The pool, slow execution log, open_basedir, process management of php-fpm in LNMP architecture (6)

1. pool of php-fpm In order to avoid the problem of using the same pool for multiple sites, which is caused by the failure of one site, and then affects the normal operation of other sites using the same pool, it is necessary to set up a separate pool for each site. 1.1 Configure multiple pool s for php-fpm Edit the php-fpm configuration file: ...

Posted by Virtuali on Fri, 04 Jan 2019 22:18:09 -0800

CentOS 7.3 Builds Apache+PHP7+web SVN+MariaDB Web Server (2017-08-20)

Note: This tutorial is installed using clean CentOS 7. If you have installed other environments or software, which involves kernel upgrades, please backup properly, which may lead to incompatibility or other problems with the installed software. Disclaimer: This tutorial is written only from personal experience and may not be suitable for all ...

Posted by zeezack on Tue, 01 Jan 2019 17:57:08 -0800

If logic judgment, file directory attribute judgment, if special usage, case judgment in 20.5-20.8 shell script

if logic judgment in 5 shell script Logical Judgment Expressions if logic judgment format if logic judgment example 6 File Catalog Attribute Judgment File Catalog Attribute Judgment Example 7 if special usage if special usage Example 8209 case judgement case Judgment Format In case, you can use expressions or meanings such as Ex ...

Posted by tbuzz on Tue, 25 Dec 2018 09:51:06 -0800

linux cut, sort_wc_uniq, tee_tr_split commands and some special symbols

The shell special symbol cut command:1. * Any arbitrary character (this is a wildcard character)2. Any character3. # Annotation Character4. \ Definition character5,| Pipeline CharacterSeveral pipeline-related orders:1. cut partition, - d separator - f specifies the segment number - c specifies the number of characters.Example:[root@aminglinux-0 ...

Posted by cesar110 on Mon, 24 Dec 2018 10:57:06 -0800

LNMP centos7 install php7.3 nginx 1.4 deploy and install wordpress

lnmp environment, php and nginx are installed on a machine, mysql is a separate server. Install php7.3 download wget tar -zxvf php-7.3.0beta1.tar.gz useradd -s /sbin/nologin php-fpm Compile ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/php –with-curl –with-freetyp ...

Posted by gckmac on Sat, 22 Dec 2018 04:09:06 -0800

linux Learning Chapter 59: LVS DR Model Building, Keeping Alived LVS

Construction of LVS DR Model Dead work Three machines Distributor, also known as dispatcher (abbreviated as dir) The gateway of the previous rs machine needs to be changed back 85.132 rs1 85.129 rs2 85.128 vip 85.200 DR Model Building Write the script vim/usr/local/sbin/ on dir The contents ...

Posted by bundyxc on Wed, 19 Dec 2018 22:30:05 -0800

CentOS configures local yum source/Aliyum source/163 yuan source and configures the priority of yum source 1. Building Local yum Source with Centos Mirror Since the default Yum source after installing CentOS is the official address of centos, it is used slowly or even inaccessible in China, so the general practice is to replace the default Yum source with the yum sour ...

Posted by luxe on Tue, 18 Dec 2018 13:57:04 -0800

Go Development: Installing Go Environment and VS Code on Mac

1. download SDK reach Download the corresponding SDK (you need to turn over the wall) The Mac version is as follows: 1.1 Installation Version: go1.8.darwin-arm64.pkgOnce the download is complete, just double-click to open the installation.1.2 Compressed Edition: go1.8.darwin-arm64.tarAfter downloading, you need to decompress, ...

Posted by daredevil88 on Tue, 18 Dec 2018 04:45:04 -0800


There are many command parameters for GCC. Here are a few M-related ones. -M Generate the information associated with the file. Contains all source code that the target file depends on. Here is the test log: jack@jxes-VirtualBox:~/samba_share/tmp$ vim test.c jack@jxes-VirtualBox:~/samba_share/tmp$ gcc -M test.c test.o: test.c /usr/include/s ...

Posted by PascalNouma on Tue, 11 Dec 2018 17:39:06 -0800

linux - control statements commonly used in shell for, while, if, case, expect, exit, break, continue

I. for statement The command grammar is as follows: for NUM in 1 2 3 for NUM in {1..3} for NUM in `seq 1 3`perhapsfor NUM in `seq 1 2 10` for (( Expression1;Expression2;Expression3)) do done for statement demonstration [root@desktop27 mnt]# vim [root@desktop27 mnt]# cat #!/bin/bash for NUM in 1 2 3 do ...

Posted by portaloo on Tue, 11 Dec 2018 09:03:05 -0800