.28 source code
There are many ways to install mysql. Take Centos7 as an example, you can download the compiled binary code on the official website for installation, and you can download the rpm package on the official website for installation. In this paper, we introduce th ...
Posted by damnedbee on Thu, 07 Nov 2019 02:15:38 -0800
Cobbler automatic unattended installation (actual combat!)
Introduction to Cobbler
Cobbler is a Linux server installation service. It can quickly install and reinstall physical servers and virtual machines through PXE, and manage DHCP, DNS, etc.
Cobbler can use command-line management, also provides a Web-based interface management tool (cobbler Web), also provides an API interface, which is conveni ...
Posted by Greaser9780 on Wed, 06 Nov 2019 09:45:16 -0800
The configuration and application of Apache in Linux system
Log segmentation
As the number of visits to the website increases, Apache's individual log files will grow by default
Log files take up a lot of disk space
Inconvenient to view relevant information
Split log files
Implementation of rotatelogs segmentation tool in Apache
Third party tool cronolog segmentation
rotatelogs segmentation
Posted by hdpt00 on Wed, 06 Nov 2019 03:23:05 -0800
vsftpd service configuration in Linux (anonymous, user, virtual user)
vsftpd overview
vsftpd is the abbreviation of "very secure FTP daemon". Security is one of its biggest characteristics. vsftpd is the name of a server running on a UNIX like operating system. It can run on systems such as Linux, BSD, Solaris, HP UNIX, etc. it is a completely free, open source FTP server software that supports many f ...
Posted by Shovinus on Tue, 05 Nov 2019 09:04:01 -0800
Building of load balancing in LVS DR mode (single network segment)
The experiment needs five virtual machines, all of which are centos7
lvs server
1 interface 2 interface
rs1 server
rs2 server
**Client configuration**
vim /etc/sysconfig/nerwork-scripts/ifcfg-ens33
Posted by isurgeon on Tue, 05 Nov 2019 06:51:20 -0800
Nginx website service building - basic services, setting access rights
Nginx is a high-performance, lightweight web service software with high stability, low system resource consumption and high processing capacity for HTTP concurrent connections.
Frequently used commands
Experimental steps
1. Obtain the source package on Windows remotely and mount it on Linux2. Decompress the source package and download t ...
Posted by rofl90 on Tue, 05 Nov 2019 06:32:25 -0800
Redis cluster deployment details
Blog Outline:I. Redis cluster related conceptsII. Deployment of Redis cluster
1. Deployment environment
2. Configure Redis instance
3. Configure multiple Redis instances of node06 host
4. The host node01 is installed and configured with the running environment of ruby to facilitate the management of Redis cluster
5. Configure each node in th ...
Posted by thefury on Mon, 04 Nov 2019 16:16:20 -0800
Prometheus: Prometheus monitoring switch (snmp)
Prometheus service is installed by default, service address:
I. obtain snmp information of the switch
snmp service IP (switch IP):
snmp community: dfetest
II. Deploy SNMP exporter
2.1 download SNMP ﹐ exporter
Download the SNMP exporter installation package at: ...
Posted by etherboo on Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:43:14 -0800
git merge --squash / git rebase -i / git cherry-pick
git merge --squash
git merge --squash {srcBranch} Often used infeatBranch merge todevThe complex commit logs are compressed to make the merge clear.
take srcBranchAhead of the current branch commits Merge to the current branch, and the current branch does notcommit,Allow us to do it manually once the conflict is successfully merged or resolved ...
Posted by viko20 on Sun, 03 Nov 2019 08:45:47 -0800