linux command line setting network connection (server setup)

I installed cent os7 on my old DELL computer as a normal development server, and the notebook usually has WIFI and wired network card, so set this notebook as a server with dual network card. See more( When I install cent os7, I will minimize the installation. However, during the installation process, during the g ...

Posted by Jonah Bron on Sat, 15 Feb 2020 07:21:08 -0800

Secret and ConfigMap for Kubernetes Data Persistence

ConfigMap and Secret are two special types of storage volumes in Kubernetes. ConfigMap is a resource object mainly used to provide configuration data to customize program behavior. However, some sensitive configuration information, such as user name, password, key and so on, are usually configured by a resource object such as Secret, which sto ...

Posted by mattlatos on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 13:11:59 -0800

squid installation and traditional mode

Overview of squid proxy server; Overview: Squid Cache (SQUID for short) is http proxy server software. Squid is widely used as a cache server or a cache proxy server. It can be used as a proxy server for users to request data from the web server and cache it. It can filter traffic to help network secu ...

Posted by Sno on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 03:27:11 -0800

Under Kubernetes cluster deployment

k8s general environmental plan Environmental equipment Two master nodes, two node nodes and two node nodes are installed with nginx for load balancing, failover and floating address vip Deployment process Turn off firewall and security functions systemctl stop firewalld.servicesetenforce 0 Copy the kubernetes directory to master2 (last exp ...

Posted by pullaratt on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 04:32:39 -0800

Kubernetes data persistence Storage Class creates PV automatically

Through Bo Wen Storage Volume of Kubernetes It can be seen that the process of Kubernets to realize data persistence is as follows:Build NFS underlying storage - > create PV - > create PVC - > create podFinally, the container in the pod will realize data persistence! From the above process, it seems that there is no problem, but after ...

Posted by icd_lx on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 01:10:55 -0800

kubernetes binary cluster deployment three -- load balancing scheduler deployment

Key points: 1. Experimental environment 2. Load balancing scheduler deployment 1, Experimental environment: Based on the previously deployed multi Master cluster architecture, deploy two scheduler servers (nginx is used here) to achieve load balancing: Deployment 1 of kubernetes binary cluster - deployment of etcd storage component and flan ...

Posted by micbox on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 00:30:53 -0800

Kubernetes cluster deployment -- binary cluster load balancing

Based on the previously deployed multi Master cluster architecture, deploy two scheduler servers (nginx is used here) to achieve load balancing:Again, the environment: role IP address master01 master02 Scheduler 1 (nginx01) Scheduler 2 (nginx02 ...

Posted by edtlov on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 21:44:07 -0800

Using linux kernel +busybox to customize linux system

Objective: Understanding the linux startup process Main contents: Grub is the bootloader of the boot program 2. linux kernel is the open source kernel of linux 3.busybox is a collection of linux tools Start sequence: Grub - > bzimage > initrd > init > chroot SBIN / init > / etc / inittab > fstab > etc / init.d/rcs Experimen ...

Posted by dschreck on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 20:05:55 -0800

RHCE exam summary (continuously updated)

Environmental preparation 1. Configure YUM software warehouse server and desktop machine do the same operation!!!!   # // server: $ vim /etc/yum.repos.d/base.repo [rhce] name = EX300 gpgcheck = 0 baseurl = ### Clear the previous software warehouse cache $ yum clean ...

Posted by iamyespee on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 03:55:34 -0800

Storage Volume of Kubernetes

In a series of virtualization solutions, data persistence is a problem that we need to be very concerned about, as is the case with dokcer and Kubernetes. But in Kubernetes, there's a concept of data volumes. 1, Volume introduction We often say: container, pod are very short! What it means is that the life cycle of both the container and Pod i ...

Posted by r00tk1LL on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 19:30:15 -0800