ElasticStack series, Chapter 1

Keywords: Programming ElasticSearch Docker vim network

I. Introduction to Elastic Stack

ElasticStack currently consists of four parts:
	Elastic search: core storage and retrieval engine
	Kibana: Data Visualization
	Logstash: high throughput data processing engine
	Beats: collect data

ElasticSearch: Based on Java, it is an open-source distributed search engine, featuring: distributed, zero configuration, automatic discovery, automatic index segmentation, index copy mechanism, restful style, multiple data sources, automatic search load, etc.

logstash: Based on Java, it is an open source tool for collecting, analyzing and storing logs. (mainly using beats for data collection)

kibana: Based on nodejs, it is also an open-source free tool. kibana can provide log analysis friendly web interface for logstash and elastic search, which can summarize, analyze and search important data logs.

beats: it is an open-source agent for collecting system monitoring data of elastic company. It is a general designation of data collectors running in the form of client on the monitored server. You can send data directly to elastic search or through logstash to elastic search, and then carry out subsequent data analysis activities.
Beats consists of:

Packetbeat: it is a network packet analyzer, which is used to monitor and collect network traffic information. Packetbeat sniffs traffic between servers, resolves application layer protocols, and is associated with message processing. It supports ICMP (v4 and v6), DNS, HTTP, Mysql, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Memcache and other protocols;

Filebeat: used to monitor and collect server log files, which has replaced logstash forwarder;

Metricbeat: it can regularly obtain monitoring index information of external System, which can monitor and collect Apache, HAProxy, mongodbmmysql, Nginx, PostgreSQL, Redis, System, Zookeeper and other services;

Winlogbeat: used to monitor and collect the log information of Windows system;

Introduction and installation of ElasticSearch

1, introduction

ElasticSearch is a Lucene based search server.
It provides a distributed multi-user full-text search engine based on RestFul web interface.
ElasticSearch is developed in Java, which can achieve real-time search, stability, reliability, fast, easy to install and use.

2, installation

Download: https://www.elastic.co/cn/downloads/elasticsearch

Stand alone installation:

##Create elsearch user, Elasticsearch does not support root user
useradd elsearch

##Create elasticStack under opt
mkdir elasticStack

##Create es in elasticStack
cd elasticStack
mkdir es

##Change user rights for elasticStack folder
chown elsearch:elsearch elasticStack/ -R
[Catalog elasticStack and es All folders belong to elsearch ]

##Switch user elsearch
su elsearch

##Upload or download elasticsearch-6.5.4.tar.gz

##Extract to current directory
tar -xvf elasticsearch-6.5.4.tar.gz -C /opt/elasticStack/es

Configure config:

##Modify profile
cd /conf
vim elasticsearch.yml
network.host: ?#Set ip address, any network can access

##Note: in elastic search, if network.host is not localhost or,
##It will be considered as a production environment with high requirements for the environment. Our test environment may not meet the requirements. Generally, two configurations need to be modified, as follows:
#1: modify the jvm startup parameters
vim conf/jvm.options
-Xms128m #Modify the original value as - xms11g according to your own machine
-Xmx128m #It turned out to be - Xmx1g
##2: the maximum number of memory mappings created by a process in Vmas (virtual memory area) [using root user operation: su root]
vim /etc/sysctl.conf
vm.max_map_count=655360 #Newly added

sysctl -p #Configuration effective

Start up:

##Start ES service [start as elsearch user]
su elsearch
cd bin
./elasticsearch or ./elasticsearch -d #Background boot
http://Your host IP:9200/

##If alicloud denies access, you need to set security group rules for ESC instances:

Some errors will be found during startup, which are summarized as follows:

1,ERROR: [1] bootstrap checks failed,
[1]: max file descriptors [65535] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536]

#Solution: switch to root, edit limits.conf and add something similar to the following
vi /etc/security/limits.conf

//Add the following:
* soft nofile 65536
* hard nofile 131072
* soft nproc 2048
* hard nproc 4096

2,max number of threads [1024] for user [elsearch] is too low, increase to at least [4096]

