Dockerfile command parameters

Docker generates an image by reading the dockerfile file. Dockerfile is a text file that contains all commands required by users to build images. After docker build  , Docker automatically builds images through a series of command line operations. This article describes the commands in dockerfile. Usage of Dockerfile The docker build co ...

Posted by werkkrew on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 23:30:44 -0800

Kuberneters CRD resource details

1. K8S CRD is concise and easy to use: Introduction to CustomResourceDefinition: Everything in Kubernetes can be regarded as resources. After Kubernetes 1.7, the secondary development capability of CRD custom resources is added to extend Kubernetes API. Through CRD, we can add new resource types to Kubernetes API without modifying Kubernetes s ...

Posted by marcs910 on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 21:43:29 -0800

How do Kubernetes clusters support private images

Introduction:   This article mainly introduces how to use private image to arrange containers in Kubernetes cluster. For image download, domain name resolution and time synchronization, please click   Alibaba open source mirror station Operation method Kubernetes clusters support the orchestration of containers using private ima ...

Posted by Some Poster55 on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 21:41:48 -0800

Container network configuration of Docker

Container network configuration of Docker The creation of namespace in Linux kernel ip netns command You can complete various operations on the Network Namespace with the help of the ip netns command. The ip netns command comes from the iproute installation package. Generally, the system will install it by default. If not, please install it ...

Posted by tili on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 14:10:55 -0800

Configuration of docker container network

The Linux kernel implements namespace creation ip netns command You can use the ip netns command to complete various operations on the Network Namespace. The ip netns command comes from the iproute installation package, which is usually installed by default. If not, install it yourself. Note: The ip netns command requires sudo privileges whe ...

Posted by lunny on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 11:43:50 -0800

docker container network configuration

docker container network configuration The creation of namespace in Linux kernel ip netns command You can complete various operations on the Network Namespace with the help of the ip netns command. The ip netns command comes from the iproute installation package. Generally, the system will install it by default. If not, please install it ...

Posted by GooberDLX on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 06:18:58 -0800

docker container network configuration

docker container network configuration The creation of namespace in Linux kernel ip netns command You can complete various operations on the Network Namespace with the help of the ip netns command. The ip netns command comes from the iproute installation package. Generally, the system will install it by default. If not, please install it y ...

Posted by lizard on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 04:47:02 -0800

Introduction to Docker container network and virtualization network

1. Virtualized network Network Namespace is a function provided by Linux kernel and an important function to realize network virtualization. It can create multiple isolated network spaces with independent network stack information. Whether it is a virtual machine or a container, it seems as if it is running in an independent network. Moreo ...

Posted by danger2oo6 on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 14:50:35 -0800

Why do I need namespaces to build containers?

1. What is a Namespace? Namespace is a feature of the Linux kernel, which can isolate resources such as process ID, host name, user ID, file name, network and inter process communication in the same host system. Docker uses the namespace feature of Linux kernel to isolate the resources of each container, so as to ensure that only the resources ...

Posted by Trey395 on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 01:58:54 -0800

[code God Road] use Docker to build a springboot + vue based blog (online)

0. Environment: Tencent ECs, version CentOS 7.6. My version comes with docker and docker compose. If you don't have one, you can install it yourself 1. Install docker #install yum install docker #Verify that the installation was successful [root@VM-16-5-centos ~]# docker --version Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88 #Start docker systemctl ...

Posted by Link on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:20:42 -0800