Flask Framework from Initial to Proficient Model Migration Operations

Knowledge points: 1. Model migration I. General Situation During the development of Django framework, we add or delete database fields, modify model classes directly, and then migrate them. It is very convenient. We also want Flask framework to support such operations, we need to use Flask-Migrate extensions to achieve data ...

Posted by novicephp on Tue, 23 Apr 2019 14:18:34 -0700

Data Analysis and Display - Three Modules

Write a custom directory title here Data Analysis and Display - Three Modules install Basic concepts Basic usage of numpy Library Creating N-Dimensional Array Objects: ndarray Printing N-Dimensional Array Objects: Some Properties of ndarray Basic Use of matplotlib Library Axis of coordinates Scatter plot Data Analy ...

Posted by thatsme on Fri, 19 Apr 2019 19:33:33 -0700

The problem of using python's paramiko package

Problems encountered on March 14, 2017. In fact, two problems are mixed together. The first one is: No handlers could be found for logger "paramiko.transport" This problem is mixed with the second one below. The root of the problem is that the tornado logger is used in the test code. The root logger does not set handlers, but the'tornado.ap ...

Posted by Aaron_Escobar on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 12:24:35 -0700

Appium+XCUITest Python-based Operational Instances and Environment Construction

The tutorial is installed by dmg Links to install appium and python packages on mac http://pan.baidu.com/s/1skUpF6t Password: gyia In connection to download the relevant installation packages, dmg installation report operation is relatively visible. Install appium, python, and Sublime text in turn. The python installation was successful, an ...

Posted by platnium on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 09:51:32 -0700

The builtwith approach in Python 3 (very detailed)

1. First install builtwith through pip install builtwith C:\Users\Administrator>pip install builtwith   Collecting builtwith     Downloading builtwith-1.3.2.tar.gz   Installing collected packages: builtwith     Running setup.py install for builtwith ... done   Successfully installed builtwith-1.3.2   C:\Users\Administrator>pip ...

Posted by turing_machine on Wed, 17 Apr 2019 00:03:33 -0700

flask framework + pygal+sqlit3 build graphical business data analysis platform

I. Preface Let's start with the main framework and features of the main graphics libraries: (personal opinions)   Django: python develops a heavyweight web framework, which integrates MVC and ORM technologies. It was designed to make it easy to develop complex, database-driven websites. However, for various reasons, few enterprises use it t ...

Posted by bow-viper1 on Fri, 12 Apr 2019 13:18:31 -0700

Installation of Jumpserver (Section 1) - yellowcong

This article explains how to install jump server. Simply speaking, you can basically build it according to the official documents. It's very simple. Official documents http://docs.jumpserver.org/zh/ Basic services The version of MySQL 5.6 MariaDB is greater than or equal to 5.5.6 redis nginx 1 Machine Configuration 1.1 ...

Posted by hr8886 on Sat, 06 Apr 2019 16:27:30 -0700

Variables and Basic Types of c++ primer

If there are both symbolic and unsigned types in the expression, the abnormal result will appear when the value of the symbolic type is negative. Because signed numbers are automatically converted to unsigned numbers. unsigned u=10; int i=-42; std::cout<<i+i<<std::endl;//output-84 std::cout<<u+i<<std::endl;//If int o ...

Posted by niwa3836 on Mon, 01 Apr 2019 05:57:30 -0700

pygame Alien Invasion 1 Loaded Spacecraft

Prerequisite installation of pygame in cmd pip install pygame can be I. Window Construction import sys import pygame def run_game(): # Initialize and create a screen object pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1200,800)) pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") # The main cycle of the game ...

Posted by Canman2005 on Thu, 28 Mar 2019 04:27:29 -0700

Python command line artifact Click concise notes

Recently, I saw a blog post on Python command line processing in PyChina, which is rich, easy to understand and practical, so it is reproduced here. Click Click(https://github.com/pallets/click ) It's a third-party module written in Python to create command lines quickly. We know that Python has an Argparse built in( https://docs.python.o ...

Posted by EvanMartin on Thu, 21 Mar 2019 12:48:53 -0700