About backend processor - HandlerMethod
Through the previous article, we know the general process of Spring MVC executing the Controller method. The important step is to find the appropriate back-end processor (handler) to execute the target method ...
Posted by rathersurf on Fri, 15 Oct 2021 17:42:03 -0700
jy-12-SPRINGMYBATIS02 - cloud notes 08 - Liu Cangsong
Cloud notes
AOP aspect oriented programming
Section (child): cross section of a transaction
Features: insert (expand) cross section function for the software without changing the original function of the software
For horizontal functions, AOP can greatly simplify software development:
AOP not used:
After using AOP:
Develop an AOP ca ...
Posted by DWilliams on Fri, 15 Oct 2021 14:19:01 -0700
The spring boot project is packaged into a jar package, and the encrypted deployment service allows the server to start automatically
The last article talked about the use of remote tools to remotely deploy the service, which allows it to run in the background without hanging up. This can basically meet the needs of normal projects, but we can continue to optimize the operation on this basis and do better.
&nbs ...
Posted by NoBullMan on Fri, 15 Oct 2021 12:49:13 -0700
❤️ Explosive liver stayed up late and developed an office supplies collection system based on SSM. Now open source to you! I don't have to worry about my interview and study! [strongly recommended] ❤️
Hello, I'm Spring Xiao Yang, a java driver with a dream.
1. Write in front
Before, a fan came to me and asked if there was any real hand-in-hand video teaching SSM framework, saying that most of the videos found on the Internet were complex or incomplete.
I said it didn't need to be so troublesome. I'll record a set of hands-on tutorial ...
Posted by B34ST on Fri, 15 Oct 2021 11:04:44 -0700
Zero to one registry and load balancing of spring cloud
Zero to one registry and load balancing of spring cloud
Friends who know about distributed services must be familiar with zookeeper. It plays the role of a registration center, and then you can register and subscribe to services through Dubbo. Microservices are a collection of distributed products. They also need a registry to register and ...
Posted by barrywood on Fri, 15 Oct 2021 10:58:38 -0700
Spring DeferredResult asynchronous request
1, Background
Recently, during the project, there was a payment scenario. The front end needs to jump to different pages according to the payment results. Our payment notice is sent back by the payer asynchronously, so after sending the payment request If the payment result cannot be obtained immediately, we need to rotate the transaction ...
Posted by gdure on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 20:58:56 -0700
Spring core technologies IOC and AOP
Spring core: IOC: inversion of control, leaving the process of creating objects to the Spring container for management, reducing the direct coupling of objects AOP: aspect oriented and enhanced without modifying the source code, such as permission check, transaction, log collection, etc
Spring bottom layer is actually based on xm ...
Posted by d1223m on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 19:34:48 -0700
Springboot project startup process
Initialization phase:
Step 1: initialize the spring application module and configure some basic environment variables, resources, listeners and constructors;
In the second step, the specific application startup scheme is realized, including process monitoring module, loading configuration environment module and creating context environment mo ...
Posted by nay4 on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 22:50:39 -0700
Introduction to spring security (based on crazy God)
Safety profile
Security has always been a very important aspect in Web development. Although security is a non functional requirement of an application, it should be considered at the early stage of application development. If the security problem is only considered in the later stage of application development, it may fall into a dilemma: o ...
Posted by Firestorm3d on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 13:31:07 -0700
SpringBoot startup process
Boot class
@SpringBootApplication annotation
The following three annotations are included
SpringBootConfiguration: the boot class, the main Configuration class identified as springboot, has the function of @ Configuration annotation@EnableAutoConfiguration: enables automatic configuration. You can exclude classes that do not need to a ...
Posted by gunslinger008 on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 11:34:41 -0700