Deep analysis of JVM class loading mechanism

get ready: Markdown authoring tool Youdaoyun notes Idea development tools GItHub project address analysis: The whole process of class loading and running: When we use the java command to run the main function of a class to start the program, we first need to load the main class into the JVM through th ...

Posted by khaitan_anuj on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 03:23:00 -0700

Java knowledge summary 1 - Java program foundation

1.1 Java introduction What is Java Java is a programming language developed by James Gosling of SUN (acquired by Oracle) in the early 1990s. It was officially released in 1995. Java is a cross platform language based on JVM Programming languages are compiled and interpreted. Compiled languages suc ...

Posted by Kurt on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 22:09:13 -0700

Java foundation Demo04 -- Java design pattern singleton pattern

java singleton mode means to ensure that there is only one instance of a class and provide the instance to the global during the whole system operation. Main implementation mode: 1, Instant load Class objects are created as soon as the class file is loaded, whether or not they are called. (starving ...

Posted by calande on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 21:43:25 -0700

My development diary

Today, I mainly solved the verification of the login status of the test account. My current solution is to use the special syntax uid=123 when writing the test case, which means that the field of the use case should go to the login credentials of the test account with uid equal to 123. The difficulty is that the login credentials will expire an ...

Posted by tbach2 on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 21:49:56 -0700

SpringBoot injection multi instance, multi thread processing

Another post: Spring Boot tutorial 16: implementing multithreading with Spring Boot injection class SpringBoot injection multi instance, multi thread processing   Seeing this title, I'm sure many people will be puzzled. Looking back on your own scenarios, we will find that in Spring projects, multithreading is rarely used to process tasks. Y ...

Posted by iwarlord on Thu, 11 Jun 2020 21:37:04 -0700

Java learning notes annotation and reflection, Class class, Class loader, Java Memory Analysis

annotation Annotation is a technology introduced from JDK 5.0 The role of Annotation: It's not the program itself, it can explain the program (it's no different from comment) Can be read by other programs (such as compilers) Annotation format Annotation exists in "@ annotation name&quot ...

Posted by marowa on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 22:43:44 -0700

JMH: a necessary tool for performance tuning

if fast or switch fast? Do you want to specify the initialization size of HashMap? How much performance can be improved after it is specified? Which serialization method takes less time? No matter what the reason is, it is necessary to evaluate the performance. In most cases, it is not enough to simply answer who is fast and who is slow. How to ...

Posted by bluebyyou on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 19:45:42 -0700

Learning notes and development of JUC

Learning notes and development of JUC Java JUC 1 Introduction to Java JUC 2 volatile keyword - memory visibility 2.1 memory visibility 2.2 volatile keyword 3 atomic variables and CAS algorithm 3.1 atomic variables 3.1.1 atomicity of I + + 3.1.2 atomic variables 3.2 CAS algorithm 3.2.1 ABA prob ...

Posted by dstockto on Fri, 05 Jun 2020 01:12:09 -0700

Development of plug-ins for automatically generating getter and setter methods based on annotation processor

The copyright of this article belongs to the official account of WeChat public code ID:onblog. If it is reproduced, please keep the original statement of the paragraph, and the offender will investigate it. If there are any shortcomings, please welcome the official account of WeChat public. ] Yesterday, I found out by accident lombok The auth ...

Posted by daedlus on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 22:56:22 -0700

String can also do performance optimization, I can only say Niubi!

By Lyl Daisy String string is one of the most commonly used types in the system, which occupies a large amount of memory in the system. Therefore, efficient use of string can improve the performance of the system. In the process of work and learning, I summarized the following three sch ...

Posted by Bob_PHP_Builder on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 18:00:44 -0700