Learning and summary of string, list, tuple and dictionary methods in Python
1. String
1.1 string basis
In Python, a string is a combination of a string of characters. It is an immutable and finite sequence of characters, including visible characters, invisible characters (such as space characters) and escape characters. Python provides a large number of methods to manipulate strings throug ...
Posted by thors1982 on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 00:57:34 -0700
Talk about how Jmeter executes Python scripts concurrently
1. Preface
Hello, I'm test Jun!
Recently, a small partner left a message to me in the background, saying that he wrote an Api interface for uploading large files with Django. Now he wants to test the stability of interface concurrency locally and ask me if I have a good scheme
This article takes file upload as an example to talk about the ...
Posted by Cheers on Thu, 09 Sep 2021 20:13:04 -0700
py script retrieves the specified file and sends mail + script packaging and camouflage
Let's talk about what I'm doing. Before, a friend, their network security teacher, put forward a challenge, that is, if he can get the test paper on his computer when handing in his homework, the test will be full marks directly. The teacher has shown the location of the test paper and his computer system.
So let's try. First, my idea i ...
Posted by btubalinal on Thu, 09 Sep 2021 18:13:22 -0700
Dictionary collection public operation
Circular traversal of dictionary
key traversing dictionary
dict = {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2", "k3": "v3"}
keys = dict.keys()
for key in keys:
Note: key refers to the key of the dictionary, for example: 'k1', 'k2', 'k3'
Traverse the value of the dictionary
dict = {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2", "k3": "v3"}
values = dic ...
Posted by somo on Thu, 09 Sep 2021 12:23:20 -0700
Template matching single object, multi object and multi-scale template matching using Python and opencv
This blog will introduce how to use template matching to find objects in images. Template matching is a method to find the position of template image in a large image. OpenCV uses cv2.matchTemplate() and cv2.minMaxLoc() to realize template matching.
It is mainly divided into three parts:
Template matching single objectTemplate matching mu ...
Posted by Anidazen on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 16:26:05 -0700
Computer vision | interview question: 04. Detailed working mechanism and code implementation of NMS
See a sentence: NMS doesn't understand, what else to do Detection! Tiger's body is shocked... Understand is probably understand, but can the code be written???
In the target detection network, after the proposal is generated, the classification branch is used to give the confidence of each type of each box, and the regression branch i ...
Posted by Shroder on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:48:03 -0700
Basic syntax for getting started with python
Basic grammar
·Single line note
Start with #
#Output Picchu
print ("Pikachu")
·Multiline comment
Start with three quotation marks and end with three quotation marks
·Identifiers and keywords
Identifier: alphanumeric and underscore. It can only start with a let ...
Posted by Daniel0 on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:35:23 -0700
Mathematical derivation + pure Python implementation of machine learning algorithm 1: linear regression
When learning machine learning, many students start programming directly after a rough look at the theory, which is very commendable. However, it's not really a handwriting algorithm, but to directly call a package such as sklearn, which is not appropriate. The author is not saying that the package transfer is bad. In p ...
Posted by KyleVA on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 20:03:40 -0700
python6 - Functions (parameters, anonymous functions, recursive functions)
1. Overview of Functions
If you need a block of code several times when developing a program, in order to improve writing efficiency and code reuse, you organize code blocks with independent functions into a small module, which is a function.
We've been exposed to a number of functions, such as input(), print(), range(), len(), and so on, ...
Posted by kenchucky on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 17:13:49 -0700
Pytorch machine learning -- NMS non maximum suppression and DIOU-NMS improvement in yoov5
Pytorch machine learning (VIII) -- NMS non maximum suppression and DIOU-NMS improvement in yoov5
Pytorch machine learning (VIII) -- NMS non maximum suppression and DIOU-NMS improvement in yoov5
1, NMS non maximum suppression algorithm
2, Hard NMS non maximum code
4, Soft NMS
preface ...
Posted by spiyun on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 15:21:20 -0700