Insight into details! react 16.8.6 source code Analysis-1 error reporting and warning

preface As a front-end page and demand shredder, it can achieve limited improvement by repeating the same business requirements in daily work. In order to jump out of this mountain and open up a new vision, I suggest you read the source code of the top open source library on the market. This is a grea ...

Posted by SBro on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 20:12:41 -0700

Insight into details! react 16.8.6 source code analysis - 2 component construction and acquisition call stack

preface As a front-end page and demand shredder, it can achieve limited improvement by repeating the same business requirements in daily work. In order to jump out of this mountain and open up a new vision, I suggest you read the source code of the top open source library on the market. This is a grea ...

Posted by fox_m on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 19:44:23 -0700

Four Ways to Write Anisette--How to Get the Latest state in React Hook

Today's problem is also rooted in life (work).When we first started using React hook s, we often encountered situations where I needed to update the value of my state in an asynchronous request/event listener and do something with the updated state.It is possible to encounter this situation at this time, the value of state has not been updated, ...

Posted by Rebelrebellious on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 10:10:43 -0700

Exploring the inner of React -- postMessage & Scheduler

postMessage & Scheduler Write in front This article contains a certain amount of source code explanation, in which the author writes some contents to replace the official notes (that is, writing is almost equal to not writing that kind). If readers prefer the original code, Moveable step Official warehouse , read in combination. For this ...

Posted by literom on Mon, 15 Jun 2020 19:21:15 -0700

JS design mode (to be sorted out)

Interview and knocking, advanced stepping stone, design with mode, code more reasonable Explanation and application of Javascript Design Pattern System (exercise code) Chapter 2 object oriented 2-1 build development environment 2-2 what is object-oriented 2-3 object oriented inheritance 2-4 object oriented encapsulation 2-5 obje ...

Posted by dandaman2007 on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 23:30:28 -0700

How does the diff algorithm of Vue work? This article teaches you

preface This paper aims at the main logic and key details of diff algorithm in vue. Starting from a simple demo: p tag renders an array of items <div id="demo"> <p v-for="item in items" :key="item">{{ item }}</p> </div> <script src="../vue-source/dist/vue.js"></script> <script> const app = new ...

Posted by feri_soft on Mon, 08 Jun 2020 19:53:08 -0700

Performance optimization brochure - React search optimization: anti shake, cache, LRU

Recently, we need to do reconstruction and optimization of react project. Because we haven't touched react for a long time, today we simply optimize a keyword search based demo, which is recorded below. It is optimized from three aspects: Reduce the frequency of triggering events - debounce keyword typing Reduce HTTP requests - cache block dup ...

Posted by sarahk on Mon, 08 Jun 2020 18:57:30 -0700

Component creation and value transfer of react 16 tutorial

assembly Create component There are three types of components: a stateful component, a stateless component and a stateful component. The stateful component will be described later Stateful component As the name implies, stateful component has its own state and life cycle, and the positioning of st ...

Posted by boonika on Sun, 07 Jun 2020 20:26:13 -0700

N th Way of Front End Request - Play React Hook

I wrote an article a few years ago - " My Opinions on the Differences between Jquery ajax, Axios, Fetch "- Analyses the differences between ajax,axios and fetch in terms of principle and usage.Now, starting with a small ex amp le, this paper uses react hook to dissect a new way of requesting data; and through this custom HOOK, it intr ...

Posted by dennismcdougall on Sun, 07 Jun 2020 18:21:00 -0700

Records of Front End Development: Foundation

Item Description This innovative training program provides multi-source movie browsing and recommendation system functions for movie audiences.The front-end is presented as a Web page, which provides functions of filtering, querying and sorting movies. Technical Selection 1. Do you want to use the ...

Posted by praeses on Sat, 06 Jun 2020 19:24:26 -0700