python + Tencent cloud function to realize WeChat official account development

preface This chapter needs to create Tencent cloud account + WeChat official account + python implementation. And if you want to use your server to configure WeChat official account (you must have a domain name can't use ip address). Here we use the Tencent cloud function (with its own domain name after successful creation). We just ne ...

Posted by merrydown on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 19:51:05 -0700

Rasterio's Github page Rasterio Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster data. Rasterio reads and writes geospatial grid data. Geographic information systems use GeoTIFF and other formats to organize and store gridded, or raster, datasets. Rasterio reads and writes these formats and provides a Python API based on N-D arra ...

Posted by djddb on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 17:26:23 -0700

Data Driven Testing

The relationship between data-driven testing and automation: It's not about automated testing, it's about data-driven testing.On the premise of automated testing, data-driven testing is a way to optimize code. - The intent of automated testing is to maintain automated scripts. Learning objectives: Common automated test patterns Data Driven ...

Posted by shiggins on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 14:43:06 -0700

[learning notes on digital image processing] II. Window destruction function and image color transformation function to draw custom digital images

[digital image processing learning notes] i. installation, reading, displaying and storing images Follow the link above: 4. Window destruction function Two common window destruction functions ① Definition: cv2.destroyWindow(windows_name) # destroys a single specific window ② cv2.destroyAllWindows() # destroy all windows without parameters fo ...

Posted by caminator on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 13:22:56 -0700

python learning notes 1

This article is mainly aimed at sorting out some knowledge points of learning python in these two days 1.os related parameter learning Use of common sub functions of os Library os.sep: replaces OS specific path delimiters indicates the working platform you are using. For example, it is' nt 'for Windows and' posix 'for Linux/Unix us ...

Posted by JD^ on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 11:54:02 -0700

JS Reverse_Text Encryption base64 Parsing

This article uses 58 Tongcheng's recruitment website for reference to learn and crawl the encrypted part of the font 58 Tongcheng Recruitment As you can see from the diagram, the font information in the source code is replaced by question marks, so if you crawl normally, only those question marks will be crawled. Right-click the page and ...

Posted by Renegade85 on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 10:21:56 -0700

Django study notes

URL and view functions URL(Uniform Resource Locator) form: protocol://hostname[:port]/path[?query][#fragment] Writing specification: - absolute address: - relative address: 1. '/ page/1' – the result is: +/ page/1, add after port 2. 'page/1' - the result is: http://127.0 ...

Posted by o3d on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 19:50:47 -0700

[phase I] 12. Python modules and packages

python modules and packages python packages and modules: python packages are folders, and packages can also have sub packages, that is, sub folders. python modules are. py files that define various functional interfaces. Encapsulate complex functions into modules (also known as libraries) and hide the details of function implementation. Prog ...

Posted by duk on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 18:00:46 -0700

Force buckle leetcode top100 1. Sum of two numbers

Title: given an integer array nums   And an integer target value, please find and as the target value target in the array    That   Two   Integers and return their array subscripts. You can assume that each input will correspond to only one answer. However, the same element in the array cannot be repeated in the answer. ...

Posted by bdichiara on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 12:47:31 -0700

Leetcode: 68. Align text left and right

subject Source: LeetCode Link: Given an array of words and a length maxWidth, rearrange the words into text with exactly maxWidth characters per line and aligned left and right ends. You should use "greedy algorithm" to place a given word; That is, put as many words in each line as ...

Posted by ozzythaman on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 01:02:00 -0700