Common Questions Set for Linux Enterprise Production

1. How to set the memory size of tomcat-8.5.9 JVM JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx2048m -Xms1024m -Xss512k -XX:NewRatio=4 -XX:SurvivorRatio=4" -Xmx2048m #Maximum available memory -Xms1024m #Minimum Available Memory (Maximum and Minimum Set to Equivalent) -Xss512k #Stack size for each process 2. nginx proxy ba ...

Posted by lordzardeck on Sat, 18 May 2019 09:42:38 -0700

Linux Cluster Architecture - Keeping Alive High Availability Cluster

Overview of Linux Cluster According to the function, it can be divided into two categories: high availability and load balancing. High availability clusters usually consist of two servers, one working and the other serving as redundancy. When the serving machine goes down, redundancy will take over and continue to serve. Open source software ...

Posted by ondercsn on Sat, 18 May 2019 05:18:11 -0700

PXE Pre-Start Execution Environment

PXE What is 1 pxe? PXE(preboot execute environment, pre-boot execution environment) is Intel company The latest technology developed, working in Client/Server network mode, support Workstation The image is downloaded from the remote server through the network and the operating system is booted through the network. During the ...

Posted by TheBrandon on Wed, 15 May 2019 01:59:44 -0700

Insufficient disk space for data partition in Linux, how to mount the disk.

First, let's simulate the environment. The following image uses VMware to add a 300G (actual 200M~~manual funny--) hard disk device to me. Add them step by step.You need to restart your virtual machine after adding it to take effect. OK, then we have the environment.I have installed a 300G (200M) hard disk for our Server. Now let's mount it u ...

Posted by thallium6 on Sun, 12 May 2019 00:44:27 -0700

Install ArchLinux (BIOS boot) on Win10

This document records the first time arch linux was tossed on win10 I. Notes Disks booted for BIOS II. Installation process 1. installation package arch linux version: in arch linux official Eureka Tsinghua University Open Source Software Mirror Station The version I downloaded is archlinux-2018.04.01-x86 ...

Posted by jordan00 on Sun, 12 May 2019 00:39:35 -0700

Time service and chrony

Multi-host collaboration work is that the time synchronization of each host is very important. Time inconsistency will cause many important application failures, such as encryption protocol, log, cluster and so on. NTP protocol is used to synchronize the time of each computer in the network. Currently, NTP protocol is a prerequisite in the op ...

Posted by CWebguy on Sat, 11 May 2019 03:24:03 -0700

ftp implementation based on centos7

Preface FTP(File transfer Protocl), a file transfer protocol, is a standard protocol for file transfer over a network. It uses client/server mode and belongs to the application layer of the network transfer protocol.FTP services run on TCP/21 and 20 ports, typically 21 ports are connection ports and 20 ports are data ports. FTP has two working ...

Posted by Iki on Fri, 10 May 2019 13:26:39 -0700

TeamTalk deployment details (skipping pits)

I. Deployment environment System: centos7 X64 bit (32 bit unsupported) core version II. Deployment process The download address of the project is, which is a version of the project three years ago. Some of the scripts have 404 addresses, which is the source part of mariadb, and need to ...

Posted by pahikua on Fri, 10 May 2019 03:38:39 -0700

shell scripts - regular, grep, sed, awk

-- regular -- Basic regularity ^word ##Search for word initial vi/vim in ^ The beginning of a line word$ ##Search for word Ending vi/vim in $ The end of a line ^$ ##Blank line . ##Represents and can only represent any character \ ##Example: Represents only the point itself, escapes the symbol, lets the ch ...

Posted by Nicholas Reed on Thu, 09 May 2019 10:28:40 -0700

CentOS stand-alone deployment ELK6

Demand Background: Business development is more and more huge, and servers are more and more. There are more and more access logs, application logs and error logs, which make the operation and maintenance personnel unable to manage the logs well. It is inconvenient for the developer to check the logs on the server. Operators need some data and ...

Posted by van__ on Tue, 07 May 2019 23:45:40 -0700