Diagram of the core implementation of kubernetes container lookup mechanism

Keywords: Programming kubelet less Docker

After a container is pulled up by kubelet in k8s, the user can specify the way of sniffing to check the health of the container. TCP, Http and command are currently supported. Today, the implementation of the whole sniffing module is introduced to understand the implementation of its periodic detection, counter, delay and other design.

1. Exploring the overall design

1.1 Thread Model

The spied threading model is relatively simple in design, with the worker performing the underlying spies and the Manager managing the worker while caching the spied results

1.2 Periodic Expeditions

To generate a timer based on the cycle of each sniffing task, you only need to listen for timer events

1.3 Realization of Exploration Mechanism

The implementation of the sniffing mechanism is relatively simple except for the commands Http and Tcp, Tcp only needs to be directly linked through net.DialTimeout, while Http constructs an http.Transport to construct an Http request to perform a Do operation.

Relatively complex is exec, which first generates commands based on the current container's environment variables, then builds a Command through containers, commands, timeouts, etc. Finally calls runtimeService to call csi to execute commands.

2. Probing interface implementation

2.1 Core Member Structure

type prober struct {
	exec execprobe.Prober
    // We can see that for readiness/liveness a http Transport will be launched to link
	readinessHTTP httpprobe.Prober
	livenessHTTP  httpprobe.Prober
	startupHTTP   httpprobe.Prober
	tcp           tcpprobe.Prober
	runner        kubecontainer.ContainerCommandRunner

    // refManager is primarily a reference object used to get members
	refManager *kubecontainer.RefManager
    // The recorder is responsible for building the probe result event and eventually passing it back to apiserver
	recorder   record.EventRecorder

2.2 Exploring the Main Course

The main process of exploration is mainly in the probe method of prober, whose core process is divided into three sections

2.2.1 Getting the Target Configuration for the Exploration

func (pb *prober) probe(probeType probeType, pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus, container v1.Container, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID) (results.Result, error) {
var probeSpec *v1.Probe
// Get the configuration of the probe for the corresponding location based on the type of probe
	switch probeType {
	case readiness:
		probeSpec = container.ReadinessProbe
	case liveness:
		probeSpec = container.LivenessProbe
	case startup:
		probeSpec = container.StartupProbe
		return results.Failure, fmt.Errorf("unknown probe type: %q", probeType)

2.2.2 Execute sniffing to record error information

If an error is returned, or if it is not in a successful or warning state, the corresponding reference object is retrieved, then the event is constructed with a recorder, and the result is sent back to apiserver

// Execute the sounding process	
result, output, err := pb.runProbeWithRetries(probeType, probeSpec, pod, status, container, containerID, maxProbeRetries)
	if err != nil || (result != probe.Success && result != probe.Warning) {
		// //If an error is returned, or if it is not a success or warning state
        // Then the corresponding reference object is obtained and passed 
		ref, hasRef := pb.refManager.GetRef(containerID)
		if !hasRef {
			klog.Warningf("No ref for container %q (%s)", containerID.String(), ctrName)
		if err != nil {
			klog.V(1).Infof("%s probe for %q errored: %v", probeType, ctrName, err)
			recorder Construct events, send results back apiserver
            if hasRef {
				pb.recorder.Eventf(ref, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.ContainerUnhealthy, "%s probe errored: %v", probeType, err)
		} else { // result != probe.Success
			klog.V(1).Infof("%s probe for %q failed (%v): %s", probeType, ctrName, result, output)
			// recorder constructs events and sends results back to apiserver
            if hasRef {
				pb.recorder.Eventf(ref, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.ContainerUnhealthy, "%s probe failed: %s", probeType, output)
		return results.Failure, err

2.2.3 Probe Retry Implementation

func (pb *prober) runProbeWithRetries(probeType probeType, p *v1.Probe, pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus, container v1.Container, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID, retries int) (probe.Result, string, error) {
	var err error
	var result probe.Result
	var output string
	for i := 0; i < retries; i++ {
		result, output, err = pb.runProbe(probeType, p, pod, status, container, containerID)
		if err == nil {
			return result, output, nil
	return result, output, err

