Rent price analysis of rental housing in Shanghai

Rent price analysis of rental housing in Shanghai In this paper, we use crawler to crawl the housing rental data of Shanghai, and use python to clean, analyze and display the data, and carry out data mining modeling and prediction for housing rent. # Import related packages import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import ma ...

Posted by Calamity-Clare on Mon, 29 Jun 2020 19:46:08 -0700

What does Python mean by closures?

Closure is a common concept in programming language, but to be honest, the term is a bit obscure. After checking the information on the Internet for half a day, I still don't know what to do. What I wonder is: what kind of problem is this thing used to solve? Or what is his role? First of all, function After consulting many materials, the summa ...

Posted by saradrungta on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 21:57:13 -0700

Python - modules and packages (common modules)

Modular In Python, a. py file is called a module Greatly improves code maintainability You don't have to start from scratch to write code. When a module is written, it can be referenced elsewhere vim import mymod mymod.hello() package What if different people write the same module name? ...

Posted by luke101 on Mon, 04 May 2020 09:22:38 -0700

Moment Pool Cloud|Shows you how to use GAN to color the Pocket Monster

In previous Demo, we used conditional GAN to generate handwritten digital images.So what else can we do with neural networks in addition to generating digital images? In this case, we use a neural network to color the wireframe of the Pocket Monster. Step 1: Import Usage Library from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, ...

Posted by ghurty on Thu, 12 Mar 2020 19:30:03 -0700

Python functions for getting started with Python

By: PyQuantBlog: Like, pay attention to, and form good habits Life is short, U need Python Learning Python, Come on, let me 1. Basic structure of function 2. Definition of function def hello(): print(' ...

Posted by turdferguson on Mon, 09 Mar 2020 19:39:02 -0700

Python infrastructure

When building a house, the choice of wood is a problem. A carpenter's goal is essentially to carry a good cutting tool. When he has time, he sharpens his equipment. {-:} - Miyamoto Musashi (wulunshu) This article is excerpted from Chapter 2 of Python big data analysis (version 2) For new Python users, ...

Posted by jmurch on Wed, 26 Feb 2020 19:11:26 -0800

The application of Matplotlib in solving ordinary differential equation of Python 3 SCI

Python scientific calculation simply records several notes, uses SciPy to solve ordinary differential equations, and uses matplotlib to demonstrate in jupyter notebook. The following points need to be noted: odeint function provided by integration module On jupyter notebook of Anaconda 3 matplotlib 2D drawing to solve Newton's cooli ...

Posted by phpcodec on Thu, 13 Feb 2020 12:52:36 -0800

Task 1-1 linear regression notes

1, Explanation of linear regression model 1. What is a linear model Representation data can be described by linetype relationship. In the case of formulation, y=wx+b. The process of modeling is the process of finding w, b. However, due to the deviation of real data, unbiased estimation cannot be obt ...

Posted by Tr4mpldUndrfooT on Thu, 13 Feb 2020 04:31:10 -0800

Several ways of plotting subgraphs with matplotlib

This paper mainly uses matplotlib to draw multiple graphs. %matplotlib notebook import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.ion() %matplotlib tk from matplotlib import rcdefaults rcdefaults() import numpy as np import pandas as pd Method 1: use of plot.subplot (x, x, x) and fig.add_ X ...

Posted by host78 on Sun, 26 Jan 2020 10:33:33 -0800

Basic course of matplotlib

The original idea of doing this tutorial is: Although plt.plot(x,y) is a simple and convenient way, there are many detailed requirements for drawing tutorials involving academic paper, which need to further fine tune the pictures, and at this time, it needs to constantly Baidu Baidu, not to mention writ ...

Posted by fred2k7 on Sun, 26 Jan 2020 00:03:57 -0800