RabbitMQ Learning III: RabbitMQ Clustering and Load Balancing

I. Cluster Structure RabbitMQ always records the following four types of internal metadata: Queue metadata: name and properties of the queue (persistent, can be deleted automatically); Exchange metadata: Exchange name, type and properties (persistent, etc.); Binding metadata: A table that records how messages are routed to a queue; Vhost metad ...

Posted by alabonte on Thu, 21 May 2020 19:13:47 -0700

How to improve the reliability of RabbitMQ message consumption in human resource management system

Learn how to improve the reliability of RabbitMQ message consumption in human resource management system, and avoid repeated consumption of messages. 1 General stay How to improve the reliability of RabbitMQ message sending in human resource management system In this paper, we ensure the reliability of message sending. However, under such a mec ...

Posted by ijug.net on Sat, 09 May 2020 02:58:55 -0700

Getting Started with SpringCloud: Sleuth and Zipkin Distributed Link Tracking

The theoretical basis of Distributed Service Tracking in the industry today comes mainly from Google's paper "Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure". The most widely used open source implementation is Zipkin of Twitter. To achieve platform-independent, vendor-independent distributed service tracing, CNCF rel ...

Posted by valentin on Mon, 04 May 2020 00:28:23 -0700

Prefetch count -- prefetch quantity

1, Foreword As mentioned earlier, if multiple consumers subscribe to messages in the same Queue at the same time, the messages in the Queue will be shared equally among multiple consumers. At this time, if the processing time of each message is different, it may cause some consumers to be busy all the time, while others will soon finish the wor ...

Posted by thewabbit1 on Fri, 01 May 2020 17:37:52 -0700

11. Chapter 11 of spring cloud, upgrading, service GateWay gateway, service configuration Config and service Bus bus

Chapter 10 of spring cloud, upgrading, service GateWay gateway, service configuration Config and service Bus bus 1, Service GateWay 1. Gateway overview Why does it exist: Different microservices usually have different network addresses, and external clients may need to call multiple microservices interfaces to fulfill the requirements of ...

Posted by AutomatikStudio on Thu, 23 Apr 2020 20:51:35 -0700

C ා queue learning notes: RabbitMQ uses multithreading to improve consumption throughput

I. Introduction One of the advantages of using work queues is that they can process queues in parallel. If a lot of tasks are piled up, we just need to add more workers. The extension is very simple. This example uses multithreading to create multichannels and bind queues to achieve the goal of multiple workers. II. Examples 2.1 environmental p ...

Posted by louie35 on Tue, 14 Apr 2020 07:16:26 -0700

rabbitmq cluster deployment

0x00 introduction to rabbimq RabbiMQ is developed with Erlang, which is very convenient for clustering. Erlang is a distributed language by nature, but it does not support load balancing. RabbiMQ mode RabbitMQ mode can be roughly divided into the following three types: (1) the first mock exam. (2) Normal mode (the default cluster mode). (3) Mi ...

Posted by Salis on Tue, 07 Apr 2020 08:32:02 -0700

Deploy Rabbitmq cluster

1, Deploy Rabbitmq clusterRabbitmq cluster can be divided into two ways:1. Normal mode: the default cluster mode. The message body only exists on one node;2. Mirror mode: make the required queue into a mirror, which exists in multiple nodes.ha-mode:  all: queue to all nodes; exatly: randomly mirror to other nodes; nodes: mirror to the speci ...

Posted by surreal5335 on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:22:08 -0700

Spring boot using RabbitMQ code example

Example explanation In this example, slf4j-log4j12 is used to manage logs, and the logback classic dependency of spring boot start AMQP needs to be excluded to prevent conflicts. Key points of message queuing Producers: procedures for sending messages Consumer: a program that listens for and receives consumer messages Message: a stream of bin ...

Posted by darkvengance on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 18:23:16 -0700

RabbitMQ consumer current limiting, TTL, dead letter queue

Thank you for your reference- http://bjbsair.com/2020-04-01/tech-info/18382.html Current restriction at the consumer end# 1. Why limit the flow to the consumer# Suppose a scenario, first of all, our Rabbitmq server has a backlog of tens of thousands of unprocessed messages. If we open a consumer client, we will see this situation: a huge amount ...

Posted by watsonowen on Fri, 03 Apr 2020 03:29:45 -0700