Prepare for CKA daily question - day 11 | k8s access control RBAC, Role, RoleBinding, and lead to kubectl common commands

Yesterday's examination questions Create a role (only all the operation permissions of pods under cka namespace) and rolebinding (use serviceaccount to authenticate authentication), use the corresponding serviceaccount as the authentication information to operate the pod under cka namespace and the pods under default namespace. – the nam ...

Posted by keiran420 on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 19:12:51 -0800

Flannel Network for K8S Deployment

1.flannel Download flannel download address Select the appropriate version from github and download it wget as follows: wget Unzip with tar-zxvf flannel-v0.10.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz file af ...

Posted by AdamBrill on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 08:19:23 -0800

k8s secret

secret is used to store sensitive information, such as passwords or tokens. Create with file [kubeadm@server1 secret]$ echo -n "admin" > username.txt ##Create user information [kubeadm@server1 secret]$ echo -n "aekhg777" > password.txt ##Create user password file [kubeadm@server1 secret]$ kubectl ...

Posted by rivasivan on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 23:34:29 -0800

Ingress-nginx deployment use for Kubernetes

Blog Outline:Introduction to Ingress1) Ingress Composition2) How Ingress works3) What can Ingress solve?Configuring Ingress-nginx1) Build registry private warehouse2) Create a Pod for testing2) Create tomcat services and their services3) Ensure that the above resource objects are successfully created4) Create Ingress-controller resource objec ...

Posted by phertzog on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 09:47:47 -0800

Windows play Kubernetes series 4-build K8S Dashboard

Download official yaml file The latest configuration file v2.0.0-beta 8, recommended.yaml, UI address wget Original document: kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: labels: k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard name: kubernetes-dashboard namespace: ...

Posted by and1c on Fri, 21 Feb 2020 06:56:51 -0800

kubernetes component - kubectl command line tool management

Main points:1. Overview of kubectl2. kubectl syntax3. kubectl Management Commands4. Similarities and differences between create and apply commands5. Example demonstration1. Overview of kubectl Kubectl is a command line interface for running commands against the Kubernetes cluster.The configuration file for Kubectl is in the $HOME/.kube directo ...

Posted by Zay on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 08:18:40 -0800

Automatic creation of pv for K8S data persistence

1. Types of data persistence:1.emptyDir: Can only be used as temporary storage.If the container is deleted, the data still exists, and if the Pod is deleted, the data is deleted.2.HostPath: Less scenarios increase the coupling between Pod and nodes.3.PV, PVC: based on NFS services.The PV state must be Available, the access mode must be the sam ...

Posted by rdoylelmt on Sun, 16 Feb 2020 15:26:03 -0800

Secret and ConfigMap for Kubernetes Data Persistence

ConfigMap and Secret are two special types of storage volumes in Kubernetes. ConfigMap is a resource object mainly used to provide configuration data to customize program behavior. However, some sensitive configuration information, such as user name, password, key and so on, are usually configured by a resource object such as Secret, which sto ...

Posted by mattlatos on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 13:11:59 -0800

Dynamic Expansion of Cloud Disk Data Volume Using Ali Cloud CSI Plugin

Using cloud disks to store volumes often requires a cloud disk of appropriate capacity when the service is initialized, but as data grows, the capacity of the data disk cannot meet demand and needs to be expanded. In the expansion scenario of traditional applications, it is often necessary to stop the application manually, back up the data disk ...

Posted by Peter Anselmo on Wed, 12 Feb 2020 17:36:09 -0800

(enterprise environment deployment) K8S multi node deployment load balancing UI page

Enterprise environment deployment) K8S multi node deployment load balancing UI page Environment to prepare: 6 platform centos7 equipment: master01192.168.136.168 node1192.168.136.169 node2192.168.136.170 master02192.168.136.171 lb1192.168.136.172 lb2VIP: Experimental steps: 1: Self signed ETCD ...

Posted by xiosen on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 07:01:12 -0800