jdk source compilation on macos platform

1. Preface_For java, a lot of work is done by jvm, such as memory allocation and recycling, other system-level calls. This actually blocks some things at the bottom of the operating system. It's convenient for javaer but also confusing (I'm not a pure javaer yet). Many of the detailed concepts are still not very clear, especially when it comes ...

Posted by getmukesh on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 09:40:24 -0800

JDK dynamic agent and CGLIB dynamic agent are really different

Absrtact: This article takes you to understand JDK dynamic agent and CGLIB dynamic agent This article is shared from Huawei cloud community< This article takes you to understand JDK dynamic agent and CGLIB dynamic agent >, author: skin shrimp. What's the difference between the two 1, Jdk dynamic proxy: use the interceptor (to implement In ...

Posted by webworks on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:44:51 -0800

JDK source code -- try catch finally exception

abstract The exception and exception handling mechanism in java will be explained in detail. Exception is a tool commonly used in development and a means to deal with program exceptions. This paper will introduce in detail the principle of using try catch in JDK to deal with exceptions. Exception type An unexpected event that occurs when a p ...

Posted by eneficus on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 18:28:28 -0800

Why does the HashMap under the high parallel distribution have a dead cycle

preface    the deadlock problem in the case of HashMap concurrency exists in jdk 1.7 and before. jdk 1.8 has been repaired by adding loHead and loTail. Although it has been repaired, if concurrency is involved, it is generally recommended to use CurrentHashMap instead of HashMap to ensure that thread safety problems will not o ...

Posted by DeadFly on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:36:14 -0800

[JDK source code] concurrent atomic class AtomicStampedReference

brief introduction AtomicStampedReference is an atomic class provided under the java concurrency package. It can solve ABA problems that cannot be solved by other atomic classes, such as AtomicInteger ABA problem ABA The ABA problem occurs in a multithreaded environment. When a thread reads the same memory address twice in a row and gets ...

Posted by timvw on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 16:24:02 -0800

Java foundation - Dynamic Proxy

prefaceIn the source code implementation of Mybatis, the design idea of dynamic agent is used. In order to understand the dynamic agent in Mybatis, this article will study the JDK dynamic agent combined with examples and source code, and finally summarize the differences between JDK dynamic agent and CGLIB dynamic agent, so as to help better un ...

Posted by zone16 on Mon, 08 Nov 2021 04:04:53 -0800

☕ [Java technical guide] "serialization series" delves into the characteristics and principles of FST's sharp tools for fast serialization and compression of memory

Concept and definition of FST The full name of FST serialization is Fast Serialization Tool, which is an alternative implementation of Java serialization. Since the two serious shortcomings of Java serialization mentioned above have been greatly improved in FST, the characteristics of FST are as follows: The serialization provided by JDK i ...

Posted by franklyn on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 05:22:46 -0700

No one has ever analyzed the agency model so thoroughly

1 from static agent to dynamic agent For example, some people will be urged to marry by their parents when they reach the marriageable age. Now, under various pressures, many people choose to marry and have children later. So anxious parents began to date their children everywhere, more anxious than their children themselves. Let's look at the ...

Posted by phpology on Thu, 28 Oct 2021 08:10:19 -0700

Several special ways of Spring Bean instantiation

ServiceLoader uses the reverse control in JDK ServiceLoaderFactoryBean AutowireCapableBeanFactory#createBean BeanDefinitionRegistry#registerBeanDefinition RumenzFactory interface and default implementation class DefaultRumenzFactory RumenzFactory.java package com.rumenz; public interface RumenzFactory { //jdk1.8 default implementation ...

Posted by svgmx5 on Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:16:42 -0700

The deepest analysis of spring boot MVC automatic configuration failure in the whole network

preface I didn't plan to write this article, but after reading the core principles of SpringBoot, I suddenly thought of the MVC automatic failure problem encountered in the previous development. Although there are many articles and official documents on the Internet explaining the reasons, I still want to have a look at it in person. What I tho ...

Posted by pr0x on Mon, 29 Jun 2020 21:05:23 -0700