Python learning notes (36-40) classes and objects
Learning topics: classes and objects
Study date: February 9, 2020
Python version: 3.7.4
Learning note: it's very difficult here, especially the first contact with the concept of object-oriented. What I wrote below is not very clear.
Lesson 36 concept of object
How to describe an object.
For example, thi ...
Posted by mikeabe on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 01:01:17 -0800
Diagram of the core implementation of kubernetes container lookup mechanism
After a container is pulled up by kubelet in k8s, the user can specify the way of sniffing to check the health of the container. TCP, Http and command are currently supported. Today, the implementation of the whole sniffing module is introduced to understand the implementation of its periodic detection, counter, delay and other design.
1. Explo ...
Posted by Stunt on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 21:21:00 -0800
CI framework extended system class library
Ci framework does not support creating CommonController directly under controllers and inheriting the parent class like yii2 framework. When we want to do login control or permission control, it is unreasonable to operate directly on the parent class controller. At this time, the more convenient method is to extend the CI controller of the pare ...
Posted by ultraviolet_998 on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 07:33:56 -0800
Django+Paginator+ajax dynamic load paging
How to switch pages without refreshing the whole page?
In fact, the implementation is very simple. The idea is: how many pages are the Paginator backend split (for example: how many pages in total; how many pages are the current page; what is the content of this page?) , through Ajax interactive data display.
Two core objects of Paginator (Pagi ...
Posted by retoto on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 06:56:11 -0800
MyBatis delay load (lazy load) Introduction
MyBatis delayed loading
In the previous article, multi table query is introduced. In practice, we often involve multi table joint query, but sometimes, not all query results will be used immediately. Let me give two examples:
For example, to query the purchase details of a batch of notebook computers, instead of directly displayi ...
Posted by kkeim on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 02:50:54 -0800
netty implements HTTP server 1
Article directory
HTTP server code implementation
At present, the mainstream Java web server is implemented by springboot+Tomcat, and the bottom layer is developed based on servlet. Servlet is not asynchronous, so its performance is not very rational and cannot meet ...
Posted by weezil on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 23:40:36 -0800
Prometheus + Grafana monitoring SpringBoot
Overall structure
Spring boot's actor provides the monitoring endpoint.
Prometheus is a monitoring system, which can obtain monitoring data from spring boot, store it in the form of time series data, and provide query service for monitoring data.
Grafana is a professional UI dashboard system, which supports a lot of data sources, including Prom ...
Posted by elearnindia on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 23:22:47 -0800
Detailed analysis of the entry problem of leetcode dynamic planning
1. Minimum cost of climbing stairs
The explanation of the big guy's question is the same as that of the official answer (I added notes)
class Solution {
int minCostClimbingStairs(vector<int>& cost) {
int c1 = cost[0 ...
Posted by HK2ALL on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 01:07:52 -0800
Find out in 10 minutes How does SpringBoot gracefully read configuration files?
This article is and is included in the springboot-guide (not just SpringBoot but also Spring Key Knowledge Points), address: .Make it easier for you to learn Spring!If you feel good, welcome to a Star!
Many times we need to put some commonly used configuration information such as Aliyun oss confi ...
Posted by vincent30000 on Sat, 08 Feb 2020 19:56:20 -0800
Talk about QuorumManager of artemis
This paper focuses on the quorum manager of artemis
public interface ClusterTopologyListener {
* Triggered when a node joins the cluster.
* @param member
* @pa ...
Posted by csimms on Sat, 08 Feb 2020 09:16:12 -0800