torch.nn neural network -- use of pooling layer + nonlinear activation function (ReLU and sigmoid) + Sequential() function

nn.Module neural network 4. Pool layer Pooling layer: the pooling function uses the overall statistical characteristics of adjacent outputs at a location to replace the network output at that location. The essence is downsampling to reduce the amount of network parameters Still the old rule, import module and dataset, CIFAR10,batchsize=64: ...

Posted by Zoofu on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 08:17:06 -0700

Paddegan takes you to immersive space travel (ノェェノ): achieve high-quality style migration

[PaddleGAN Immersive space travel 👨‍🚀] Teach you to quickly realize the transfer of high-quality artistic style Can roam the universe without a spaceship?! 👨‍🚀👩‍🚀 You're not dreaming! 🚀 AI art style migration makes your dream come true!!! 🛰 Don't feel out of reach today PaddleGAN Just use the power of AI to lead you on th ...

Posted by atdawgie on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 08:04:50 -0700

In-depth Learning 100 Cases-Loop Neural Network (LSTM) to Realize Stock Forecasting|Day 10

🔥 This article GitHub Included 1. Preface Today is the 10th day, we will use LSTM to forecast the opening price of the stock. The final R2 will reach 0.74, which is two percentage points higher than the traditional RNN of 0.72. My environment: Language environment: Python 3.6.5Compiler: jupyter not ...

Posted by minifairy on Thu, 21 Oct 2021 11:33:47 -0700

Nine skills of training fast neural network with pytoch

This ultimate guide, from simple to complex, teaches you to clear all GP models in the model step by step until you can complete most PITA modifications to make full use of your network. In fact, your model may still be at the stone age level. It is estimated that you are still training with 32-bit accuracy or GASP (general active sim ...

Posted by Jibberish on Thu, 21 Oct 2021 10:37:03 -0700

New generative model to beat GANs: principle, network structure, application, code, experiment and Prospect of score based model (diffusion model)

In the top conferences of NeurIPS, ICCV and CVPR in recent two years, there have been 20 or 30 papers related to score based generic models, which is a new generative model. In particular, some papers directly shouted the slogan of beat GANs. The new generation method and the generation effect of leading GANs and VAE in some fields have attract ...

Posted by Negligence on Wed, 20 Oct 2021 10:22:42 -0700

Chapter II - Preliminary Application of pytoch

Preliminary application of pytoch Build a neural network using Pytorch Typical process of building neural network: A neural network with learnable parameters is definedTraversal training data setProcess the input data to flow through the neural networkCalculate loss valueThe gradient of network parameters is back propagatedUpdate network w ...

Posted by artnow on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 21:22:31 -0700

Chapter 1 - Introduction to pytoch

NLP learning notes Introduction to pytoch Pytoch basic operation Tensor tensor from __future__ import print_function import torch # Create an uninitialized matrix x = torch.empty(5,3) print(x) # Create a matrix with initialization x = torch.rand(5,3) print(x) # The output is tensor([n,n,n]) It can be found that when using the empty met ...

Posted by Codewarrior123 on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 21:17:13 -0700

TensorRT_mnist_int8 correction

Define network Defining a network for INT8 is exactly the same as defining a network for any other precision. The weights are imported as FP32, and the builder will calibrate the network to find the appropriate quantization factor, so as to reduce the network to INT8 accuracy. This example uses NvCaffeParser to import a network: const nvcaff ...

Posted by Fsoft on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 13:40:03 -0700

[Special Topic on semantic segmentation] work related to semantic segmentation -- work related to ENet network

ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Paszke, A., Chaurasia, A., Kim, S., & Culurciello, E. (2016). ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation. ArXiv, abs/1606.02147. # Initial block of the model: # Input # / \ # / \ #maxpoo ...

Posted by nikifi on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 21:12:21 -0700

[Topic on semantic segmentation] work related to semantic segmentation -- full revolutionary densinet

The One Hundred Layers Tiramisu: Fully Convolutional DenseNets for Semantic Segmentation In this paper, DenseNets is extended to solve the problem of semantic segmentation. The best results were obtained on the urban scene benchmark data sets (CamVid and Gatech), without further post-processing modules (such as CRF) and pre training models. In ...

Posted by LOUDMOUTH on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 20:57:06 -0700