[python exercise, 6.14] (class exercise)

1. Check the continuous repetition of words in a word document. In the word document, there are often repeated words in the document due to careless keyboard operation, such as "user's information" or "user input required". Use the extension library Python docx to check the word docu ...

Posted by kazuki on Sat, 13 Jun 2020 22:26:46 -0700

On Qt3D module

0. Preface Qt3D is initiated by Nokia, and then improved by Digia and KDAB (the new version seems to be basically made by KDAB). It is a 3D image display and processing module based on OpenGL. Unfortunately, the data of Qt3D is relatively small, and with the version change, many online old Demo can' ...

Posted by Mattyspatty on Sat, 13 Jun 2020 18:10:30 -0700

Production of Qt Chinese chess

preparation Familiar with Chinese chess rules Find a group of pictures of Chinese chess board and pieces (if you want to write your own board and pieces) Understand some basic usage of drawing event, timer event, mouse event, etc Function realization 1,widget.h Add the functions and variables t ...

Posted by redking on Mon, 08 Jun 2020 21:32:39 -0700

Qt Open Source Works 25-Battery Power Control

1. Preface In this era, smartphones should not be too popular, they are everywhere, even people of grandparents'level will use smartphones. The control to be written this time is the battery power indicator control in smartphones, which can be drawn by pure painter. In fact, you can also use maps. I guess most mobile phones use the form of maps ...

Posted by dellwoodbu on Mon, 01 Jun 2020 19:35:41 -0700

OpenCV Development Notes: Red Fat 8 minutes to get a better understanding of Harris Corner Detection (full text + easy to understand + source code)

If it is an original article, it cannot be reprinted without permission Original blogger's blog address: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936 Original blogger blog navigation: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936/article/details/102478062 This article blog address: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936/article/details/106367317 Readers, with knowledge and m ...

Posted by Valera on Tue, 26 May 2020 10:12:35 -0700

Qt open source work 9 flat style flatui

1, Foreword For the current front-end developers, FlatUI is certainly not new. In recent years, flat design has become more and more popular. Probably because the resolution of PC and mobile devices is getting higher and higher, flat design looks more pleasant, while the texture color produced by gradient color is not so kind as flat design. Fl ...

Posted by nonphixion on Wed, 13 May 2020 19:19:38 -0700

Qt Open Source Works 6-Universal Video Control

1. Preface In the previous video monitoring system, according to the needs of different users, many kinds of video monitoring cores have been made, including ffmpeg cores, vlc cores, mpv cores, and Haikang sdk cores. In order to make a common function, different cores are very convenient to switch, such as pro changing the variable name of DEFI ...

Posted by jimdavidson on Sun, 10 May 2020 18:09:31 -0700

OpenCV Development Notes: red fat man takes you 8 minutes to have a deep understanding of perspective transformation (illustrated + easy to understand + program source code)

If the article is original, it cannot be reproduced without permission Original blog address: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936 Original blogger blog navigation: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936/article/details/102478062 Blog address: https://blog.csdn.net/qq21497936/article/details/105943977 Dear readers, knowledge is endless and manpower is po ...

Posted by KITTfan2K on Fri, 08 May 2020 22:13:27 -0700

An idea of Qt to realize flow pipeline

It is divided into two parts: pipe Section and pipe joint.PipeSection drawing with drawLinePipeJoin drawing with drawArcAll of them are added to path, and drawPath is finally plotted. In order to reflect the three-dimensional nature of the pipe, the inner layerwidth and outer layerwidth of the pipe are defined. The outer wall is filled with ...

Posted by mudi on Tue, 05 May 2020 09:01:48 -0700

Make a simple answer interface with QT

After learning the QT interface for two days, today the teacher assigned the homework to let us use QT to make a simple single answer interface Similar to the king of mind in wechat applications, answer one question every 10 seconds, a total of 5 questions, and finally output the score. Here are my own steps, interfac ...

Posted by user___ on Tue, 05 May 2020 07:58:31 -0700