Explanation of reserved word instruction in Dockerfile
I learned Docker briefly before. At that time, it was to quickly deploy a project. It passed quickly. I was a little unfamiliar with the writing of Dockerfile files.
So I wrote this article. I hope I can help you!!!
1, What is Dockerfile?
Dockerfile is a build file used to build Docker images. It is a script composed of a series ...
Posted by tomlei on Tue, 02 Nov 2021 03:42:41 -0700
Container data volumes - named mount and anonymous mount
What is a container data volume
Container data volume is the mounting of the directory. Mount the directory of our container on the host, so as to realize the file sharing function between the host and the container;
Why container data volumes
docker's idea is to package the application and environment into a mirror image; But what about the ...
Posted by skali on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 18:29:58 -0700
docker common commands
What is docker
Docker's idea comes from the container. What problem does the container solve? In a large ship, the goods can be placed neatly. And all kinds of goods are standardized by containers, and containers will not affect each other. Then I don't need a ship for fruit and a ship for chemicals. As long as the goods are well sealed in the ...
Posted by sdm on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 18:07:11 -0700
Kubedm deployment K8S
kubeadm is a tool launched by the official community for rapid deployment of kubernetes clusters. This tool can complete the deployment of a kubernetes cluster through two instructions:
Create a Master node kubedm initJoin the Node to the current cluster $kubedm join < IP and port of the master Node >
Installation requirements
Before y ...
Posted by avario on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 13:06:42 -0700
Docker container learning notes
1. Comparison between docker and virtual machine
Compared with traditional virtual machines, Docker has fast startup speed and small footprint.
2. Docker component
2.1 docker server and client
2.2 docker image and container
Mirroring is the foundation for building containers.
2.3 Registry registry
Used to save user built images. I ...
Posted by malam on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 03:07:45 -0700
Image building without Dockerfile: BuildPack vs Dockerfile
In the past work, we have built a technical platform using microservices, containerization and service choreography. In order to improve the R & D efficiency of the development team, we also provide a CICD platform to quickly deploy the code to the Openshift (enterprise class Kubernetes) cluster.
The first step of deployment is the contain ...
Posted by webbwbb on Thu, 28 Oct 2021 23:19:49 -0700
Kubernetes binary deployment single node (super detailed) 2
5, Deploy master components
1. Operate on the master01 node
6, Deploying Woker Node components
1. Operate on the master01 node
2. Operate on node01 node
3. Operate on the master1 node
4. Operate on node01 node
5. Operate on the master01 node
6. Operate on node01 node
7.node02 node deployment (method 1)
node02 node ...
Posted by thefamouseric on Thu, 28 Oct 2021 06:52:12 -0700
docker deploys Hadoop and HBase environment (Centos7 system)
1, Install docker
1. Download offline package
Index of linux/static/stable/x86_64/
2. Decompression
tar -xzvf docker-18.06.3-ce.tgz
(ce version means community free version, please specify The difference between docker with ce and without ce)
3. Copy the extracted folder to the / usr/local directory
cp docker-18.06.3-ce /usr/local ...
Posted by jenni on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 02:36:01 -0700
Docker configures the master-slave environment of PostgreSQL13
Docker configures the master-slave environment of PostgreSQL13
PostgreSQL database supports a variety of replication solutions to build high availability, scalable and fault-tolerant applications, one of which is pre write log (WAL) delivery. This solution allows the use of file based log shipping or streaming replication, or, wher ...
Posted by Potatis on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 19:20:23 -0700
Docker nginx deploys multiple static web resources and hides ports
Deploy multiple static resources on docker, hoping to access them directly using domain name instead of domain name + port number
Specific ideas:
First, use docker to create three nginx containers 1. nginx port 81 of web1 website deployment 2. nginx port 82 for web2 website deployment 3,proxy_nginx port 80 for proxy forwa ...
Posted by jtacon on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 22:38:31 -0700