2.2.4 Depending on the type of exploration performed

func (pb *prober) runProbe(probeType probeType, p *v1.Probe, pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus, container v1.Container, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID) (probe.Result, string, error) {
	timeout := time.Duration(p.TimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
	if p.Exec != nil {
		klog.V(4).Infof("Exec-Probe Pod: %v, Container: %v, Command: %v", pod, container, p.Exec.Command)
		command := kubecontainer.ExpandContainerCommandOnlyStatic(p.Exec.Command, container.Env)
		return pb.exec.Probe(pb.newExecInContainer(container, containerID, command, timeout))
	if p.HTTPGet != nil {
        // Get protocol type and http parameter information
		scheme := strings.ToLower(string(p.HTTPGet.Scheme))
		host := p.HTTPGet.Host
		if host == "" {
			host = status.PodIP
		port, err := extractPort(p.HTTPGet.Port, container)
		if err != nil {
			return probe.Unknown, "", err
		path := p.HTTPGet.Path
		klog.V(4).Infof("HTTP-Probe Host: %v://%v, Port: %v, Path: %v", scheme, host, port, path)
		url := formatURL(scheme, host, port, path)
		headers := buildHeader(p.HTTPGet.HTTPHeaders)
		klog.V(4).Infof("HTTP-Probe Headers: %v", headers)
		switch probeType {
		case liveness:
			return pb.livenessHTTP.Probe(url, headers, timeout)
		case startup:
			return pb.startupHTTP.Probe(url, headers, timeout)
			return pb.readinessHTTP.Probe(url, headers, timeout)
	if p.TCPSocket != nil {
		port, err := extractPort(p.TCPSocket.Port, container)
		if err != nil {
			return probe.Unknown, "", err
		host := p.TCPSocket.Host
		if host == "" {
			host = status.PodIP
		klog.V(4).Infof("TCP-Probe Host: %v, Port: %v, Timeout: %v", host, port, timeout)
		return pb.tcp.Probe(host, port, timeout)
	klog.Warningf("Failed to find probe builder for container: %v", container)
	return probe.Unknown, "", fmt.Errorf("missing probe handler for %s:%s", format.Pod(pod), container.Name)

3. worker worker threads

Worker worker threads perform probes with several considerations: 1. Containers may need to wait for a while when they are just started, for example, applications may need to do some initialization work and are not ready 2. Repeated probes before startup are also meaningless if container probes fail and are restarted 3. Whether successful or unsuccessful, thresholds may be required to assist in avoiding a single small probability failure and restarting the container

3.1 Core Members

In addition to the detection configuration correlation, the key parameters are mainly the onHold parameter, which is used to determine whether to delay detection of containers, that is, when a container restarts, it needs to delay detection, and resultRun is a counter through which successive successes or failures are accumulated and subsequently whether a given threshold is exceeded.

type worker struct {
	// Stop channel
	stopCh chan struct{}

	// pod containing probe
	pod *v1.Pod

	// Container Probe
	container v1.Container

	// Probe Configuration
	spec *v1.Probe

	// Probe type
	probeType probeType

	// The probe value during the initial delay.
	initialValue results.Result

	// Store detection results
	resultsManager results.Manager
	probeManager   *manager

	// The last known container ID of this worker process.
	containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID
	// Last Detection Result
	lastResult results.Result
	// Detection returns the same result continuously at this time
	resultRun int

	// Probe failure will be set to true and no probes will be made 
	onHold bool

	// proberResultsMetricLabels holds the labels attached to this worker
	// for the ProberResults metric by result.
	proberResultsSuccessfulMetricLabels metrics.Labels
	proberResultsFailedMetricLabels     metrics.Labels
	proberResultsUnknownMetricLabels    metrics.Labels

3.2 Probing Implements Core Processes

3.2.1 Failed Container Detection Interrupt

If the state of the current container has been terminated, it does not need to be probed and can be returned directly

