"Java tool class" BeanCopyUtil object replication tool class

Introduction This number is mainly the sharing of common key technology points and common tool classes of Java; And technology sharing of integration frameworks such as springboot+springcloud+Mybatisplus+druid+mysql+redis+swagger+maven+docker; Technology sharing of big data processing frameworks such as datax, kafka and flink. The article will ...

Posted by xuelun on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:53:10 -0700

allure plug-in novice demo

allure is a plug-in that can generate visual test reports. It has the following characteristics: allure is a lightweight, flexible and multilingual test reporting tool Multi platform and luxurious report framework; Can be dev/qa   Provide detailed test report, test steps and log; It can also provide high-level statistical reports for the ...

Posted by asherinho on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:52:40 -0700

Database security -- a brief analysis of SQLMap source code

directory structure Let's sort out the directory structure: here is the latest version of sqlmap I downloaded 1. The data directory contains graphical interface templates that can be built, shell back door (the code inside is encrypted), udf rights lifting function, database injection detection load, etc 2.doc directory is the instr ...

Posted by Zmodem on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:51:36 -0700

python Basics - if, while, for loop exercise 2021-10-31

1, Simple arithmetic practice 1: Input two variables on the console and exchange the values of these two variables [complete with XOR] #The console inputs two variables and exchanges the values of the two variables #[complete with XOR] print("Please enter a,b Value of: ") a = int(input("Please enter a Value of")) b = int(input("Please enter b ...

Posted by sevenupcan on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:51:09 -0700

PTA queue exercise

choice question 2-1 the condition that the circular queue with less one element space (m is the maximum queue length) is full (). A.rear== front B.(rear+1)%m==front C.(rear+1) == front D.front ==(front+1)%m 2-2 the cyclic queue is stored in array A[0... n-1], and its head and tail pointers are f and R respectively. The head pointer f always p ...

Posted by flOid on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:45:39 -0700

Huawei 1+x network communication and maintenance

Huawei 1+x network communication and maintenance 1, Experimental topology 2, VLAN information 3, ip information 4, Equipment naming In order to facilitate the later maintenance, fault location and network standardization, it is necessary to name the network equipment. Please name the device according to Figure 3-1 experimental test t ...

Posted by GSHelpBoy on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:34:47 -0700

sheng's learning notes - Design Pattern - Visitor pattern and dual distribution

schematic diagram:   In real life, some collection objects have many different elements, and each element also has many different visitors and processing methods. For example, there are multiple scenic spots and multiple tourists in the park. Different tourists may have different comments on the same scenic spot; The prescription list issue ...

Posted by syamswaroop on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:32:48 -0700

Explanation and implementation of genetic algorithm (python)

introduction In my opinion, genetic algorithm is an algorithm that can be considered when adjusting parameters. It is a method that can find the global optimal parameters. When the data range that needs to be adjusted is large, the exhaustive method is obviously not a good choice! Here, the genetic algorithm is implemented through a simple exa ...

Posted by Catz on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:22:08 -0700

Watermelon decision tree ID3 algorithm

ID3 decision tree algorithm background knowledge ID3 algorithm was first proposed by J. Ross Quinlan at the University of Sydney in 1975. The core of the algorithm is "information entropy". By calculating the information gain of each attribute, ID3 algorithm considers that the attribute with high information gain is a good attr ...

Posted by apervizi on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:13:31 -0700

PWM adjust LED brightness

Development board: Wildfire domineering V1 Chip: stm32f103ZET6 Timer: TIM3 Output channel: CH3 GPIO: PB0 frequency F = 72M / ((ARR+1)*(PSC+1)) Unit: Hz Duty cycle Duty_Cycle = (TIMx->CCRx) / ARR Unit:% The following test is to observe the brightness change of LED small lamp by adjusting PWM duty cycle Circuit Output comparis ...

Posted by praxedis on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:09:02 -0700