kubeadm installation K8s 1.16 cluster

1, Environment introduction Two centos7.4 system machines: machine host name kubernetes master kubernetes node1 2, Preparations The following steps are to be performed on both hosts.You need to pull docker image. Please install docker first. 1. Relationship between K8s and docker version [`https://github.com/ku ...

Posted by llama on Wed, 06 May 2020 04:53:46 -0700

K8S binary cluster deployment - single master cluster

1, Cluster environment As introduced in the previous blog, my construction and deployment are also based on the previous one. 2, Deploy master node components The following three core components should be deployed on the Master: Kube APIServer: it is the unified entrance of the cluster. The coordinator of each component, the addition, deletio ...

Posted by Nat on Tue, 05 May 2020 10:11:57 -0700

Complete Kubernetes binary deployment step by step -- component installation (single node)

Complete Kubernetes binary deployment step by step (3) - component installation (single node) Preface In the previous two articles, we have completed the basic environment construction, including etcd cluster (including Certificate creation), flannel network setting, docker engine installation and deployment, etc. in this paper, we will comple ...

Posted by davelr459 on Tue, 05 May 2020 06:42:52 -0700

Kubernetes RBAC permission problem

Kubernetes RBAC permission problem The following problem occurs in configuring Ingress, which is caused by RBAC configuration. RBAC starts referencing at kubernetes 1.6. The API version is also different, so you need to pay attention when configuring the yaml file. Here we use an example to solve the problem of RBAC. ...

Posted by JayBachatero on Mon, 04 May 2020 16:58:37 -0700

How to specify the use of CEPH fuse in k8s

Originally, I wanted to use CEPH fuse, but as a result, I always reported mount can't read super Block error, but I only installed the rpm package of CEPH fuse for the host. kublet is actually using the kernel mount mode to mount cephfs. This is a mistake that can't be repeated. But how to specify kubelet to use CEPH fuse to mount cephfs? I goo ...

Posted by wattsup88 on Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:26:03 -0700

[from getting started to giving up - Kubernetes] getting started with Kubernetes - expanding and shrinking stateful applications

Preface Preceding text [from getting started to giving up - Kubernetes] getting started with Kubernetes - expanding and shrinking stateless applications In, we learned how to deploy a stateless application through yaml file and expand and shrink it. For stateless applications, in case of failure or pod deletion, relevant resources will be relea ...

Posted by jobe1 on Sun, 26 Apr 2020 03:35:12 -0700

Backup and recovery scheme of cloud disk data volume in ACK cluster

The cloud disk data volume is usually used for data storage when deploying stateful services in the Alibaba cloud ACK cluster. The cloud disk itself provides a backup (snapshot) recovery mechanism for data. However, how to integrate the underlying capabilities and K8S services and flexibly provide them to applications is a problem that the clou ...

Posted by Brit on Sat, 25 Apr 2020 02:56:22 -0700

Perfect integration of Ceph and kubernetes

1. Ceph combined with volumes Objective: to achieve Ceph RBD and kubernetes volumes integration. 1.1 preparations 1. Creating pool s and users [root@node-1 ~]# ceph osd pool create kubernetes 8 8 2. Create an authenticated user [root@node-1 ~]# ceph auth get-or-create client.kubernetes mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd pool=kubernetes' [clie ...

Posted by Huntress on Tue, 21 Apr 2020 07:43:27 -0700

kubernetes service discovery plug-in CoreDNS (operation and maintenance technology exchange group: 926402931, welcome to exchange together.)

Catalog 1. Deployment list of Intranet resources of kubernetesubernetes 2. Configure dns resolution 3. Browser visit k8s-yaml.od.com 4. Download docker image and upload it to harbor warehouse 5. Prepare resource allocation list 6. Application resource allocation 7. Check the created resources 8. Verify coreDNS 1. Deployment list of Intranet ...

Posted by xcasio on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 07:19:53 -0700

The key implementation of HPA lateral expansion of kubernetes controller

HPA is the implementation of horizontal scaling in k8s. There are many ideas that can be used for reference, such as delay queue, time series window, change event mechanism, stability consideration and other key mechanisms. Let's learn the key implementation of the big guys together 1. Basic concepts As the implementation of general horizontal ...

Posted by insrtsnhere13 on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:18:40 -0700