Spring Security OAuth2 integration of JWT

Json web token (JWT) is an open standard based on JSON, which is used to transfer statements between network application environments( RFC 7519 )The token is designed to be compact and secure, which is especially suitable for SSO scenarios of distributed sites. JWT declaration is generally used to transfer the authenticated user identity infor ...

Posted by Aaron_Escobar on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 19:00:28 -0700

Conditional note for spring-boot Underlying exploration

stay Previous We talked about the implementation of conditional annotations.Finally, there's the question, "Why doesn't spring inject beans into classes that use conditional annotations when conditions don't work?"With this in mind, today we'll look at the spring-boot startup process in which our beans are injected with conditional an ...

Posted by Dj_Lord on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 18:33:50 -0700

In depth understanding of mixed operation of characters and numbers / / use of EOF / / deep oj topic: String decryption

Today, let's learn how to deal with the mixed operation of characters and numbers. Speak with questions: Question A: String decryption Title Description Now let a, a stand for the number 0, B, B stand for the number 1, C, C stand for the number 2 Z. Z stands for the number 25. Enter K, B and string. Please decrypt ...

Posted by billiondevil on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 14:42:11 -0700

Laya2.x game engine introduction series: pixel level restore text

Text in the game The first article in our series tells you how to render the text "Hello World" on the stage in the game. However, the elder brother who often plays the game must know that there are not only ordinary words in the game, but also all kinds of fancy fonts. How can we realize these words? We can see that in the screens ...

Posted by sicKo on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 23:54:35 -0700

Introduction to tree dp

Today, I learned tree dp, and found that tree dp is more difficult to get started, so I decided to send a blog about tree dp. I'm sure you all know the concept of tree dp, so we won't talk about it any more. Go straight to the example. 1, General tree DP P1352 dance without boss Title Description A university has N employees, numbered 1- ...

Posted by Rederick on Fri, 24 Apr 2020 02:16:27 -0700

Spring MVC processing flow

In spring webmvc, all requests start with a class called dispatcher servlet. It is the hub of request dispatch, often referred to as the front-end controller, also known as the request dispatcher. From the derived relationship, we can see that the dispatcher Servlet is also a Servlet. When we map the / path to the dsiaaptcherservlet, all reque ...

Posted by pozer69 on Thu, 23 Apr 2020 02:51:59 -0700

[experience sharing] 15 Python code writing methods, elegant, authentic and neat!

Python because of the simplicity of the language, let's write code in the way of human thinking, it's easier for the novice to start, and the old bird can't let go. To write python (elegant, authentic and neat) code, and to observe the big bull code more often, there are many excellent source codes on Github that are worth reading, such as req ...

Posted by Mr Chew on Thu, 23 Apr 2020 02:18:11 -0700

Summary of Dom Node Operation

Dom   One: Dom conceptIntroduction to Dom: The Document Object model is a complete set of methods for manipulating documents - Document - html, an object in a document, a top-level object in the dom, an object in window s, and arguably the best. Dom Node: All the steps that make up the entire html process are equivalent to all the labels, tex ...

Posted by Rheves on Tue, 21 Apr 2020 17:53:22 -0700

ThinkPHP6.0 learning notes - routing operations

ThinkPHP routing by:Mirror Wang Yuyang The main purpose of Thinkphp routing is to make URL address more beautiful, concise and elegant ; setting the route provides great convenience for URL detection, verification and other operations; the route function is set in the config/app.php file opened by default: 'with_route' => true; Route co ...

Posted by dsjoes on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 05:06:21 -0700

python machine learning

Catalog Chinese Email Classification Based on Naive Bayes algorithm 1. Principle of naive Bayesian algorithm 2. Project introduction 3. Project steps 4. code 5. results                        . Chinese Email Classification Bas ...

Posted by Azarath on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 04:08:00 -0700