What are the principles behind Java generics?

Yunqi information:[ Click to see more industry information]Here you can find the first-hand cloud information of different industries. What are you waiting for? Come on! The main content of this section is the application of generics in java. Through this section, you can better understand generics and what is the concept of generics type erasu ...

Posted by ravi.kinjarapu on Wed, 27 May 2020 01:53:39 -0700

Here are several typical memory overflow cases in Java!

Here are several typical memory overflow cases in Java! Write in frontAs a programmer, more or less will encounter some memory overflow scenarios. If you haven't yet, it means that you may have a relatively short working life, or you are a fake programmer at all! Ha ha, make a joke. Today, we will list several typical memory overflow cases in t ...

Posted by pomme on Sun, 24 May 2020 19:43:06 -0700

New feature of JDK9: xlog of JVM

brief introduction In java programs, we use logs to locate and discover potential problems in our projects.In modern java projects, we use logging frameworks such as log4j or slf4j, Logback, and so on to handle logging issues. JVM is the basis of running java programs. Events in JVM such as GC, class loading, JPMS, heap, threads and so on can a ...

Posted by littlejones on Fri, 22 May 2020 16:54:30 -0700

A Bug that causes the JVM to consume a lot of physical memory

This article is from: PerfMa Technical Community PerfMa Official Website Summary Recently, our company helped a customer find a JVM problem (JDK1.8.0_191-b12), found that a system is always lost by OS Kill, caused by a memory leak.During the process of investigation, another Bug in JVM was found by mistake.This Bug is likely to cause a lot of ...

Posted by broann on Thu, 21 May 2020 20:06:56 -0700

Java learning path: day18 multithreading

Article catalog Reprinted from atguigu.com video Chapter 8 multithreading Basic concepts: program, process, thread Process and thread Advantages of using multithreading When multithreading is needed Creation and use of threads Thread creation and startup Thread class Two ways to create threads in ...

Posted by igorek on Sun, 17 May 2020 18:31:19 -0700

Java foundation -- overload, static dispatch and dynamic dispatch

——Notes on deep understanding of Java virtual machine JVM advanced features and best practices Let's start with a piece of code public class Human {} public class Man extends Human{} public class Woman extends Human{} public class FulynDemo { public void sayHello(Human arg) { System.out.println("i am human"); } p ...

Posted by zild1221 on Fri, 15 May 2020 08:38:05 -0700

How does the Spring Boot run instruction run the Spring Boot project?

Author: Shahu Wanghttps://segmentfault.com/a/1190000021687878 When learning Spring Boot for the first time, according to the official documents, after setting up a project, execute mvn spring-boot:run We can run this project. I'm curious about what this instruction does and why the class in the project that contains the main method needs to b ...

Posted by Solar on Fri, 15 May 2020 01:51:22 -0700

9 Best Practices for Java to handle exceptions!

Handling exceptions in Java is not an easy task. It is not only difficult for beginners to understand, even some experienced developers also need to spend a lot of time thinking about how to handle exceptions, including which exceptions need to be handled, how to handle and so on. This is also the reason why most development teams will make som ...

Posted by vonnero on Thu, 14 May 2020 01:31:20 -0700

[comics] JAVA Concurrent Programming ReentrantLock of J.U.C Lock package

Original statement: This article comes from the official account [fat pig programming]. Please indicate the source. stay How to solve the atomicity problem in JAVA Concurrent Programming Finally, we sold a key. Mutex not only has synchronized keyword, but also can be implemented with Locks package in J.U.C. and it is very powerful! Let's find o ...

Posted by chet23 on Tue, 12 May 2020 10:28:12 -0700

Debugging artifact in jcmd:JDK14

brief introduction Jcmd is the debugging tool that comes with JDK and has very powerful functions.Jcmd was officially introduced in JDK7. With jcmd, you can completely replace many other commonly used tools, such as jstak and jmap. Jcmd can send specific diagnostic commands to the JVM.For security reasons, users using jcmd must have the same us ...

Posted by glassroof on Sun, 10 May 2020 15:57:28 -0700