iOS uses UIBezierPath to realize unequal distance curve

iOS, there are many good third parties for drawing lines, such as Charts, ECharts, etc., but I didn't find the ones with unequal distance, so I simply implemented them myself. First of all, the effect It's not too hard to draw lines and animations. I have customized a LineChartView and several models. The specific demo will be linked below Se ...

Posted by m00ch0 on Mon, 25 May 2020 07:17:42 -0700

IView (view UI) multi graph upload

@Official documents 1. Install iview2.0 cnpm install view-design --save 2. Introduce the ViewUI. Part of the note is @Last article For example, in this article, the version upgrade must be commented out, but uninstall does not // import iView from 'iview'; // import 'iview/dist/styles/iview.css'; import ViewUI from 'view-design'; im ...

Posted by don117 on Sun, 24 May 2020 08:39:00 -0700

Codeforces1214D. Treasure Island (dp + Hash)

Title Link: Portal   Ideas: It can be found by careful observation that the answer is at most 2. Just block (2, 1) and (1, 2). When the answer is 0, it means that in the initial state, (1, 1) can't reach (n, m). It's good to judge. So the point is to distinguish the case where the answer is 1 and the answer is 2. If the answer is 1, all ...

Posted by magie on Sat, 23 May 2020 07:44:10 -0700

Mix react native and applet

background In this paper, we will open a brain hole to integrate and run the small program scheme on the basis of react native project. First look at the effect as follows: Environment construction npm install -g react-native-cli yarn Official Environment construction documents It has been explained in detail and will not be repeated here. You ...

Posted by morphboy23 on Thu, 14 May 2020 01:27:53 -0700

React Native super simple and complete example - tabs, page navigation, hot update, user behavior analysis

Learning React Native for the first time, if there is no guidance, you will find that many things can not be started, but when there is guidance, you will find it is very simple. This is also the main reason for me to write this blog, hoping to help beginners. This article will not introduce how to build a development environment. If you haven ...

Posted by kazer on Fri, 08 May 2020 19:15:12 -0700

iOS - add a global hover button (integrated pods version)

Background : in an ordinary iOS development group, there are more than one testing machine, but when we are developing, it is impossible for each testing machine to keep up-to-date code at all times, which leads to a problem. When the test detects a problem, (or the product suddenly takes a little bit of it to see a problem) if we don't know th ...

Posted by CherryT on Thu, 07 May 2020 02:03:34 -0700

RN implementation of e-commerce App (1)

Home page design of e-commerce App Generally, there are four types: -Status bar -Search box -Round robin advertising -Commodity information 1, Search box Basic components: TextInput,Button. TextInput is the input component and Button is the Button component. <TextInput style={styles.input} placeholder='Sear ...

Posted by cookspyder on Tue, 05 May 2020 18:54:29 -0700

iOS network status judgment scheme (supports iOS 11 and iPhone x)

In the previous iPhone, we can judge the network status according to the network status view above the navigation bar. (this kind of plan is not very good) This solution is not available on iPhone X phones.   We can judge the network state through the Reachability Reachability github address: Super si ...

Posted by prosolutions on Sun, 03 May 2020 16:58:58 -0700

React native encapsulates the native pull-down refresh component

One has been improved before react-native-pull The component solves the blank problem of refreshing the header on iOS, and changes listview to flatlist. github is as follows: react-native-pullview This is a pure js written Android & & iOS can be used. The performance is OK on iOS, but it can also be used when s ...

Posted by timmah22 on Sun, 03 May 2020 05:59:38 -0700

ios entry advertising

This article introduces a function that almost every APP needs to use. The APP starts the entry advertisement. I originally wanted to make ios android into Demo and put it on github. Considering the time relationship, it's OK. But I want to make sure that the code here can be run after copying and pasting, because I am also the God of copying a ...

Posted by Zetusko on Fri, 01 May 2020 04:11:30 -0700