[image recognition] fingerprint feature extraction based on morphology matlab source code
1, Morphology
Morphological operation is actually to change the shape of an object. For example, corrosion is "getting thinner" and expansion is "getting fatter". You can see from the following figure:
Experience: morphological operations generally act on binary gr ...
Posted by Unknown_Striker on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 18:18:25 -0700
Multiprocessing - multitasking and multiprocessing notes
In the previous section, we talked about the concept of multiprocessing. Just look at multithreading in the previous section. Multi process mainly uses multiprocessing library. The main code flow is as follows 1. Import library: import multiprocessing 2. Create process: t1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=test1) t1.start()
import multiprocessi ...
Posted by ManicMax on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 14:40:11 -0700
Similarity Retrieval Faiss Model
1. faiss role
The general solution to the problem of similarity retrieval for TopK is violent retrieval, which iterates through all vectors to compute similarity and derive TopK. However, when the number of vectors is large, this method and its time-consuming, Faiss's appearance solves this problem well.
2. Introduction to faiss
The full nam ...
Posted by hjunw on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 09:27:17 -0700
Python machine learning -- Classification \ Regression -- decision tree algorithm
Decision tree algorithm type
Decision tree is a series of algorithms, not an algorithm. The decision tree includes ID3 classification algorithm, C4.5 Classification Algorithm, Cart classification tree algorithm and Cart regression tree algorithm. Decision tree can be used as both classification algorithm and regression algorithm. Therefore, de ...
Posted by palito on Fri, 03 Sep 2021 19:20:09 -0700
Django deployed online Ubuntu + nginx + uwsgi + django3.1 + Python 3.8
Django project deployment Online
Because many pits were taken during the deployment of Django project, write down the pits encountered in the deployment process for reference only.
Environment and third party Library
The deployment environment and third-party libraries used in this article are as follows: (different environments and ...
Posted by garek007 on Fri, 03 Sep 2021 17:48:05 -0700
Python_ Built in method
1. Life cycle of del methods and objects
Introduce the built-in methods of two objects. In Python, there is another initialization method__ init__ Corresponding methods__ del__ Method. Before an object is to be destroyed from memory, the so-called destroy from memory is to click the object from memory. Before the object leaves memory, the syst ...
Posted by breadcom on Fri, 03 Sep 2021 16:56:51 -0700
Pthon Daily Algorithms|Examples of detailed Hill algorithms, try to study Hill algorithms, maybe circle the math world!
It's not easy to create. The guests come to pay attention to it, collect it and subscribe to it three times at a time❤😜
Program = data structure + algorithm, algorithm is a mixture of mathematical theory and engineering implementation, is a very interesting and amazing knowledge.Understand ...
Posted by sanderphp on Fri, 03 Sep 2021 09:53:55 -0700
Python implements a common VRP solution algorithm -- adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm (ALNS)
Reference notes https://github.com/PariseC/Algorithms_for_solving_VRP
1. Applicable scenarios
Solve CVRPSingle vehicle typeThe vehicle capacity shall not be less than the maximum demand of the demand nodeSingle vehicle base
2. Problem analysis
The solution of CVRP problem is a set of paths of multiple vehicles that meet the needs of demand ...
Posted by hwttdz on Thu, 02 Sep 2021 11:21:44 -0700
[card recognition] gray binary card recognition [Matlab 464]
1, Introduction
1 grayscale The process of converting color image into gray image is called image graying. The pixel value in the color image is determined by the three RGB components, and each component has 0-255 (256) choices. In this way, the pixel value of a pixel can have 16 million possibilities (256256256), while the pixel value of the ...
Posted by mykmallett on Wed, 01 Sep 2021 21:47:38 -0700
Actual app - analyze and restore the interface algorithm
Because I analyzed the app in advance, I shelled it first. Run ADB shell dumpsys activities | grep mresumedactivity to obtain a current activity Then use friddex_ After dump is shelled, it is filtered, and grep -ril "PassWordLoginActivity" gets the dex file we want
Grab bag
Firstly, packet capture analysis is carried out ...
Posted by Roggan on Wed, 01 Sep 2021 18:37:49 -0700