#Solution: switch to the root user and enter the limits.d directory to modify the configuration file.
vi /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf
#Amend the following:
* soft nproc 1024
#Modified to
* soft nproc 4096

3,system call filters failed to install; check the logs and fix your configuration or disable system call filters at your own risk

#Solution: SecComp is not supported in Centos6, and ES5.2.0 default bootstrap.system ﹣ call ﹣ filter is true
vim config/elasticsearch.yml
//Add to:
bootstrap.system_call_filter: false


Lasticsearch head is a page client tool developed for ES. Its source code is hosted in GitHub,
Address: https://github.com/mobz/elasticsearch-head

head provides four installation methods:
    Source code installation, start with npm run start (not recommended)
    Install through docker (recommended)
    Install through the chrome plug-in (recommended)
    Install via plugin mode of ES (not recommended)

Install through docker

#Pull mirror image
docker pull mobz/elasticsearch-head:5
#Create container
docker create --name elasticsearch-head -p 9100:9100 mobz/elasticsearch-head:5
#Starting container
docker start elasticsearch-head

Access via browser:

http://Your host IP:9100 [9100 port exposed by docker]

Be careful:

Due to the separation of front and back end development, there will be cross domain problems. It is necessary to configure CORS at the service end, as follows:
vim elasticsearch.yml
http.cors.enabled: true http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
This problem does not exist when installing via the chrome plug-in.

How to install the chrome plug-in

Download and unzip
Visit: chrome://extensions/
Open developer mode
Load the extracted extension

III. introduction to ElasticSearch

1. Basic concepts


index is the logical storage of logical data in elastic search, so it can be divided into smaller parts.

The index can be regarded as the table of relational database. The structure of index is prepared for fast and effective full-text index, especially it does not store the original value.

Elasticsearch can store indexes on one machine or on multiple servers. Each index has one or more Shards,
Each shard can have multiple replica s.


The primary entity stored in elastic search is called a document.
Using a relational database analogy, a document is equivalent to a row of records in a database table.

Similar to documents in MongoDB, Elasticsearch can have different structures, but in documents of Elasticsearch, the same fields must have the same type.

A document consists of multiple fields. Each field may appear in a document multiple times. Such a field is called multivalued.

The type of each field, which can be text, value, date, etc. Field types can also be complex, with one field containing other subdocuments or arrays.

Document type

In elastic search, an index object can store many objects for different purposes.
For example, a blog application can save articles and comments.

Each document can have a different structure.

Different document types cannot set different types for the same property.
For example, in all document types in the same index, a field called title must have the same type.


All documents are analyzed before being written into the index. How to divide the input text into entries and which entries will be filtered is called mapping.
Rules are generally defined by the user.

2,RestFul API

In elastic search, it provides rich RESTful API operations, including basic CRUD, index creation, index deletion and other operations.

2.1) create index

In Lucene, to create an index, you need to define the field name and field type. In Elasticsearch, you provide an unstructured index, that is, you can write data to the index without creating an index structure. In fact, in the bottom layer of Elasticsearch, you can perform structured operation, which is transparent to users.

(post man request only)

PUT /haoke
    "settings": { 
        "index": { 
            "number_of_shards": "2",
            "number_of_replicas": "0"

##	"number_of_shards" #Fragmentation number 
##	"number_of_replicas" #Copy number

2.2) delete index

(post man request only)

DELETE /haoke
    "acknowledged": true

2.3) insert data

URL rules

POST / {index} / {type} / {ID} is optional and does not automatically generate a random number
POST /haoke/user/1001
    "name":"Zhang San", 


    _index: "haoke"
    _type: "user"
    _id: "1001"
    _version: 1
    result: "created"  ##Result
    _shards: {
        total: 1
        successful: 1
        failed: 0
    _seq_no: 0
    _primary_term: 1

2.4) update data

In elastic search, document data cannot be modified, but can be updated by overwriting. (delete before add)

Coverage update

URL rules:

