Nginx web page optimization

Nginx web page optimization (2) Change Number of Nginx Running Processes In high concurrency scenarios, more Nginx processes need to be started to ensure fast response to handle user requests and avoid blocking You can use the ps aux command to see the number of Nginx running processes Change the configuration method for the number of proces ...

Posted by wilburforce on Wed, 20 Nov 2019 17:11:46 -0800

[python crawler] use selenium to get Baidu search results and related keywords marked in red

I. environment construction 1. Install chrome driver brew cask install chromedriver 2. Install selenium pip3 install selenium 3. Install beautiful soup4 pip3 install beautifulsoup4 4. Test with the following code from selenium import webdriver  driver = webdriver.Chrome() # The chrome browser is called here driver.get ...

Posted by ari_aaron on Wed, 20 Nov 2019 10:14:02 -0800

ElasticStack series, Chapter 1

I. Introduction to Elastic Stack ElasticStack currently consists of four parts: Elastic search: core storage and retrieval engine Kibana: Data Visualization Logstash: high throughput data processing engine Beats: collect data ElasticSearch: Based on Java, it is an open-source distributed search engine, featuring: distributed, zero ...

Posted by Vibralux on Wed, 20 Nov 2019 00:52:21 -0800

Nginx - rewrite (application scenario example)

Scenario 1 - Domain Name Based Jump The company's old domain name,, needs to be replaced by the new domain name,, due to changes in business needs Old domain names cannot be abolished Jump from the old domain name to the new domain name with its parameters unchanged Experimental environment Linux Server (192.16 ...

Posted by redking on Mon, 18 Nov 2019 12:35:23 -0800

Nginx Service Optimizes Web Page Compression and Anti-theft Chain

Configure Nginx for Web Page Compression Nginx's ngx_http_gzip_module compression module provides the ability to compress file content, allowing the Nginx server to compress output content before sending it to the client, saving bandwidth on the site and improving the user's access experience. It is installed by default.Compression performance ...

Posted by faraco on Sun, 17 Nov 2019 13:51:12 -0800

K8S monitoring scheme

There are many combinations to monitor kubernetes cluster monitoring scheme, but after version 1.12, we usually choose Prometheus operator + grafana for monitoring. Let's deploy monitoring 1 download items git clone Because this year, the Prometheus operator project moved to coreos / Kube Prome ...

Posted by faheemhameed on Sun, 17 Nov 2019 09:53:47 -0800

K8s for data persistence

Preface In all virtualization solutions, data persistence is a problem that we need to be very concerned about, such as docker, k8s is no exception. In k8s, there is a concept of data volume. k8s data volume mainly solves the following two problems: Data persistence: usually, when a container is running, the files written to its file system ...

Posted by Mr. Tech on Sat, 16 Nov 2019 12:28:22 -0800

Configure Nginx web page optimization in Linux system

Configure Nginx hidden version number In the production environment, the version number of Nginx needs to be hidden to avoid the leakage of security vulnerabilities View method Use fiddler tool to view Nginx version number in Windows client Use "curl-i web address" command to view in CentOS system The method of hiding version ...

Posted by ilovetoast on Fri, 15 Nov 2019 13:34:29 -0800

Nginx service optimization hidden version number

Configure Nginx hidden version number In the production environment, the version number of Nginx needs to be hidden to avoid the leakage of security vulnerabilities View method Use fiddler tool to view Nginx version number in Windows client Use "curl-i web address" command to view in CentOS system The method of hiding version num ...

Posted by mrodrigues on Fri, 15 Nov 2019 11:51:53 -0800

Nginx Optimization Practice (process management, anti-theft chain)

Nginx process management instance: [root@nginx nginx-1.12.2]# cd /usr/local/nginx/ [root@nginx nginx]# ls client_body_temp fastcgi_temp logs sbin uwsgi_temp conf html proxy_temp scgi_temp [root@nginx nginx]# cd conf/ [root@nginx conf]# vim nginx.conf //Set timeout keepalive_timeout 65 180; client_header_t ...

Posted by newcastle_unite on Fri, 15 Nov 2019 11:09:18 -0800