Shell distribution script

Shell distribution script principle In the cluster, we often have this requirement: copy files to the same directory of all nodes in a circular way, and use commands separately from one node to another to improve efficiency. Core idea Encapsulation on rsync rsync command analysis characteristic rsync remote synchronization tool rsync is mainly ...

Posted by grantf on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 23:16:16 -0800

Linux: process replication (fork)

Copy process fork method Basic concepts First, let's look at the fork method: create a child process. The process calling fork function is the parent process, and the newly generated process is the child process. The format is: pid_t fork(void); Return the pid of the child process in the parent process, 0 in the child process, and - ...

Posted by cornelalexa on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 18:22:12 -0800

Java must learn tool library to reduce your code by 90%

1. Java's own tools and methods 1.1 the list set is spliced into comma separated strings 1.2 compare whether two strings are equal, ignoring case 1.3 compare whether two objects are equal 1.4 intersection of two List sets 2. apache commons tool class library 2.1 commons Lang, enhanced version of java.lang 2.2 common collections co ...

Posted by kday on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 17:52:03 -0800

Debugging the kernel using Ftrace

preface "Ftrace is a tracking tool built into the Linux kernel. Many Linux distributions have enabled various configurations of ftrace in the latest versions. One of the benefits of ftrace to Linux is that it can view what happens inside the kernel, better find the exact cause of the crash, and help developers create the right solution ...

Posted by Rhiknow on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 12:39:28 -0800

Deploying HAproxy+Nginx+NFS Load Balancing for High Availability Clusters under Centos7

Prepare tool: 1.Four centos7 servers, one client In this experiment, four servers are used, one server installs haproxy for scheduling, the other two servers build nginx to provide web services, and one client tests access. ····················· HostsystemIPfunctionHAproxycentos7192.168.254.214HAproxynginxcentos7192.168.254.226nginxnginxcen ...

Posted by t3l on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 09:14:26 -0800

GFS distributed file system

catalogue 1, GFS overview 1. File system composition 2. File system role 3. File system components 4. GFS features 5. Working principle 2, GFS volume 1. GFS volume type 2. Characteristics of the three basic volumes Distributed volume Strip roll Copy volume Distributed striped volume Distributed replication volume 3. Four server c ...

Posted by pck76 on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 01:16:01 -0800

chrony time synchronization service

brief introduction NTP is the network time protocol, which is used to synchronize the time of each computer in the network. NTP and chrony cannot exist at the same time. You can only use one of them and remove the other mask Chrony is an open source free software, which can help you keep the system clock synchronized with the clock server (NTP ...

Posted by martinco on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 18:53:56 -0800

Basic concepts of Linux multithreaded programming

Thread is the smallest unit that the operating system can perform scheduling operation. It is included in the process and is the actual operation unit in the process. A thread refers to a single sequential control flow in a process. Multiple threads can be concurrent in a process, and each thread executes different tasks in parallel. linux ope ...

Posted by Aro on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 10:29:03 -0800

cmake uses tutorial cpack to generate the installation package, with super full tutorial documents

This series of articles is translated from the official cmake tutorial: [cmake tutorial]( ). Sample program address: []( ) I won't just stay in the official tutorial. As an Android Developer, I really don't have linux c program development experience. I hope the big guys will forgive me. The tutorial is completed u ...

Posted by GiaTuan on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 09:28:28 -0800

How to learn kernel? How Linux process management works (code demonstration)

Most of the Linux kernel is C language. It is recommended to first look at the Linux kernel development, Robert Love, that is, LKD. Linux is a dynamic system, which can adapt to the changing computing needs. The performance of Linux computing requirements is centered on the general abstraction of processes. Processes can be short-term (a comma ...

Posted by trampolinejoe on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 07:15:23 -0800