PUT / {index} / {type}/{id}
PUT /haoke/user/1001

    "name":"Zhang San", 

    _index: "haoke"
    _type: "user"
    _id: "1001"
    _version: 2 ##Edition
    result: "updated" ##Result
    _shards: {
        total: 1
        successful: 1
        failed: 0
    _seq_no: 2
    _primary_term: 1

Partial update

URL rules:

POST /{Indexes}/{type}/{id}/_update
  1. Retrieve JSON from old documents 2. Modify it 3. Delete old documents 4. Index new documents
#Note: there are more "update" signs here, PUT is changed to POST
POST /haoke/user/1001/_update


    _index: "haoke"
    _type: "user"
    _id: "1001"
    _version: 4
    result: "updated"
    _shards: {
        total: 1
        successful: 1
        failed: 0
    _seq_no: 4
    _primary_term: 1

2.5) delete data

URL rules:

DELETE / {index} / {type} / {id}

In elastic search, to DELETE document data, you only need to initiate a DELETE request.

Be careful:

Deleting a document does not immediately remove it from disk, it is simply marked as deleted.
Elastic search will only clean up the deleted content in the background when you add more indexes later.


DELETE /haoke/user/1001

    _index: "haoke"
    _type: "user"
    _id: "1001"
    _version: 5
    result: "deleted" ##Result
    _shards: {
        total: 1
        successful: 1
        failed: 0
    _seq_no: 5
    _primary_term: 1

2.6) query data

A. search by ID

URL rules:

GET / {index} / {type} / {id}
GET /haoke/user/FD_2gm4BoifuYiH46rUl
    _index: "haoke"
    _type: "user"
    _id: "FD_2gm4BoifuYiH46rUl"
    _version: 1
    found: true
    _source: {
        id: 1002
        name: "Li Si"
        age: 21
        sex: "male"

B. query all

URL rules:

GET / {index} / {type} / {u search

Be careful:

10 data returned by default
More data to do paging query


GET /haoke/user/_search
    took: 9
    timed_out: false
    _shards: {
        total: 2
        successful: 2
        skipped: 0
        failed: 0
    hits: {
        total: 1
        max_score: 1
        hits: [1] ##Hit, find 1 piece of data
        0:  {
            _index: "haoke"
            _type: "user"
            _id: "FD_2gm4BoifuYiH46rUl"
            _score: 1 ##Score
            _source: {
                id: 1002
                name: "Li Si"
                age: 21
                sex: "male"

C. search by field

URL rules:

GET / {index} / {type} / {u search?q = field: field value


GET /haoke/user/_search?q=age:21

    took: 2
    timed_out: false
    _shards: {
        total: 2
        successful: 2
        skipped: 0
        failed: 0
    hits: {
        total: 1
        max_score: 1
        hits: [1]	##Hit
        0:  {
            _index: "haoke"
            _type: "user"
            _id: "FD_2gm4BoifuYiH46rUl"
            _score: 1	##Score
            _source: {
                id: 1002
                name: "Li Si"
                age: 21
                sex: "male"

2.7) DSL search

_index _type _id _score id name age sex
haoke user FT_Hh24BoifuYiH4yLVZ 1 1002 Li Si 21 female
haoke user Fj_Ih24BoifuYiH4mrUZ 1 1001 Zhang San 20 male
haoke user Fz_Ih24BoifuYiH49rXb 1 1004 Zhao Liu 32 female
haoke user GD_Jh24BoifuYiH4ULXB 1 1005 Sun Qi 33 male
haoke user GT_Jh24BoifuYiH4frUv 1 1003 Wang Wu 31 male

a. query age equal to 20


b. query the male over 30 years old

            "filter":{		##filter
                "range":{   ##Range
            "must":{		##Must
                "match":{	##matching

//TODO's detailed description of DSL, to be written later

2.8) highlight

name highlight:

            "name":"this one and that one"

2.9) polymerization

Similar to group by


The above is just a brief explanation. The details will be analyzed later

Posted by Vibralux on Wed, 20 Nov 2019 00:52:21 -0800