The choice of Hybrid APP hybrid development mode (7: full version of JSBridge)

preface Reference sources This paper refers to the following sources Design ideas of Hybrid APP architecture marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge Wedge This paper introduces the complete implementation of JSBridge, including JS part, Android native part and iOS native part JS implementation part explain This is a JSbridge implementati ...

Posted by benyboi on Thu, 09 Jul 2020 09:13:20 -0700

iOS Development Notes | custom label with inner margin

iu preface UIScrollView has contentInset, but UILabel doesn't; Android does, iOS doesn't. Recently, I need to use a label with inner margin, so I encapsulated it with the code of my predecessors on the Internet. Originally, I wanted to create a category, but it failed. The code is as follows, inherited from UILabel: . h file: #impo ...

Posted by rashmi_k28 on Sat, 04 Jul 2020 09:10:18 -0700

UVA - 242 Stamps and Envelope Size

Portal First of all, the description of purple book is not clear. The maximum continuous postage is from 111 to 111, and the increment is 111. 1,2,3,4,51,2,3,4,51,2,3,4,51,2,3,4,5 are, while 2,3,4,5,62,3,4,5,62,3,4,5,6 are not Pay attention to the output format state transition We know that the state ...

Posted by electricshoe on Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:04:01 -0700

Teach you to build a mobile APM monitoring system

APM is the abbreviation of Application Performance Monitoring, which monitors and manages the performance and availability of software applications. Application performance management is very important for the continuous and stable operation of an application. So this article talks about how to accurately monitor and report data from the perspe ...

Posted by shikhartandon on Sat, 27 Jun 2020 22:33:50 -0700

UVA - 12105 Bigger is Better(DP)

Portal First, such problems, dynamic programming of a number, are generally diverted from other residuals Then this topic uses a more important nature of large number redundancy, that is, large numbers can be manipulated one by one to achieve the purpose of redundancy, which can be referred to Here M ...

Posted by tomasd on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 18:21:14 -0700

NSTimer & CADisplayLink & GCD of timers in iOS

summary In daily development, we often need to deal with timing, such as the cycle of some animation, SMS countdown, etc. this note summarizes some of the development I used in my work, please communicate more NSTimer The most basic timer in iOS is implemented by Runloop in essence. Generally, it is more accurate, but when there are more time-c ...

Posted by riceje7 on Mon, 22 Jun 2020 01:50:31 -0700

Xcode debugging skills -- common commands and breakpoints

The debugging skills in Xcode are closely related to our daily development. These debugging skills often have half the power when we solve bugs, and often use various breakpoints and commands. And these debugging skills are often asked in interviews, so let's take a look at what we don't know. Debug main viewing area Debug command In the above ...

Posted by mizz key_me on Sat, 20 Jun 2020 02:16:10 -0700


Title Link Title:There are three countries. They want to communicate with each other. They want to communicate with each other. They want to communicate with each otherThere is a matrix of n*m, ාstands for the wall, which means there is a matrix of n*m that can't walk, \ #stands for the wall, which mean ...

Posted by phpbeginner0120 on Fri, 19 Jun 2020 00:27:58 -0700

Summary of usage of meta tags in HTML5

< meta > tags in front-end interfaces of major websites on June 11, 2020 The meet object represents an element of HTML and provides meta information of HTML elements, such as description, keyword, refresh rate. Object properties: Content sets or returns the content attribute of an element h ...

Posted by nova912 on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 23:28:36 -0700

iOS Animation-Panorama

This is the second in a series. Students who have read the previous article already know that the title "scene" refers to view and "window" refers to view.View.maskThe panorama combs masks and mask animations.If you're not familiar with iOS masks, it's a good idea to look at them first First. Windows change more than scenes ...

Posted by Petrushka on Sun, 07 Jun 2020 18:45:30 -0700