Example of PHP operating Redis queue

IDS is an advanced open source key value storage system, which is implemented in ANSI C. It is similar to memcached, but supports persistent data storage Queue operation: <?php $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('',6379); while(True){ try{ $value = 'value_'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $redis->LPUSH('key1',$value); sleep(r ...

Posted by dazzathedrummer on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 01:40:39 -0800

Principle and application of fuse Hystrix

preface         After migrating a single application to a distributed framework, it is likely to encounter such a problem: the system has only one control unit, which will call multiple computing units. If a computing unit (as a service provider) is unavailable, the control unit (as a service caller) will be blocked and eve ...

Posted by codygoodman on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 20:06:58 -0700

Redis tutorial - Introduction to redis Basics

A brief description of nosql concepts The full name of nosql is not only sql, that is, not only non-relational database, but also nosql storage is not as dependent on business logic as relational database. nosql storage is very simple SQL storage. What is redis As we all know, total memory reads much faster than disk reads. So it's a good ch ...

Posted by imnu on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 09:19:38 -0700

Redis -- distributed cache

What is distributed caching? In the original application, the cache is usually stored in the JVM of the local application. However, with the trend of project microservicing, after the project is reconstructed in the way of microservice, the cache should be managed and stored by a separate server and deployed in different physical areas to achi ...

Posted by Blockis on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 12:11:08 -0700

Analysis and use of Redis five data structures and three advanced data structures

1, Foreword The most important and fundamental aspect of Redis is its rich data structure. The reason why Redis stands out is that it has rich data structure and can support a variety of scenarios. Moreover, Redis's data structure implementation and application scenarios are quite common in the interview. Next, let's talk about Redis's data st ...

Posted by wanted420 on Tue, 05 Oct 2021 17:03:07 -0700

Redis data type

1, String data type Overview: string is the most basic type of redis. It can store up to 512MB of data. String type is binary secure, that is, it can store any data, such as numbers, pictures, serialized objects, etc 1. SET/GET/APPEND/STRLEN redis> exists mykey #Judge whether the key exists, return 1 if it exists, ...

Posted by dvd420 on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 03:27:13 -0700

Ten minutes to learn nginx

start-up nginx restart nginx -s reopen stop it nginx -s stop Thermal loading ./nginx -s reload Test whether the modified configuration file is normal nginx -t Default profile location /usr/local/nginx/conf/ Adjust the basic configuration of Nginx /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf Where is the custom Nginx configuration /usr ...

Posted by spectacularstuff on Fri, 24 Sep 2021 22:32:11 -0700