[ ☕ Java] graphic explanation of classic recursive special topic (explain the classic Hanoi Tower problem in detail)
⭐ Recursively find the factorial of N
Idea: This problem is mainly to find the recursive formula. The recursive formula of factorial is still very easy to find, which is obvious The recursive formula is n × (n-1)! The termination condition is n==1
Code implementation:
public class Recursive solution ...
Posted by adnanhb on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 02:45:37 -0700
Django learning - 3.Django's view layer
Project Name: mydemo2
Python version: 3.7.0
Django version: 3.2.0
Introduction to Django's View
The View in Django framework is a logical program used to process user requests and return responses.In short, a View is a Python function or method that accepts a web request and returns a Web response.No matter what logic the view itself co ...
Posted by akano on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 02:22:35 -0700
java Basics: threads
The following content is related to the following figure As can be seen from the figure, TIMED_WAITING, WAITING and BLOCKED all belong to thread blocking. Their common feature is that threads do not execute code and do not participate in CPU contention. In addition, they also have their own characteristics: (important) (1) Blocking 1. ...
Posted by pido on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 02:13:28 -0700
Element UI installation and introduction method
Element UI introduction
Element UI introduction
Element UI is a set of business independent UI component library based on vue. It provides rich PC side components, reduces users' encapsulation of common components and reduces the difficulty of development.
Relationship between vue and element UI ...
Posted by silvermice on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 02:00:09 -0700
Judge ROS version number - Ubuntu 20.04 install ROS_noetic - modify mirror source
Judge ROS version number
The robot uses raspberry pie, stm32 and ros.
First, configure the network, plug the sd card on the robot into the raspberry pie development board, and then configure the connected hotspot.
Next, plug the sd card back into the raspberry pie on the robot, turn on the hotspot, and the robot will automatically connec ...
Posted by sig on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 01:59:08 -0700
TikZ starts from zero: Euclid's Amber Version of the Elements (I)
0. Preface
This tutorial is translated and adapted from TikZ official documents.
1. Establish environment
\usetikzlibrary{through} % In order to draw a circle more conveniently (the center of the circle and a point on the circle are known)
\u ...
Posted by bob_the _builder on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 01:45:04 -0700
JAVA cultivation script Chapter 11: sorting, there is no best and most complete, only better and more complete
Previous period: JAVA cultivation script Chapter 1: Painful torture JAVA cultivation script Chapter 2: Gradual demonization JAVA cultivation script Chapter 3: Jedi counterattack JAVA cultivation script Chapter 4: "Closed door cultivation" JAVA cultivation script Chapter 5: "Sleeping on firewood and tasting gall" JAVA cultiva ...
Posted by Steven_belfast on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 01:34:00 -0700
Redis6 - Introduction
The notes of this article are from the video of dark horse Shang Silicon Valley https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Rv41177Af , relevant information can be obtained in the comment area.
1. Introduction to NoSQL database
1.1.NoSQL database overview
(1) NoSQL (Not Only SQL), that is, "not just SQL", generally refers to non rel ...
Posted by Yamakazi on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 01:28:54 -0700
Spring: continue to create singleton beans, expose them in advance, inject attributes and initialize beans
In the previous article, we analyzed how to create a regular bean. We returned to the doCreateBean method in our AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory. Now we have generated the beanWrapper
//First, it depends on whether a singleton is allowed, whether circular dependency is allowed, and whether the bean is being created
//To determ ...
Posted by psr540 on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 01:14:36 -0700
And maximum string (C language)
And maximum string (C language)
Reference blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/activeshj/p/4090817.html
Problem description
Give you an integer array, in which the elements have positive, negative and 0. You are required to find a continuous substring. The sum of all elements of the substring is the largest of all continuous substrings.
Examp ...
Posted by dennismcdougall on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 01:12:11 -0700