OpenCV Development Notes: red fat man takes you 8 minutes to have a deep understanding of perspective transformation (illustrated + easy to understand + program source code)

Keywords: OpenCV Qt

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The difference between perspective transformation and affine transformation

Perspective transformation



Perspective transformation function prototype

Get 3 x 3 matrix function prototype

Demo source code

Project template: corresponding version No. v1.46.0

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OpenCV Development Notes (51): red fat man takes you 8 minutes to learn more about perspective transformation (illustrated + easy to understand + program source code)



Red fatso come!!!

When the ID card is recognized, the ID card is actually a fixed object. If the fixed object is recognized, it is through the feature points, but the fixed problems have different angles and directions. If the identification is recognized, it is likely to be corrected through perspective transformation, such as: correction of ocr tilt, correction of known objects, etc.




The difference between perspective transformation and affine transformation

  • Affine transformation: a more intuitive term for affine transformation can be called "plane transformation" or "two-dimensional coordinate transformation". The calculation method is the product of coordinate vector and transformation matrix, in other words, matrix operation. At the application level, the radiometric transformation is based on three fixed vertices. For affine transformation, please refer to the blog:< OpenCV Development Notes (46): red fat man takes you 8 minutes to learn more about affine changes (illustrated + easy to understand + program source code)>
  • Perspective transformation: a more intuitive way to call perspective transformation is called "space transformation" or "three-dimensional coordinate transformation". In the figure, the red dot is the fixed vertex, and the pixel value of the fixed vertex is the same after the transformation. The whole image is transformed according to the transformation rules. Perspective transformation is the transformation of the image based on four fixed vertices.


Perspective transformation


Perspective transformation refers to the transformation that uses the condition that the perspective center, image point and target point are collinear, according to the perspective rotation law, the bearing surface (perspective surface) rotates a certain angle around the trace (perspective axis), destroys the original projection beam, and still keeps the projection geometry on the bearing surface unchanged.

Generally speaking, perspective transformation is to project the image to a new viewing plane, also known as projection mapping.


The perspective transformation in Opencv is based on the transformation of four vertices. The center of projection is adjusted according to the position of four vertices.

Perspective transformation function prototype

void warpPerspective( InputArray src,
                      OutputArray dst,
                      InputArray M,
                      Size dsize,
                      int flags = INTER_LINEAR,
                      int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTANT,
                      const Scalar& borderValue = Scalar());
  • Parameter 1: src of InputArray type, input image;
  • Parameter 2: output array type dst, output image, size and type consistent with the input image;
  • Parameter 3: M, 3 x 3 transformation matrix of inputarray type;
  • Parameter 4: dsize of Size type, Size of output image;
  • Parameter 5: int type flags, linear interpolation;

  • Parameter 6: borderMode of int type, boundary processing method;

  • Parameter 7: border value of Scalar type, and the extra filling color of the border;

Get 3 x 3 matrix function prototype

The transmission transformation is calculated from four pairs of points.

Mat getPerspectiveTransform( InputArray src,
                             InputArray dst );
  • Parameter 1: src of InputArray type, input 4 points, STD:: vector < CV:: point2f >;
  • Parameter 2: input dst of InputArray type, input 4 points;


Demo source code

void OpenCVManager::testWarpPerspective()
    QString fileName1 ="E:/qtProject/openCVDemo/openCVDemo/modules/openCVManager/images/1.jpg";
    cv::Mat srcMat = cv::imread(fileName1.toStdString());
    cv::Mat dstMat;
    int width = 300;
    int height = 200;

    cv::resize(srcMat, srcMat, cv::Size(width, height));

    cv::String windowName = _windowTitle.toStdString();

    cv::Mat windowMat = cv::Mat(cv::Size(srcMat.cols * 3,
                                         srcMat.rows * 2),

    int k1x = 0;
    int k1y = 0;
    int k2x = 100;
    int k2y = 0;
    int k3x = 100;
    int k3y = 100;
    int k4x = 0;
    int k4y = 100;

