python Basics

The code section has very detailed comments, basically zero-based can read more, so let's not say much here, just go to the code.Where there are errors or shortcomings, please leave a message below. Know the dictionary: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #A python dictionary defines a dictionary that stores a ...

Posted by Angus on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 18:51:13 -0700

0713 Preview Task 2 redis Cluster

Introduction to 21.22 redis cluster Multiple redis nodes network interconnected, data sharing All nodes are master-slave (which can be multiple slaves), where services are never provided and only served as standby Processing multiple keys at once (such as mset/mget) is not supported because redis need to distribute keys evenly across nodes ...

Posted by Barand on Mon, 15 Jul 2019 09:21:38 -0700

Explanation of SPI Extension Mechanism in Dubbo

Previously, we learned about Java's SPI extension mechanism. We also have a general understanding of the principles, advantages and disadvantages of Java extension mechanism. Here, we will go further into Dubbo's extension point loading mechanism. Functions of Dubbo Extension Point Loading Dubbo's extension point loading mechanism is similar to ...

Posted by David-fethiye on Sun, 07 Jul 2019 15:46:59 -0700

Building of redis 3.2.8 cluster environment

Environmental preparation centos6.7 redis3.2.8 Installation steps Step 1: Download the redis 3.2.8 installation package Step 2: Decompress the compressed package to the middle/inner_dev_env/redis-3.2.8 [root@allere /inner_dev_env/redis-3.2.8]# pwd /inner_dev_env/redis-3.2.8 Step 3: Create a new directory: redi ...

Posted by WesPear on Mon, 01 Jul 2019 11:56:25 -0700

Use Travis CI to automatically package APK and publish it to fir

Travis CI is a newly emerging open source continuous integration construction project. More and more large companies are using Travis CI. Github builds more than 4000 per day. Why don't we try? Preface Our usual release process is roughly as follows: Travis CI can be simplified as follows: Imagine a scenario where an internal version is ab ...

Posted by fert on Tue, 25 Jun 2019 12:45:37 -0700

GIT+Gollum Builds Local WIKI Editing System under Ubuntu

1 Setting up gem image of Taobao 1.1 Pain without Mirror If you use the official website directly, there will be the following error messages, add source, install gem are the same error, even if it can be connected will be very slow; $ gem sources -a Error fetching Errno::ECONNRESE ...

Posted by stonefish on Thu, 20 Jun 2019 18:02:40 -0700

11 redis cluster cluster deployment

Last article A Brief Talk on redis cluster Cluster The advantages of redis cluster architecture, the comparison between redis cluster and redis replication + sentinal, and the data fragmentation algorithm of redis cluster are mainly explained. The original hash algorithm and consistency hash algorithm + virtual nodes are also briefly introduc ...

Posted by reneeshtk on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 13:33:01 -0700

Ruby Operations MongoDB (Advanced Seven) - Collations

This post explains Collations in three ways.This includes an overview, how to use it, and operations that support sorting.Let's start with an overview of sorting rulesOverview of Collation   Sorting rules provide a set of rules for string comparison in specific language habits. For example, in Canadian French, the last syllable of a g ...

Posted by RadiationHazard on Wed, 05 Jun 2019 10:49:56 -0700

Redis Cluster Simple Setup and Use

Environment: A Linux Virtual Machine Redis version: redis-4.0.1 1. Download and decompress cd /opt/redis wget http: tar -zxvf redis-4.0.1.tar.gz 2. Compile and Install Be sure to enter the decompression directory and use the command make, or you will report an error: make:* No targets ...

Posted by salathe on Fri, 24 May 2019 12:08:46 -0700

Essence and usage of asterisks in Python

Translator: Python Developer - Yiting, English: Trey Hunner Python Developer   There are many places to see * and ** in Python. In some cases, both operators can be a bit mysterious for novice programmers or for people migrating from many other programming languages that do not have exactly the same ope ...

Posted by helpmeplease1234 on Sun, 12 May 2019 01:49:06 -0700