[Speech Recognition] matlab source with GUI for voiceprint recognition based on mfcc feature template matching algorithm
In any Automatic speech recognition system, the first step is to extract the features. In other words, we need to extract the identifiable components of the audio signal and throw away other messy information, such as background noise, mood, etc.
Understanding how speech is produced is very helpful for us to understand speech. People pro ...
Posted by Unipus on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 08:25:24 -0700
Codeforces Round #741 (Div. 2) (A~D2)
Competition link: Click here to transfer
Link to official solution: Click here to transfer
1562A The Miracle and the Sleeper topic link: Click here to transfer
Meaning: Given a range
Posted by Daddy on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 05:48:00 -0700
Data structure and algorithm series notes 7: joint search set
Joint search set
1. Union search set concept
The parallel query set is a tree type data structure. The parallel query set can efficiently perform the following operations:
Query whether element p and element q belong to the same groupMerge the group of element p and element q
The parallel query set is also a tree structure, but this tree ...
Posted by codered27 on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 04:24:45 -0700
Data structure and algorithm series notes 3: linear table
Linear table
Linear table: a linear table is a finite sequence of n data elements with the same characteristics.
Related concepts:
Precursor element, successor elementHead node and tail node
Linear list classification: sequential list and linked list
1. Sequence table
Sequence table: sequence table is a linear table saved in the form of a ...
Posted by upit on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 04:11:38 -0700
Data structure and algorithm - basis - circular linked list (Supplement)
The last issue discussed it as a whole Unidirectional linked list . On this basis, two points are added, one-way circular linked list and two-way circular linked list. It can be seen from the literal that the linked list forms a ring structure. The difference is whether the ring can only cycle in one direction or two directions.
One way circu ...
Posted by johnnyblaze1980 on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 01:00:57 -0700
Algorithm improvement course template
Algorithm improvement course template
Chapter 1 dynamic programming
275. Slip of paper (Digital triangle model)
The note has to be passed to each other through many students. Obuchi sits in the upper left corner of the matrix, coordinates (1,1), and Xiaoxuan sits in the lower right corner of the matrix, coordinates (m,n). The note from Xiaoy ...
Posted by dotwebbie on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 23:25:31 -0700
leetcode daily question: 1002. Find common characters
leetcode daily question: 1002. Find common characters
Title Description: given A string array A composed of only lowercase letters, return A list composed of all characters (including repeated characters) displayed in each string in the list. For example, if A character appears 3 times in each string, but not 4 times, you need to include th ...
Posted by cwiddowson on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 21:26:59 -0700
[Autumn Enrollment Test True Question] NetEase Written Test 0919
Topic 1:
Title Description: Boredom cows have a sudden idea that they want to have two colors of grid red and blue in their hands. Each grid cow has its own idea. For example, the following grid.
Checks 1 and 2 are blue, Checks 3 are red, Checks 4 are blue, Checks 5 are red, Checks 6 and 7 are blue, and Checks 8 are red. If he paints Chines ...
Posted by Illusionist on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 20:35:16 -0700
list array simple exercise 2
1. Convert an ordered array into a binary search tree
Give you an integer array nums, in which the elements have been arranged in ascending order. Please convert it into a highly balanced binary search tree.
A height balanced binary tree is a binary tree that satisfies the requirement that the absolute value of the height difference between t ...
Posted by hanhao on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 19:49:49 -0700
Seminar topic | [optimization model] modern optimization algorithm (2015D)
This paper mainly analyzes the Yansai 2015D problem, applies the optimization model, and involves the genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm in modern optimization algorithms.
Modern optimization algorithms (genetic algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm, ant colony algorithm and tabu search algorithm) are very powerful, but th ...
Posted by bbreslauer on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 19:05:38 -0700