Introduction and use of systemctl command

Systemd program Systemd is actually a program used by Linux system to manage the system, which is used to replace the original init process (used to manage and start other service processes of the system). Now many Linux distributions have their own Systemd programs. systemctl command 1. Unit systemctl command is the most important command in ...

Posted by ramrod737 on Sat, 27 Jun 2020 01:33:42 -0700

Kubernetes advanced -- the life cycle of pod

pod overview Pod is the basic execution unit of Kubernetes application, that is, it is the smallest and simplest unit created or deployed in Kubernetes object model. Pod represents the process running on the cluster. Pod encapsulates application containers (or in some cases multiple containers), stora ...

Posted by wshost on Fri, 26 Jun 2020 21:46:07 -0700

Set up nginx + maintained dual host / dual host hot standby high availability cluster (attached data)

Note: This article is from the course of direct division of network architecture division of MOOC Environmental preparation: Three virtual machines: linux (centos7 64 bit); **;**; **;** 1, Building three tomcat clusters with nginx 1. Install nginx ...

Posted by Tibster on Fri, 26 Jun 2020 21:38:27 -0700

How Dcoker Builds Private registry Mirror Warehouse

How Docker builds a private mirror warehouse, how to access it, and how to delete the private mirror warehouse image Machine Planning Server name (hostname) Operating System Version Intranet IP External Network IP (Analog) Install software docker01 CentOS7.7 docker dock ...

Posted by brob on Mon, 22 Jun 2020 09:21:52 -0700

Using nginx as front-end server for front-end developers

Using nginx as front-end server introduce Nginx is a lightweight and high-performance Web server / reverse proxy server and email (IMAP/POP3) proxy server, characterized by less memory and strong concurrency install Because the dependency libraries of g + +, gcc, OpenSSL devel, PCRE devel and zli ...

Posted by Anxious on Mon, 22 Jun 2020 00:44:20 -0700

WTM (ASP. Net core) uses nginx to build load balancing cluster

In order to improve the performance of the website, we can adopt the load balancing cluster scheme and the read-write separation. My previous blog described the configuration of WTM framework Separation of reading and writing , now we continue to build a load balancing cluster based on the previous ...

Posted by shellyrobson on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 01:14:37 -0700

Docker (warehouse) - Docker Hub public warehouse + enterprise level private warehouse building process

catalog1, What is a warehouse2, Install and configure Docker Hub3, Configure image accelerator4, How Registry works5, CONTENTS6, Build private warehouse 1, What is a warehouse What is a warehouse? The docker warehouse is used to contain images. Docker provides a registration server (Register) to save mu ...

Posted by Canman2005 on Fri, 19 Jun 2020 01:26:50 -0700

Enterprise practice (13) details of LVS load balancing NAT mode

What is cluster A group of computers interconnected by a high-speed network and managed in a single system mode. Many servers are put together to provide the same service, which looks like only one server in the client. It can obtain relatively high benefits in performance, reliability and flexibilit ...

Posted by thetick on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 21:18:59 -0700

A simple practice of load balancing configuration

Welcome to the original self built blog: In recent Q & A projects, there is a need to deploy multiple sets of Python services, and other programs rotate to call interfaces. Because there are multithreaded calls in the calling process, the following lo ...

Posted by DJTim666 on Mon, 15 Jun 2020 01:04:07 -0700

Super detailed practical tutorial: multi scenario analysis how to migrate Rancher Server

From Rancher Labs About the author Wang Hailong, technical manager of Rancher China community, is responsible for the maintenance and operation of Rancher China technology community. With 6 years of experience in the field of cloud computing, it has experienced the technological transformation from OpenStack to Kubernetes. No matter the underl ...

Posted by anon_amos on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 23:59:41 -0700