By: PyQuant
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1. Basic structure of function
2. Definition of function
def hello(): print('hello python!') hello()
hello python!
def foo(a,b): c = a + b return c r = foo(10,20) print(r)
3. Parameters of function
The parameter types of functions are generally divided into the following four forms:
Essential parameters
Key parameters
Default parameters
Indefinite length parameter
[1] Required parameter
The required parameters must be passed into the function in the correct order.
The number of calls must be the same as when they were declared, or there will be a syntax error.
def myprint(my_string): print(my_string) myprint('hello python')
hello python
[2] Key parameters
Key parameters are closely related to function calls, which use key parameters to determine the passed parameter values.
Using key parameters allows the order of parameters when a function is called to be different from when it is declared, because the Python interpreter can match parameter values with parameter names.
def print_me(name, age): print ("Name: ", name) print ("Age: ", age) return print_me("PyQuant", 30 )
Name: PyQuant Age: 30
print_me(age=30, name="PyQuant" )
Name: PyQuant Age: 30
[3] Default parameters
When a function is called, the default parameter is used if no parameter is passed. If the age parameter is not passed in in the following example, the default value is used.
def print_me(name, age=30): print ("Full name-->", name) print ("Age-->", age) return print_me("PyQuant" )
Name -- > pyquant Age > 30
print_me("PyQuant" ,40)
Name -- > pyquant Age > 40
[4] Indefinite length parameter
- You may need a function that can handle more arguments than you originally declared. These parameters are called indefinite length parameters. Unlike the above parameters, they will not be named when declared.
- Example
def print_me(arg, *args): print('arg -->', arg) print('*args -->', args) print_me(30,2,3,4)
arg --> 30 *args --> (2, 3, 4)
def print_me(arg, **args): print('arg -->', arg) print('**args -->', args) print_me(30,a=2,b=3,c=4)
arg --> 30 **args --> {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}
4. Special functions
lambda function
map() function
filter() function
Python uses lambda to create anonymous functions, instead of defining a function in the standard form of a def statement.
lambda is just an expression, and the function body is much simpler than def.
The body of a lambda is an expression, not a block of code. Only limited logic can be encapsulated in lambda expressions.
lambda functions have their own namespace and cannot access parameters outside their own parameter list or in the global namespace.
polynomial = lambda x,y: x**2 + y**2 polynomial(1,2)
The map() function maps the specified sequence based on the provided function.
Its syntax form is: map(function, iterable ):
Function ---- call the function function with each element in the parameter sequence.
iterable ---- one or more sequences (such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, etc.).
Return value: Python 3.x returns the iterator, which is displayed through the built-in functions of the sequence (such as list,tuple,set, etc.).
lst = [1,2,3] m = map(lambda x: 10*x ,lst) m
<map at 0x1c93abb7208>
[10, 20, 30]
def f(x,y): return (x,y) lst_1 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] lst_2 = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'] print(list(map(f,lst_1,lst_2)))
[(0, 'Sun'), (1, 'Mon'), (2, 'Tue'), (3, 'Wed'), (4, 'Thu'), (5, 'Fri'), (6, 'Sat')]
The filter() function is used to filter the sequence, filter out the unqualified elements, and return a new list of qualified elements.
Its syntax is: filter(function, iterable)
Function ---- judgment function.
iterable ---- iteratable object.
Return value ---- Python 3.x returns the iterator.
numbers = range(-3,3) f = filter(lambda x: x > 0, numbers) f
<filter at 0x1c93ab05b70>
[1, 2]
5. scope of action
Local scope
Global scope
Nesting scope
Built in scope (builtin)
[1] Local scope
a = 100 def func(): a = 300 print('Local scope: ', a) func()
Local scope: 300
[2] Global scope
a = 100 def func(): a = 300 print('Local scope: ', a) func() print('global scope: ', a)
Local scope: 300 Global scope: 100
a = 100 def func(): a += 100 print('Local scope: ', a) func() print('global scope: ', a)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-41-4c68dbc3afd0> in <module>() 3 a += 100 4 print('Local scope: ', a) ----> 5 func() 6 print('global scope: ', a) <ipython-input-41-4c68dbc3afd0> in func() 1 a = 100 2 def func(): ----> 3 a += 100 4 print('Local scope: ', a) 5 func() UnboundLocalError: local variable 'a' referenced before assignment
a = 100 def func(): global a a += 100 print('Local scope: ', a) func() print('global scope: ', a)
Local scope: 200 Global scope: 200
[3] Nesting -- nested functions
x = 123 def f1(): x = 100 print('f1--->',x) def f2(): x = 200 print('f2--->',x) f2() f1()
f1---> 100 f2---> 200
[4] Built in scope (builtin)
import builtins print(dir(builtins))
['ArithmeticError', 'AssertionError', 'AttributeError', 'BaseException', 'BlockingIOError', 'BrokenPipeError', 'BufferError', 'BytesWarning', 'ChildProcessError', 'ConnectionAbortedError', 'ConnectionError', 'ConnectionRefusedError', 'ConnectionResetError', 'DeprecationWarning', 'EOFError', 'Ellipsis', 'EnvironmentError', 'Exception', 'False', 'FileExistsError', 'FileNotFoundError', 'FloatingPointError', 'FutureWarning', 'GeneratorExit', 'IOError', 'ImportError', 'ImportWarning', 'IndentationError', 'IndexError', 'InterruptedError', 'IsADirectoryError', 'KeyError', 'KeyboardInterrupt', 'LookupError', 'MemoryError', 'ModuleNotFoundError', 'NameError', 'None', 'NotADirectoryError', 'NotImplemented', 'NotImplementedError', 'OSError', 'OverflowError', 'PendingDeprecationWarning', 'PermissionError', 'ProcessLookupError', 'RecursionError', 'ReferenceError', 'ResourceWarning', 'RuntimeError', 'RuntimeWarning', 'StopAsyncIteration', 'StopIteration', 'SyntaxError', 'SyntaxWarning', 'SystemError', 'SystemExit', 'TabError', 'TimeoutError', 'True', 'TypeError', 'UnboundLocalError', 'UnicodeDecodeError', 'UnicodeEncodeError', 'UnicodeError', 'UnicodeTranslateError', 'UnicodeWarning', 'UserWarning', 'ValueError', 'Warning', 'WindowsError', 'ZeroDivisionError', '__IPYTHON__', '__build_class__', '__debug__', '__doc__', '__import__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'abs', 'all', 'any', 'ascii', 'bin', 'bool', 'bytearray', 'bytes', 'callable', 'chr', 'classmethod', 'compile', 'complex', 'copyright', 'credits', 'delattr', 'dict', 'dir', 'display', 'divmod', 'enumerate', 'eval', 'exec', 'filter', 'float', 'format', 'frozenset', 'get_ipython', 'getattr', 'globals', 'hasattr', 'hash', 'help', 'hex', 'id', 'input', 'int', 'isinstance', 'issubclass', 'iter', 'len', 'license', 'list', 'locals', 'map', 'max', 'memoryview', 'min', 'next', 'object', 'oct', 'open', 'ord', 'pow', 'print', 'property', 'range', 'repr', 'reversed', 'round', 'set', 'setattr', 'slice', 'sorted', 'staticmethod', 'str', 'sum', 'super', 'tuple', 'type', 'vars', 'zip']
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