brief introduction
Jcmd is the debugging tool that comes with JDK and has very powerful functions.Jcmd was officially introduced in JDK7. With jcmd, you can completely replace many other commonly used tools, such as jstak and jmap.
Jcmd can send specific diagnostic commands to the JVM.For security reasons, users using jcmd must have the same users and user groups as running java programs.
There are many debugging commands for jcmd, each of which has its own parameters.
This article will explain the use of jcmd in detail with specific examples.
Syntax for jcmd
The syntax of jcmd is simple:
jcmd [pid | main-class] command... | PerfCounter.print | -f filename jcmd [-l] jcmd -h
pid and main-class are two choices:
Where pid represents the java process id to send diagnostic commands.
You can also specify main-class, which means you want to send diagnostic commands to the java process running the main-class.
Commands represent commands that can be run in jcmd. Let's see which commands jcmd supports:
./jcmd 93989 help 93989: The following commands are available: Compiler.CodeHeap_Analytics Compiler.codecache Compiler.codelist Compiler.directives_add Compiler.directives_clear Compiler.directives_print Compiler.directives_remove Compiler.queue GC.class_histogram GC.class_stats GC.finalizer_info GC.heap_dump GC.heap_info GC.run_finalization JFR.check JFR.configure JFR.dump JFR.start JFR.stop JVMTI.agent_load JVMTI.data_dump ManagementAgent.start ManagementAgent.start_local ManagementAgent.status ManagementAgent.stop Thread.print VM.class_hierarchy VM.classloader_stats VM.classloaders VM.command_line VM.dynlibs VM.flags VM.log VM.metaspace VM.native_memory VM.print_touched_methods VM.set_flag VM.stringtable VM.symboltable VM.system_properties VM.systemdictionary VM.uptime VM.version help
Perfcounter.print indicates to print performance counters exposed by java processes.
-f filename means to read a command to run from a text file.
-l Lists JVM s that are not running in docker.
-h for help.
Here are a few common examples
List running JVM s
./jcmd -l 98109 jdk.jcmd/ -l
All running JVM processes can be listed by using jcmd-l.Same as jps.
Print stack information
Use jcmd PID Thread.print-l to print stack information for Java programs.Where -l represents the lock information of the output java.util.concurrent.
Here's a simple example:
./jcmd 93989 Thread.print -l Full thread dump Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (14.0.1+7 mixed mode, sharing): Threads class SMR info: _java_thread_list=0x00007fbeb1c4cb10, length=12, elements={ 0x00007fbeb282a800, 0x00007fbeb282d800, 0x00007fbeb282e800, 0x00007fbeb2830800, 0x00007fbeb2831800, 0x00007fbeb2832000, 0x00007fbeb2833000, 0x00007fbeb3831000, 0x00007fbeb3822000, 0x00007fbeb3174000, 0x00007fbeb3815000, 0x00007fbeb226f800 } "Reference Handler" #2 daemon prio=10 os_prio=31 cpu=0.64ms elapsed=8996.59s tid=0x00007fbeb282a800 nid=0x4703 waiting on condition [0x000070000440d000] java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE at java.lang.ref.Reference.waitForReferencePendingList(java.base@14.0.1/Native Method) at java.lang.ref.Reference.processPendingReferences(java.base@14.0.1/ at java.lang.ref.Reference$ Locked ownable synchronizers: - None
Print heap info
heap info can be obtained using jcmd pid GC.heap_info.
./jcmd 93989 GC.heap_info 93989: garbage-first heap total 71680K, used 34410K [0x00000007d4400000, 0x0000000800000000) region size 1024K, 20 young (20480K), 4 survivors (4096K) Metaspace used 23810K, capacity 24246K, committed 24752K, reserved 1071104K class space used 2850K, capacity 3015K, committed 3072K, reserved 1048576K
Print heap dump
If you want to know what's inside a heap, you can dump it out with the following command:
./jcmd 93989 GC.heap_dump heap_dump.out 93989: Dumping heap to heap_dump.out ... Heap dump file created [27727979 bytes in 0.643 secs]
heap dump needs to pass in a file name to store the dump's information.
Statistical heap usage
Sometimes we need to count the usage of each object in the heap by following these methods:
./jcmd 93989 GC.class_histogram 93989: num #instances #bytes class name (module) ------------------------------------------------------- 1: 25826 11748304 [B (java.base@14.0.1) 2: 2233 1971800 [I (java.base@14.0.1) 3: 5154 614928 java.lang.Class (java.base@14.0.1) 4: 24757 594168 java.lang.String (java.base@14.0.1) 5: 4491 439432 [Ljava.lang.Object; (java.base@14.0.1) 6: 13177 421664 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node (java.base@14.0.1) 7: 5025 160800 java.util.HashMap$Node (java.base@14.0.1) 8: 8793 140688 java.lang.Object (java.base@14.0.1) 9: 212 103584 [Ljava.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node; (java.base@14.0.1)
The above results are useful and can be unexpected in some performance debugging methods.
JFR function
jcmd also supports jfr functionality.The full name of JFR is called Java Flight Recorder.You can think of it as a logger for some events in the JVM.
More about JFR will be explained in more detail in my next article.
jcmd has many other functions, you can use and explore more.
Author: Fldean Programs
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Source: Fldean's blog
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