Print generic objects as Json under Python
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Author: Window
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Sometimes we write a Python program, when dealing with complex objects, sometimes debugging in ...
Posted by Stripy42 on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 10:30:56 -0700
Using python to automatically generate software copyright source code
A small demand:
When applying for software copyright, you need to submit a page of 50 lines, a total of 60 pages of source code. However, the designed project is saved in a multi-level directory and does not want to be copied one by one, so we get all the files in the directory through python and os modules, re regularize and filter the inval ...
Posted by Angry Coder on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 08:13:25 -0700
python machine learning
Chinese Email Classification Based on Naive Bayes algorithm
1. Principle of naive Bayesian algorithm
2. Project introduction
3. Project steps
4. code
5. results
Chinese Email Classification Bas ...
Posted by Azarath on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 04:08:00 -0700
Python Create Local Server Environment Generate QR Code
1. Requirements
The company wants to make an H5 mobile adapter page. Because of technical problems, H5 is outsourced. Each time the front-end gives us the source code, we pass the source code to the server for others to access to see if there is a bug. Isn't that troublesome?Some people say that they can let the front end be hosted on their se ...
Posted by vocoder on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 00:55:01 -0700
Initial Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning: sklearn Dataset
1. sklearn dataset
1.1 Dataset Partitioning
Machine learning general datasets are divided into two parts:Training data: for training, building modelsTest data: Used during model validation to assess whether a model is valid
SklearnDataset Partitioning API: sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split
1.2 Introduction to sklearn dataset interface
In ...
Posted by heropage on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 20:04:34 -0700
Ideas and codes for exponential smoothing of one, two and three times
The commonly used exponential smoothing methods are first exponential smoothing, second exponential smoothing and third exponential smoothing. Higher exponential smoothing is rarely seen. Therefore, this paper focuses on the characteristics and differences of first, second and third exponential smoothing.
One-time exponential smoothing is gene ...
Posted by the_manic_mouse on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 19:27:39 -0700
How to map common epidemics such as roses with Python
The new crown epidemic has lasted for several months. At present, the epidemic situation in our country has been basically controlled, while the European and American countries are in the period of outbreak. We will see that many websites have provided a variety of epidemic statistics maps. Today, we use Python's pyecharts framework to draw som ...
Posted by linux1880 on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 19:07:53 -0700
Sphinx + GitHub + ReadtheDocs to create e-books
Read the Docs Is an online document hosting service that allows you to import documents from various version control systems.In general, this is ideal for writing software documents, tutorials, e-books, and so on.
Sphinx is a Python-based document generation project that was originally used to generate official Python documents. With ...
Posted by bpops on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 17:29:40 -0700
K-means algorithm -- Application
1. Image compression using K-means algorithm
Read a picture
Observe image file size, memory occupied, image data structure, linearization
Clustering image pixel colors with kmeans
Get the color category of each pixel, and the color of each category
Compressed image generation: replace the original pixel color with the middle gather in clusterin ...
Posted by troinfo on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 08:44:21 -0700
Python high order function practice [user defined high order function, map, reduce, filter, sorted]
I. overview
scala is similar to higher-order function, which is a function that can receive another function as a parameter.
2, Import base package
import random
from functools import reduce
3, Custom higher order function
#Define common functions and generate lists automatically
def getList():
hList = list(range(5))
return ...
Posted by rledieu on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 07:59:20 -0700