        // Refresh full black
        windowMat = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0);

        // Original copy
        cv::Mat mat = windowMat(cv::Range(srcMat.rows * 0, srcMat.rows * 1),
                                cv::Range(srcMat.cols * 0, srcMat.cols * 1));
        cv::addWeighted(mat, 0.0f, srcMat, 1.0f, 0.0f, mat);

            std::vector<cv::Point2f> srcPoints;
            std::vector<cv::Point2f> dstPoints;

            srcPoints.push_back(cv::Point2f(0.0f, 0.0f));
            srcPoints.push_back(cv::Point2f(srcMat.cols - 1, 0.0f));
            srcPoints.push_back(cv::Point2f(srcMat.cols - 1, srcMat.rows - 1));
            srcPoints.push_back(cv::Point2f(0.0f, srcMat.rows - 1));

            cvui::printf(windowMat, 75 + width * 1, 10 + height * 0, "k1x");
            cvui::trackbar(windowMat, 75 + width * 1, 20 + height * 0, 165, &k1x, 0, 100);
            cvui::printf(windowMat, 75 + width * 1, 70 + height * 0, "k1y");
            cvui::trackbar(windowMat, 75 + width * 1, 80 + height * 0, 165, &k1y, 0, 100);

            cvui::printf(windowMat, 75 + width * 2, 10 + height * 0, "k2x");
            cvui::trackbar(windowMat, 75 + width * 2, 20 + height * 0, 165, &k2x, 0, 100);
            cvui::printf(windowMat, 75 + width * 2, 70 + height * 0, "k2y");
            cvui::trackbar(windowMat, 75 + width * 2, 80 + height * 0, 165, &k2y, 0, 100);

            cvui::printf(windowMat, 75 + width * 2, 10 + height * 1, "k3x");
            cvui::trackbar(windowMat, 75 + width * 2, 20 + height * 1, 165, &k3x, 0, 100);
            cvui::printf(windowMat, 75 + width * 2, 70 + height * 1, "k3y");
            cvui::trackbar(windowMat, 75 + width * 2, 80 + height * 1, 165, &k3y, 0, 100);

            cvui::printf(windowMat, 75 + width * 1, 10 + height * 1, "k4x");
            cvui::trackbar(windowMat, 75 + width * 1, 20 + height * 1, 165, &k4x, 0, 100);
            cvui::printf(windowMat, 75 + width * 1, 70 + height * 1, "k4y");
            cvui::trackbar(windowMat, 75 + width * 1, 80 + height * 1, 165, &k4y, 0, 100);

            dstPoints.push_back(cv::Point2f(srcMat.cols * k1x / 100.0f, srcMat.rows * k1y / 100.0f));
            dstPoints.push_back(cv::Point2f(srcMat.cols * k2x / 100.0f, srcMat.rows * k2y / 100.0f));
            dstPoints.push_back(cv::Point2f(srcMat.cols * k3x / 100.0f, srcMat.rows * k3y / 100.0f));
            dstPoints.push_back(cv::Point2f(srcMat.cols * k4x / 100.0f, srcMat.rows * k4y / 100.0f));

            cv::Mat M = cv::getPerspectiveTransform(srcPoints, dstPoints);
                                cv::Size(srcMat.cols, srcMat.rows),
                                cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));

            mat = windowMat(cv::Range(srcMat.rows * 1, srcMat.rows * 2),
                            cv::Range(srcMat.cols * 0, srcMat.cols * 1));
            cv::addWeighted(mat, 0.0f, dstMat, 1.0f, 0.0f, mat);

        // To update
        // display
        cv::imshow(windowName, windowMat);
        // esc key exit
        if(cv::waitKey(25) == 27)


Project template: corresponding version No. v1.46.0

Corresponding version No. v1.46.0


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Posted by KITTfan2K on Fri, 08 May 2020 22:13:27 -0700