A Brief Talk on Using Vue to Construct the Bottom Layer of Single Page Application Development with Front-end 10w+Code Quantity

Before the start With the continuous accumulation of business, at present, our main project on ToC side, except node_modules, build configuration file, dist static resource file code is 137521 lines, the total number of sub-application codes under background management system, except dependencies and other files, also reaches a ...

Posted by l00ph0le on Sun, 19 May 2019 05:50:02 -0700

The construction process of web project and the use of web pack 3.10.0

Note: This blog mainly refers to this blogger's: http://www.jianshu.com/p/9423a7f04d31 But the version of webpack used by this blogger is 1.15.0. According to his instructions, there were errors in configuring webpack dev-server. There were many incompatible versions of plug-ins, so I changed to the latest version of ...

Posted by jcubie on Sat, 18 May 2019 19:40:32 -0700

A Large Single Page News Application Based on vue2 + vue-router + vuex

vue2-news Preface The UI of this project imitates today's headlines, but I have made as many modifications as possible. I am not doing UI design. How can I see the past? Let's have a "star" in the upper right corner to support it? The project includes four pages on mobile and native side, and 20 pages on ...

Posted by theonlydrayk on Sat, 18 May 2019 08:12:30 -0700

Building a project structure of vue2+webpack4 from scratch

First, why don't I use vue-cli scaffolding? As we all know, Vue is relatively easy to start, build a project, a line of NPM install vue-cli-g can help us quickly build a project architecture, we do not have to think about how to design webpack, what vue-loader is used for, and so on, because cue-cli has helped us build the most bas ...

Posted by blacksmoke26 on Sat, 18 May 2019 05:08:14 -0700

TypeScript Basic Introduction - Class - Advanced Skills

Reprint TypeScript Basic Introduction - Class - Advanced Skills Project Practice Warehouse https://github.com/durban89/typescript_demo.git tag: 1.1.5 In order to ensure that the following learning demonstration needs to install ts-node, so that each subsequent operation can directly run to see the output results. npm install -D ts-node ...

Posted by Flukey on Sat, 18 May 2019 04:01:39 -0700

My react learning

Basic Section Create a react project Create a react project Global installation react directive // Install react globally (not required if required) npm i -g react // Or yarn-global react // Scaffold for global react installation (Scaffold must be installed to create react applications) npm i -g create-react-app // Or yarn-gl ...

Posted by dmschenk on Fri, 17 May 2019 17:17:07 -0700

php develops the payment system of Ethernet workshop

When I first considered paying in encrypted currency, I looked at something like Stripe Such an available solution. I think Stripe's problem is that it only allows Bitcoin payments from American merchant accounts, so it's not an option for me. In the world of Taifang, it looks worse. There are some newer services, but they all want to share the ...

Posted by alvinkoh on Fri, 17 May 2019 15:41:39 -0700

Koa Log Middleware Packaging Development

Logging is essential for a server application. We need to use it to record what the project program does every day, when and what errors have happened. It is convenient for us to review and grasp the running status of the server in real time, and restore the problem scenario in the future. The Role of Logs Record the running status of the serv ...

Posted by Andrei on Fri, 17 May 2019 13:54:27 -0700

Introduction to the Official Course of egg.js

I. Preface of the article egg.js is a web background framework of node.js, which brings us too much convenience in developing web background. There are many other frameworks like express and koa. This article will focus on egg. js, because it is a very strict MVC development model. eggJS "Agreement over Configuration" II. Prepa ...

Posted by buddysal on Fri, 17 May 2019 10:45:20 -0700

Property confirmation by prop-types of React Native

React Native has been upgraded to 0.51.0, and the version has been upgraded very quickly, but there are also some problems with old projects, the common problem is that attributes can not be found. For example: The main reason is that with the upgrade of React Native, the system has discarded a lot of things. In the past, we can use React.Pro ...

Posted by akufen on Thu, 16 May 2019 10:55:49 -0700