Design pattern - prototype pattern
This is an article written after drinking half a bottle of yellow rice wine at night. I don't know the quality. Recently, I have a little insomnia at night. I fall asleep after 3 o'clock. Basically, I can see the sun every day. At the age of 21, I should have a carefree life with a monthly salary of more than 10000, but I feel very anx ...
Posted by cavolks on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 10:05:17 -0700
day2021-10-12(mvc common knowledge points)
2. mvc common knowledge points
2.1 @RequestMapping
Basic use
@RequestMapping("/user") //value omission
@RequestMapping(value = "/user") //Omission of values
@RequestMapping(value = {"/user"}) //The type String [] of value needs to be {} expanded
Request mode setting:
Review the common request methods of forms: get and post ...
Posted by nishith82 on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 17:57:27 -0700
Make MongoDB CRUD taste like JPA
The previous article introduced the operation of CRUD of MongoDB using MongoTemplate. Then, the previous article will continue to introduce the operation of CRUD of MongoDB using MongoRepository.
To review the above articles, you can click the link to view the link CRUD Mong ...
Posted by snizkorod on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 10:24:22 -0700
Integrate springmvc + shiro + mybatis + Thymeleaf background management source code sharing
Based on SpringBoot, the goal is to realize the company's background management and some automatic office. At this stage, common frameworks such as springmvc + shiro + mybatis + Thymeleaf are integrated, including user management, department management, notification management, log management, notes, role management, menu configuration, leave, ...
Posted by jfourman on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 22:13:53 -0700
Creating a spring MVC project using Gradle
1. New Grande project
Click file - > New - > project, create a new project, select Gradle, check Java and Web as shown in the figure below, and click Next to proceed to the Next step
Set the name of the project. In this case, it is called gradle_mvc
Click Finish to complete the setting, and the project starts to be created, waiting ...
Posted by BenInBlack on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 21:25:58 -0700
Data response of Spring MVC
4. Data response of spring MVC
4.1 data response mode of spring MVC
1) Page Jump directly return string returned by ModelAndView object
2) Write back data directly return string return object or set
4.2 page Jump
1. Return string form
Directly return string: this method will splice the returned string with the front suffix ...
Posted by vinod79 on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 18:17:53 -0700
SSM infrastructure integration
SSM infrastructure integration
Before integrating a spring + spring MVC + mybatis project, we need to understand their respective functions?
What is Spring, what is it used for, and what is its main function in SSM? Spring is an open source lightweight Java development framework, which is used to simplify the development of applications (for ...
Posted by jordanwb on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 12:34:50 -0700
mybatis learning summary
Be careful, there are pits
1.mybatis enables transactions by default. If you add, delete, or modify a transaction, you need to submit the transaction manually. 2. After integration with spring, there is no need to process transactions manually.
Related blog posts
1. Use of mybatis
MyBatis use
2. mybatis parameter transfer
mybatis is t ...
Posted by warptwist on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 12:25:19 -0700
Spring Boot implements code scanning login
1, First we need a watch
What is this watch for? Just record who scanned the code. Who logged in.
User_Token table
The fields are as follows:
uuid: used to ensure uniqueness userId: who logged in loginTime: login time createTime: the creation time is used to determine whether it has expired state: whether the QR code is invalid. 0 ...
Posted by Pnop on Sun, 10 Oct 2021 17:56:04 -0700
Life of bean
When ssm comes. First spring will be found. Why?
Because we need to hand over objects to srping for unified management,
Let's review the two main features of spring
We've worked with spring to help us create classes and decouple between our classes
Some enhancements can be added without changing the source code of the cl ...
Posted by powelly on Sun, 10 Oct 2021 10:06:50 -0700