After the emergence of React Hooks, is Render props still useful

render props is a very popular development mode for logical reuse between components. Since the emergence of React 16.8 Customize Hook Is render props NO longer needed after it is used for logical reuse between components? The answer is NO! Render props is still useful for building reusable components What is render prop A render prop is a fu ...

Posted by yacahuma on Sat, 27 Nov 2021 20:19:05 -0800

Open source PoemKit toolkit, based on React, builds a front-end and back-end separation website from zero

At a certain time, we should also summarize. Four years ago, we did a lot of UI work. At present, we have a lot of contact with development work. In fact, we don't ask people for the landing of the project. We unconsciously learned something and did something in our spare time.There are countless React UI toolkits and libraries today. Facing so ...

Posted by jajtiii on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 10:42:10 -0800

5 common errors when using Promise

By Ravidu Perera Translator: front end Xiaozhi Source: medium There are dreams and dry goods. Wechat search [Daqian world] pays attention to this bowl washing wisdom who is still washing dishes in the early morning. This article GitHub It has been included. There are complete test sites, materials ...

Posted by ravi_aptech on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 18:27:29 -0800

React learning notes - useState analysis

introduce For function components const App = props => { const [n, setN] = useState(0) //... } After setN execution: n will not be changed by setN (important!) UI update will be triggered. App() executes again. When useState(0) is executed again, the value of n is different analysis: setN stores the new value of n into an interm ...

Posted by crislewis on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 20:42:55 -0800

Generate cron expression from React Antd front end

I wonder if you have found the following situations when playing the game: (1) When playing some games, I found that his leaderboard is not updated from time to time, but updated every half an hour or an hour. (2) Another example is the popular king glory mobile game. Its daily tasks are updated at 5 o'clock every day. So, who controls these ...

Posted by PhpxZ on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 16:14:13 -0800

Go deep into webpack and learn devserver Babel loader asset

Development server //Configure development server devServer: { static: { //True meaning: configure the directory of additional static files, which is equivalent to the open static resource directory of express, which can be accessed from the browser http://localhost:8080/xx.jpg //I came to find it in the static file. ...

Posted by sofasurfer on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 07:14:13 -0800

How do React parent components actively "contact" child components

In a typical React data stream, props is the only way for parent-child components to interact. To modify a subcomponent, you need to re render it with the new props. However, in some cases, you need to actively view or force modification of child components outside the typical data flow. At this time, you need to use Refs to expose DOM Refs to ...

Posted by kevisazombie on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 01:17:55 -0800

Detailed explanation of React project Packaging Optimization

Project packaging and Optimization - Project packaging Objective: to be able to package projects through commands Steps: Open the terminal in the project root directory and enter the packaging command: npm run build Wait until the package is completed, and the packaged content is placed in the build folder under the project root Project p ...

Posted by zman on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 17:06:28 -0800

React source code analysis -- ReactHooks

2021SC@SDUSC 2021SC@SDUSC ReactHooks In the previous article, we introduced what the react hooks initialization does. Next, we analyzed the update phase and explained that the previous workInProgress tree has been assigned to the current tree. The memoizedState storing hooks information already exists in the current tree. The processing ...

Posted by dnoonan on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 07:41:26 -0800

Taro Design mobile page editor

Taro DesignA simple, easy-to-use, easy to expand and integrate mobile page editorcharacteristicPublishing to npm market can easily integrate it into your project.You can easily write a component to run in this editor, or simply modify your existing component to run in the editor.The edited data supports applet, H5 and React Native at the same t ...

Posted by sysgenmedia on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 00:28:42 -0800