[JVM source code analysis] the virtual machine interprets and executes Java methods

This article is compiled and published by jiumo (Ma Zhi), chief lecturer of HeapDump performance communityPart 29 - calling the main() method of the Java main classMany articles have been written to introduce the assembly code execution logic corresponding to bytecode instructions, and some assembly code logic corresponding to bytecode instruct ...

Posted by joel24 on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 07:51:24 -0800

Introduction to synchronized keyword (autumn move) -- Part I

1, Mental process In Java Concurrent Programming, the synchronized keyword is undoubtedly a frequently asked question. During the interview, many interviewers pay more attention to your understanding of the synchronized keyword and its underlying. If you can answer it, it will undoubtedly add points. The following is what I learned through mys ...

Posted by noaksey2000 on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 05:03:15 -0800

JAVA classes and objects

1. Preliminary cognition of class and object [object oriented concept]: 1. Object oriented is a way of thinking and an idea. For example: concepts and examples. Theory and practice. Name and reality, etc 2. Class is the general name of a class of objects. An object is an instance of this kind of materialization. 3. The benefits of obj ...

Posted by choppsta on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 17:30:46 -0800

JVM monitoring and diagnostic tool - jstat of command

1, jps (Java Process status) view the running java process Start the following procedure: Parameters: -q: Show ID ONLY -l fully qualified name of the output program -m output the parameters passed to main when the process starts -v list JVM parameters View process details by jps Name: 1,jps  2,jps -q  3,jps -l  4,jps -m    ...

Posted by sdat1333 on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 17:38:29 -0800

JMH quick start

Introduction to JMH JMH is a tool set dedicated to code micro benchmarking. JMH is developed by the team implementing Java virtual machine. Since the JVM has become more and more intelligent, it may be optimized to varying degrees in the compilation stage, class loading stage and running stage of java files, so the code written by developers ...

Posted by Uranium-235 on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 13:16:52 -0800

Performance optimization cases

1. Performance optimization case 1: adjusting heap size to improve service throughput 1.1. Modify tomcat JVM configuration In the production environment, Tomcat does not recommend configuring variables directly in catalina.sh, but in setenv.sh under the same level directory (bin directory) as Catalina. 1.2 initial configuration Writ ...

Posted by skattabrain on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 20:55:20 -0800

[JVM source code analysis] the template interpreter interprets and executes Java bytecode instructions

This article is compiled and published by jiumo (Ma Zhi), chief lecturer of HeapDump performance community Chapter 17 - x86-64 register The system of machine language that can be interpreted by different CPUs is called ISA (Instruction Set Architecture), or instruction set. Intel calls the 32-bit CPU Instruction Set Architecture among x86 seri ...

Posted by sigmon on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 20:03:40 -0800

JVM runtime parameters

reference material: Silicon Valley JVM tutorial 22.JVM runtime parameters 22.1. JVM parameter options Official website address: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/windows/java.html 22.1.1. Type I: standard parameter option Server mode and Client mode The Hotspot JVM has two modes, server and client, which are set through th ...

Posted by turbolemon on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 02:26:57 -0800

Java must learn tool library to reduce your code by 90%

1. Java's own tools and methods 1.1 the list set is spliced into comma separated strings 1.2 compare whether two strings are equal, ignoring case 1.3 compare whether two objects are equal 1.4 intersection of two List sets 2. apache commons tool class library 2.1 commons Lang, enhanced version of java.lang 2.2 common collections co ...

Posted by kday on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 17:52:03 -0800

JVM advanced custom class loader

1. Function Isolated load class In some frameworks, middleware is isolated from application modules, and classes are loaded into different environments. Modify how classes are loaded The loading model of class is not mandatory. It should be loaded dynamically at a certain point in time according to the actual situation. Extended load so ...

Posted by findapollo on Tue, 16 Nov 2021 20:43:48 -0800