	// Gets the status of the current worker's corresponding pod
	status, ok := w.probeManager.statusManager.GetPodStatus(w.pod.UID)
	if !ok {
		// Either the pod has not been created yet, or it was already deleted.
		klog.V(3).Infof("No status for pod: %v", format.Pod(w.pod))
		return true
	// If pod terminates worker should terminate
	if status.Phase == v1.PodFailed || status.Phase == v1.PodSucceeded {
		klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %v %v, exiting probe worker",
			format.Pod(w.pod), status.Phase)
		return false

3.2.2 Delayed detection recovery

Delayed detection recovery mainly refers to restart operation in case of detection failure, during which no detection will occur. The logic of recovery is to determine if the id of the corresponding container has changed, and to modify onHold.

// Get the latest container information by container name	
c, ok := podutil.GetContainerStatus(status.ContainerStatuses, w.container.Name)
	if !ok || len(c.ContainerID) == 0 {
		// Either the container has not been created yet, or it was deleted.
		klog.V(3).Infof("Probe target container not found: %v - %v",
			format.Pod(w.pod), w.container.Name)
		return true // Wait for more information.

	if w.containerID.String() != c.ContainerID {
        // If the container changes, a container is restarted
		if !w.containerID.IsEmpty() {
		w.containerID = kubecontainer.ParseContainerID(c.ContainerID)
		w.resultsManager.Set(w.containerID, w.initialValue, w.pod)
		// Getting a new container requires re-opening the probe 
		w.onHold = false

	if w.onHold {
		//If the current set delay state is true, no probing will occur
		return true

3.2.3 Initialize Delay Detection

Initialization delay detection mainly refers to the container's Running time less than the configured InitialDelaySeconds returning directly

if int32(time.Since(c.State.Running.StartedAt.Time).Seconds()) < w.spec.InitialDelaySeconds {
		return true

3.2.4 Executing probing logic

	result, err := w.probeManager.prober.probe(w.probeType, w.pod, status, w.container, w.containerID)
	if err != nil {
		// Prober error, throw away the result.
		return true

	switch result {
	case results.Success:
	case results.Failure:

3.2.5 Cumulative Probe Count

After the accumulated probe counts, it is determined whether the accumulated counts exceed the set threshold, and if they do not, no state changes are made

	if w.lastResult == result {
	} else {
		w.lastResult = result
		w.resultRun = 1

	if (result == results.Failure && w.resultRun < int(w.spec.FailureThreshold)) ||
		(result == results.Success && w.resultRun < int(w.spec.SuccessThreshold)) {
		// Success or failure is below threshold - leave the probe state unchanged.
		// Success or failure is below the threshold - keep the detector state unchanged.
		return true

3.2.6 Modify detection state

If the probe state sends a change, the state needs to be saved first, and if the probe fails, the onHOld state needs to be modified to true to delay the probe and return the counter to 0

// This modifies the corresponding status information	
w.resultsManager.Set(w.containerID, result, w.pod)

	if (w.probeType == liveness || w.probeType == startup) && result == results.Failure {
		// Containers failed to run liveness/starup detection, they need to restart and stop detection until a new containerID is available
		// This is to reduce the chance of hitting #751, where running docker exec when the container stops may result in container state corruption
		w.onHold = true
		w.resultRun = 0

3.3 Detect Main Cycle Process

The main process simply answers the above detection process

func (w *worker) run() {
	// Construct a timer based on the probing cycle
	probeTickerPeriod := time.Duration(w.spec.PeriodSeconds) * time.Second

	// If kubelet restarted the probes could be started in rapid succession.
	// Let the worker wait for a random portion of tickerPeriod before probing.
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Float64() * float64(probeTickerPeriod)))

	probeTicker := time.NewTicker(probeTickerPeriod)

	defer func() {
		// Clean up.
		if !w.containerID.IsEmpty() {

		w.probeManager.removeWorker(w.pod.UID, w.container.Name, w.probeType)

	for w.doProbe() {
		// Wait for next probe tick.
		select {
		case <-w.stopCh:
			break probeLoop
		case <-probeTicker.C:
			// continue

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Posted by Stunt on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 21:21:00 -0800