Latex instance [2]: a blog solves all your latex table problems

In the process of using Latex, drawing a beautiful form is undoubtedly a big problem. It is often either a bug or does not meet the requirements. A pinch of hair will fall off as soon as you draw the form, so I sorted out such a Latex form strategy to save your and my hair. At the end of the article, a powerful tool is attached, which can handl ...

Posted by phpion on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 12:16:57 -0800

LaTeX concise tutorial

3.1 basic references At the end of the source code, add references wrapped by the bibliography environment. Each reference begins with \ bibitem, followed by the content of the reference itself. Use \ cite {⟨ citation ⟩} at the corresponding position in the text: ⟨ citation ⟩ is the corresponding [] content of the literature to be quoted. \begi ...

Posted by Sikk Industries on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 02:35:16 -0800

LaTex Course Notes

How to Use LaTex (Foreign Language Journals of Science and Engineering) Preface A while ago, I learned LaTex by myself. I feel that when I write a paper, I can really focus on the text. I don't need to work as hard on formatting as word. It's very silky. Write a document for future archives. My learning process is to install LaTex compiler s ...

Posted by babybird11 on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 13:21:01 -0800

Write latex through VSCode under Windows

Why latex You have this demand. It must be because latex is very popular. In my opinion, the cow is: Autotypesetting formatWhen submitting papers, you can directly borrow the template provided by relevant journals to fill in information. How to install and configure latex The configuration mentioned here is mainly aimed at the latex con ...

Posted by dsoukup on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 02:18:50 -0700

Use spire.doc to export the standard format word that supports editing Latex formula

background Some teaching assistant labeling requirements in the past. When exporting the question bank, you want to export word to view the finished product effect offline, because it is only used for preview. In order to follow the front-end style, the scheme was to directly generate html and write a word file header, so that you can open and ...

Posted by pup200 on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 07:58:39 -0700

TikZ starts from zero: Euclid's Amber Version of the Elements (I)

0. Preface This tutorial is translated and adapted from TikZ official documents. 1. Establish environment \documentclass[tikz,margin=10pt]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} \usetikzlibrary{through} % In order to draw a circle more conveniently (the center of the circle and a point on the circle are known) \u ...

Posted by bob_the _builder on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 01:45:04 -0700

VSCode Chinese environment configuration + LaTeX configuration

VSCode Chinese configuration+ L a T e X LaTeX LaTeX configuration equipment MacBook Pro (13 inch, 2018, four thunderbolt 3 ports) Operating system: MacOS Big Sur ...

Posted by prudens on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 13:08:36 -0700