549 breadth first traversal search maze path - find the shortest path
Find the shortest path of the maze
How to find the shortest path in the maze???
Use the breadth traversal maze path to search for the shortest path:
0 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
Breadth first traversal to find the shortest path
If the value of (0,0) is 1, it means that the intersection of the m ...
Posted by Fredix on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 04:53:23 -0800
[PPTX analysis] image effect algorithm: set transparent color
PPTX resolution: set transparent color
In PPT, we can set the specified color to be transparent through the picture format options - > Color - > set transparent color, so as to realize the need to remove the solid color background.
Effect principle
The logic of setting transparent color in PPT is very simple and clear:
·Rep ...
Posted by brynjar on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 01:18:37 -0800
The algorithm inserts sorting Dongtian and Hill sorting cycle into small code farmers
The concept and application of sorting
Sorting concept
==Sorting: = = the so-called sorting is the operation of arranging a string of records incrementally or decrementally according to the size of one or some keywords. ==Stability: = = if there are multiple records with the same keyword in the record sequence to be sorted, th ...
Posted by sseeley on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 23:00:47 -0800
Optimal distillation structure of three components by decision tree method
1. Problem description
Independent variables: the influencing factors of the optimal distillation structure are the feed composition A, B, C, the ratio of relative volatility ESI, and the separation requirements GESI, where A+B+C=1, so the degrees of freedom of the five independent variables are 4.
Dependent variable: there are 7 kinds of thr ...
Posted by Seamless on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:51:09 -0800
Hash table application (bitmap and bloom filter)
1, Bitmap
1.1 bitmap concept
1.2 application of bitmap
1.3 implementation of bitmap
2, Bloom filter
2.1 concept of Bloom filter
&n ...
Posted by dianaqt on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 19:48:13 -0800
557. (Reverse Words in a String III) reverses word III in a string
Given a string s, reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order.
Given a string s, reverse the character order of each word in the sentence while still retaining the spaces and the original word order.
Example 1:
Input: s = "Let's take LeetCode contest" Output: ...
Posted by johnb352 on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 14:51:22 -0800
LeetCode notes_ 391. Perfect rectangle
Title Description
Give you an array of rectangles, where rectangles[i] = [xi, yi, ai, bi] represents a rectangle with parallel coordinate axes. The lower left vertex of the rectangle is (xi, yi) and the upper right vertex is (ai, bi).
Returns true if all rectangles together exactly cover a rectangular area; Otherwise, false is returned.
Posted by Baumusu on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 12:41:53 -0800
Skillfully solving mathematical problems with C + + algorithm
Skillfully solve mathematical problems
Using C + + to solve classical mathematical problems
1. Common multiples and common factors
Using the rolling division method, we can easily obtain the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two numbers; Multiply the two numbers and divide by the greatest common factor to obtain the least common multiple (LCM ...
Posted by bdee1 on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:17:57 -0800
Data structure sequence table
1, Sequential storage structure
Sequential table, full name sequential storage structure, is a kind of linear table. Linear tables are used to store data with "one-to-one" logical relationship, and sequential tables are no exception.
When storing data in the sequence table, a whole physical space of sufficient size will be appli ...
Posted by atdawgie on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:17:05 -0800
Data structure and algorithm (search algorithm: linear, bisection, interpolation, Fibonacci)
Introduction to search algorithm
In java, there are four common Searches:
1. Sequential (linear) search
2. Binary search / half search
3. Interpolation search
4. Fibonacci search
Linear search
There is a sequence: {1,8,10,8910001234}. Judge whether the sequence contains this name [sequential search]
Requirement: if it is found, it wil ...
Posted by wsh on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 10:44:54 -0800