51 single chip computer course design -- led dot matrix billboard program design
At the end of last semester, the subject is led lattice billboard, and the requirements at that time are as follows:
(1) LED dot matrix billboard with different characters;
(2) Press the key to switch between different display effects (such as flashing, static, pan, etc.);
(3) Press the key to switch be ...
Posted by Azad on Thu, 06 Feb 2020 02:32:25 -0800
Interface of Go language foundation
The interface defines the behavior specification of an object. The interface only defines that the specification is not implemented, and the specific object implements the details of the specification.
1.1 interface type
In Go language, interface is a type, an abstract type.
interface is a set of method s, which is an embodiment of duck type p ...
Posted by kjharve on Thu, 06 Feb 2020 01:31:18 -0800
Python web crawler and information extraction note 10 HTML content search method based on bs4 Library
Introduction to 01 requests Library of Python web crawler and information extraction notes
Notes on Python web crawler and information extraction 02 "there is a way to steal" from web crawler
Python web crawler and information extraction notes 03 requests library web crawler practice (5 i ...
Posted by sfmnetsys on Thu, 06 Feb 2020 01:20:50 -0800
Group Programming Skystair L2-019 quietly watched (25 points) (java)
Group Programming Skystair L2-019 quietly watched (25 points) (java)
Sina Weibo has a "quiet focus". A person that a user quietly Watches does not appear on the user's attention list, but the system will push the Weibo published by the person that he quietly watches to the user.Now let's do ...
Posted by gergy008 on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 18:11:28 -0800
C language fast sorting, extending the recursive wisdom from bubble sorting algorithm
In fact, there are many sorting algorithms faster than fast sorting, and there are many algorithms with more advantages, but in many interviews written examination, the most is still fast sorting. It is the easiest to understand and implement the O(nlogn) time sorting algorithm (note that the words used here are not necessarily easy to understa ...
Posted by raven_web on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 07:52:50 -0800
MongoDB series -- Aggregate pipeline operation in SpringBoot
MongoDB pipeline definition
The aggregation pipeline of MongoDB will pass the results of MongoDB documents to the next pipeline after one pipeline is processed. Pipeline operations are repeatable.
Common Aggregate pipeline operators of Aggregate in SpringBoot
Customize the collection userCollection and initialize the data structure
Store bean u ...
Posted by adnan856 on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 07:50:14 -0800
OCR recognition based on Tesseract
Demand background
Tesseract introduction and environment construction
Font training
Tesseract for iOS
Demand background
Due to the limitation of the client core, most of the ID card identification in the market will be put in the server verification. The client is generally only ...
Posted by tomdelonge on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 04:01:10 -0800
Spring Boot: web application development and CRUD implementation
1, Developing web applications
Spring Boot Web development is very simple, including common json output, filters, property, log, etc
2, json interface development
In the past, when using spring to develop projects, what needs to be done when you need to provide json interfaces?
1. Add related jar packages such as jackjson
2. Configure spri ...
Posted by Mikedean on Tue, 04 Feb 2020 23:11:06 -0800
Android About AIDL Communication, RemoteCallbackList Implements Server Callback Client
Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)
The Android Interface Definition Language (A IDL) is similar to other interface languages (IDLs) you may have used.It allows you to define programming interfaces that are recognized by both clients and services so that they can communicate with each other ...
Posted by BPWheeler on Tue, 04 Feb 2020 19:33:10 -0800
JavaScript foundation 1 (overview, data types)
JavaScript language foundation
Brief introduction: Javascript (abbreviated as "JS") is famous as a scripting language for developing Web pages. It is the most popular scripting language in the world, but it is also used in many non browser environments. JavaScript is based on prot ...
Posted by sbourdon on Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:08:30 -0800