Dockerfile binary separation deployment LNMP(Centos7)

Dockerfile common instructions: 1. FROM: which image is used to build the imageFor example: FROM centos2. MAINTAINER: name or email address of image MAINTAINERFor example: maintainer sun Qi Ming3. RUN: the shell command to RUN when building the imageFor example:RUN [ "yum","install","httpd"]RUN yum -y install httpd4. CMD: shell command execute ...

Posted by anand_ragav on Sun, 24 Nov 2019 10:39:26 -0800

Vsftpd realizes user authentication based on MySQL

VSFTP introduction VSFTP is a kind of FTP server software used on Unix like system published based on GPL. Its full name is Very Secure FTP. Software installation yum install vsftpd mariadb-server mariadb-devel pam-devel -y wget tar xf pam_mysql-0.7RC1.tar.gz cd pam_mysq ...

Posted by maGGot_H on Sat, 23 Nov 2019 13:24:44 -0800

Rabbitmq cluster deployment

Blog Outline:I. Rabbitmq conceptII. Deploy a single RabbitmqIII. deploy Rabbitmq clusterIV. single node joins or exits cluster configuration I. Rabbitmq concept RabbitMQ is an open-source service implemented by AMQP protocol. The server side is written in Erlang language, and supports a variety of clients, such as Python, Ruby,. NET, Java, J ...

Posted by davidppppppppppp on Sat, 23 Nov 2019 11:54:34 -0800

Build Linux:LAMP Environment

Setup of LAMP Environment Install DNS Server Install DNS Service yum install bind -y Configuration of DNS Create Forward Resolution For example, create a forward lookup zone named "": Step 1: Create a lookup zone in the main configuration file/etc/named.conf. vim /etc/named.conf listen-on port 53{any ...

Posted by bulgin on Sat, 23 Nov 2019 00:46:29 -0800

GlusterFS hyperfusion deployment with 010.Kubernetes permanent storage

1. Pre-preparation 1.1 Basic Knowledge In Kubernetes, using the GlusterFS file system, the steps are usually: Create brick-->Create volume-->Create PV-->Create PVC-->Pod Mount PVC If you want to create multiple PV s, you need to repeat the execution manually, and glusterfs can be managed through Heketi. Heketi is used to manage ...

Posted by mirana on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 21:41:10 -0800

bitcoin full node deployment

Server configuration: Operating system: ubuntu 16.04 CPU: 4U Memory: 16G ා generally speaking, 4G is enough, but if you want to check the history, you need to load the complete transaction index table tindex, which results in 8G + memory Hard disk: 500G bitcoin has been running since 2008, with a large amount of data accumulated, and ...

Posted by Rianna on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 11:35:07 -0800

Basic C with your handwritten redis adlist

Introduction - Navigation Some friends may be full of endless thirst for knowledge about redis. Maybe redis belongs to the big play of work, communication (interview), I have to... But now I just stay at the level of using redis, and I have little involvement in the level of detail. In order to integrate into the big faster Let's write the s ...

Posted by Sanjib Sinha on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 05:49:26 -0800

k8s practice: kubectl plug-in management tool krew

Environmental description: host name Operating system version ip docker version kubelet version To configure Remarks master Centos 7.6.1810 Docker 18.09.6 V1.14.2 2C2G master host node01 Centos 7.6.1810 Docker 18.09.6 V1.14.2 2C2G Node node node02 Centos 7.6.1810 Docker 18.09.6 V1.14.2 2C2G Node ...

Posted by spiyun on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 03:17:14 -0800

Attached 009. GlusterFS independent deployment of kubernetes permanent storage

I. preliminary preparation 1.1 basic knowledge Heketi provides a RESTful management interface that can be used to manage the life cycle of a GlusterFS volume. Heketi will dynamically select bricks to build the required volumes in the cluster, so as to ensure that the copies of data will be distributed to different failure domains in the clust ...

Posted by jakep on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 02:47:32 -0800

Docker practice - image production

Environmental Science Installation of docker, gitlab runner and runner binding with will not be covered in detail. Gitlab, I use Ubuntu runs gitlab runner and docker containers Make Dockerfile Contents of Dockerfile file The default user of RUN and COPY in this file is root USER nobody specifies that the operation com ...

Posted by pckidcomplainer on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 02:17:38 -0800