Docker Tricks: (3)Docker Compose builds Gitlab from configuration (https, mailbox validation) to basic availability

Preface gitlab 11.1 has built-in CI/CD, which has been available since gitlab 8+, but the configuration is trivial. After several large versions of iterations, it has now simplified the way to use, and also repaired some pits, which attracted me greatly. Sorry for not using the good stuff, we started a long way to climb the ...

Posted by jeev on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 17:48:03 -0800

Centos7+Nginx+PHP Basic WEB Running Environment-Multi-Virtual Host Configuration

Previous words: Manual Deployment of Centos7+Nginx+PHP Basic WEB Running Environment Previously, we manually deployed the Nginx+PHP running environment on Centos7, but did not mention the deployment method of multi-site virtual hosts. This article will continue to record some deployment of multi-site Nginx virtual hosts and pay attention to de ...

Posted by beyzad on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 17:21:03 -0800

Using ngx_http_image_filter_module of Nginx to make real-time picture thumbnails

You're still using it. ImageMagick Create thumbnails of uploaded pictures on the website? In fact, there are better ways to put one in place, simple and effective. Nowadays, there are many cloud storage services supporting image space, and according to the set rules to generate image thumbnails in the space, such as UpYun, Aliyun OSS support. ...

Posted by skatermike21988 on Wed, 12 Dec 2018 22:36:07 -0800

Java development technology (3) E-commerce project optimization, rabbitmq, Git, OSI, VIM, Intellj IDEA, HTTP, JS, Java

Preface Recently, the company let me maintain Spring+Servlet+Hibernate+Spring Security+Jsp old projects, just to exercise my business logic and project control ability. Although the project is very old, there are still many places worth learning. E-commerce project optimization 1. Our main optimizations are the second kill interf ...

Posted by szalinski on Wed, 12 Dec 2018 03:57:06 -0800

LNMP architecture (Nginx anti-theft chain, Nginx access control, Nginx parsing php-related configuration, Nginx proxy)

Nginx Anti-theft Chain 1. Edit the virtual host file / usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/ and add the following code location ~* ^.+\.(gif|jpg|png|swf|flv|rar|zip|doc|pdf|gz|bz2|jpeg|bmp|xls)$ { expires 7d; valid_referers none blocked server_names * ; #Here the server_names configuration can be omitted if ($invalid_r ...

Posted by Drebin on Tue, 11 Dec 2018 05:21:07 -0800

1.4.2. PHP 5.6 Goddess Level Tutorial - Goddess Growth Environment (PHP Development Environment Configuration and Installation under Mac php5.6.x nginx mysql)

Catalog Blog directory CSDN directory Environmental description System: mac 10.12.3 PHP: 5.6.x Nginx: the latest edition mysql recommends Docker installation redis recommends Docker installation install Install the dependency man ...

Posted by Thikho on Tue, 11 Dec 2018 02:18:06 -0800