Text detection dataset annotation

Tool link: Curve-Text-Detector/data at master · Yuliang-Liu/Curve-Text-Detector · GitHub catalogue preface 1, Tool introduction 1. Label format 2. Use of tools 2, To label 1. Data preparation 2. Data annotation 3. Dataset label visualization summary preface The annotation methods and tools introduced this time are the ...

Posted by raptoni on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 00:38:40 -0800

Modeling method for qualitative analysis of near infrared spectroscopy based on one-dimensional convolution network (1-D CNN)

Catalogue of series articles Near infrared spectroscopy is a cross cutting field, which requires cooperation in chemistry, computer science, bioscience and other fields. Therefore, under the guidance of (teacher Yang Huihua team of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), we are preparing to open source the traditional classical al ...

Posted by mgallforever on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 15:07:42 -0800

PyTorch deep learning practice lesson 11 convolutional neural network (advanced part) perception module handwritten numeral recognition

  Video link: The final collection of PyTorch deep learning practice_ Beep beep beep_ bilibili This secondary implementation is a more complex neural network. Although the model looks very complex, in order to reduce code redundancy and improve code reusability, we can define the neural network with the same structure as a class to improv ...

Posted by elpaisa on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 13:12:27 -0800

[security vulnerability] rdecms-5.8.1 SSTI template injection leads to RCE

Vulnerability type SSTI RCE Utilization conditions Scope of influence application Vulnerability overview On September 30, 2021, Steven Seeley, a foreign security researcher, disclosed an SQL injection vulnerability and an RCE vulnerability caused by SSTI in the latest DedeCMS version. Because the utilization conditions of SQL injection vul ...

Posted by gacon on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 06:57:18 -0800

OpenCV Python actual combat (part outside) - OpenCV realizes image cartoon

preface In blog Opencv Python practice (4) -- common OpenCV image processing technologies( ❤️ 10000 word long text, including a large number of examples ❤️)> As described in, you can apply CV2. Bilaterfilter () To reduce noise while retaining sharp edges. However, this filter will produce ladder effect and false edges in the filtered im ...

Posted by robin_percy on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 03:15:34 -0800

Pytoch learning notes (10) -- train and test CNN network

This chapter will train a simple CNN network on CIFAR10 dataset: A simple CNN network is trained based on CIFAR-10 data set.Save the trained model and test it.Train with GPU. CIFAR dataset CIFAR data sets can be divided into CIFAR10 and CIFAR100. CIFAR-10 includes 10 categories and CIFAR-100 includes 100 categories. CIFAR-10 Features: 32x3 ...

Posted by delboy1978uk on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 01:52:01 -0800

Wu Enda's programming assignment in the second week

Title Description Given the training data set (pictures of cats), let's build a simple neural network to identify cats. Dataset description There are 209 pictures in the training set, and the shape of each picture is (64, 64, 3) There are 50 pictures in the test set, and the shape of each picture is (64, 64, 3) classes stores two string data ...

Posted by HaXoRL33T on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 16:36:49 -0800

Getting started with Python -- object oriented

Basic overview of object oriented Object oriented programming (OOP): more extensible and readable. Object oriented programming encapsulates data and operation data into objects. The way of organizing code and data is closer to human thinking and improves programming efficiency.python supports many programming paradigms such as object-oriented, ...

Posted by superman on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 12:14:19 -0800

shuffleNet-V1 paper reading and code implementation

preface shufflenetV1 is another direction of the development of convolutional neural network to lightweight, which is the lightweight network following Mobilenet. 1, Paper reading summary Paper address Tricks: application of group revolution on 1 * 1 convolution; channel shuffle improves information transmission between channels ...

Posted by tomsasse on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 03:42:54 -0800

jetson-tx2 installation, python, yolov5, opencv python, onnxruntime GPU

Write in front: strongly accuse those who copy and paste other people's blogs but don't know whether it is feasible to practice; I have read countless blogs, experimented with many methods, and summarized the pitfalls: almost all articles are source code compilation, and the compilation methods are similar, but no one has ever written how m ...

Posted by chordsoflife on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 01:17:04 -0800