HTML (form label < form >)
1. General representation
1. Presentation method - < form action = "jump path" name = "form name" method = "jump request method" >
be careful:
① Path representation
Absolute path: search from the drive letter until the file is found, path + file name
Relative path: the relative path between the current ...
Posted by sfc on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 02:18:11 -0700
In summary, the three major multithreading controls are CountDownLatch, CyclicBarrier and Semaphore
The countDownLatch class enables a thread to wait for other threads to execute after their own execution. It is implemented through a counter. The initial value of the counter is the number of threads.
Usage of CountDownLatch
Typical usage of CountDownLatch: 1. A thread waits for n threads to complete execution before running. ...
Posted by fgpsmith on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 02:07:09 -0700
ROS communication programming in Ubuntu 16.04
Basic knowledge learning
🌟 The difference between topic and service
-topic of conversationserviceSynchronizationasynchronoussynchronizationcommunication model Publish / subscribeServer / clientUnderlying protocolROSTCP/ROSUDPROSTCP/ROSUDPfeedback mechanismnothinghavebufferhavenothingReal timeweakstrongNode relationshipMany to manyOne to ...
Posted by Lv-Kris on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 02:04:06 -0700
1 Introduction and initial experience of flowable workflow
1 Introduction
Official website address:
The project provides a series of compact and efficient open source business process engines. They provide a workflow and business process management (BPM) for developers, system administrators, and business users
Posted by Tibster on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 02:01:39 -0700
C language -- operators and expressions
arithmetic operator
+ plus-reduce*ride/except%Remainder (operand must be an integer)
Arithmetic conversion:
char -> int -> float -> double
Shift operators
Data storage: binary complement
<<Shift left (discard on the left and fill zero on the right)>> Shift right (1) logical shift: fill zero on the lef ...
Posted by deezzer on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 01:59:35 -0700
Kaggle house price forecast project learning notes
House price forecast
Original question:
reference resources:
The house price prediction experiment analyzes 1460 house price data and the attributes of 80 houses, establishes a regression mode ...
Posted by Penelope on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 01:49:01 -0700
< data structure Zhejiang University > 03 tree isomorphism of 1 tree (25 points)
Give two trees T1 and T2. If T1 can be changed into T2 by several times, we call the two trees "isomorphic". For example, the two trees given in Figure 1 are isomorphic, because we exchange the left and right children of nodes A, B and G of one tree to get the other tree. Figure 2 is not isomorphic.
Posted by desoto0311 on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 01:31:11 -0700
Detailed explanation of common use of WebMvcConfigurer interceptor of SpringBoot
1. Introduce pom dependency
Because almost all web projects use the interceptor, the interceptor object introduced into the next web package is also in the web packagethymeleaf: view the static interface;
<!--introduce springboot Parent project dependency-->
<!--Introduce dependency:
It can be omitted version Ta ...
Posted by Zemnon on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 01:16:53 -0700
How much do you know about Decorator?
Do you really know about decorators? I believe that developers who have used decorators must love some of its features. Both react, vue and angular can be supported through babel. Of course, there are some encapsulated third-party decorator libraries, which can realize some powerful functions after reference. Let's have a brief look.
Posted by Fyorl on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 01:06:39 -0700
JSP learning notes (principle, syntax, built-in objects, tags)
1. What is JSP?
JSP, the full name of Java Server Pages, is a dynamic web page development technology. It uses JSP tags to insert Java code into HTML web pages. Labels usually start with <% and end with% >.
JSP is a Java servlet, which is mainly used to realize the user interface part of Java web application. Web developers write JSPS b ...
Posted by strega on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 00:56:56 -0700